... falls es hilfreich ist, hier mal ein Auszug aus steampsi's Blender exporter Dokumentation, bez. der Shader Namen und Textur Layer:
Materials Notes
Rail Sim models expect to be completely texture mapped, ie all faces have a texture and UV coordinates assigned. You can apply any of the the preset 'materials' or 'shaders' to each face in a model. See Rail Sim documents for details. The Blender exporter expects each mesh object to be texture mapped. If a mesh object, or parts of a object, are not texture mapped then the geometry may still be exported but Rail Sim may not render the model properly.
Keep in mind most of the materials settings in Blender are not applicable to Rail Sim and are thus not exported.
A single texture (and/or material and or image) can be shared by all mesh objects in a scene to be exported. Just link them all to the one material in this case. A mesh object can be created without a material, but will eventually need one for proper export and display in Rail Sim.
List of shaders and the abbreviations to use:
Use the abbreviations in the 2nd column in the Blender texture name(s) as per the table below. Note some of the .fx shaders are not mentioned in RS docs, but are used in the example objects, so are included here. The texture slots and needed texture types are also listed for convienience, extracted from both the RS docs and the 'shader_desc.txt' from the RS install. Any information on the water shader is welcomed (missing from docs).
Shader Name (Non-fx)AbbreviationDescriptionTEX1TEX2TEX3
Tex Tex Tex mapped, no lighting applied RGB Diffuse - -
TexDiff TexDiff Tex mapped with single texture, diffuse colour applied RGB Diffuse - -
BlendATexDiff BlendATexDiff Tex mapped, with diffuse colour, using alpha blending from texture's alpha channel RGBA diffuse - -
AddTex*** AddTex Texture mapped, no lighting applied, using additive alpha RGB Diffuse - -
AddATex AddATex Texture mapped, no lighting applied, using additive alpha from texture's alpha channel RGBA Diffuse - -
Shader Name (fx)AbbreviationDescriptionTEX1TEX2TEX3
StencilShadow.fx Shadow Stencil shadow objects, material must begin with shadow_ to be detectedRGB (dummy) - --
TrainBasicObjectDiffuse.fx TrDiff Single texture, dynamic lighting RGB Diffuse - -
TrainBasicObjectSpecular.fx*** TrSpec Texture, colour modulated specular RGB Diffuse RGB Specular Colour map-
TrainSpecEnvMask.fx TrSpecEM Textured, masked vertex environment mapped with specular RGB Diffuse A Env & Spec mask Cubic environment -
TrainBumpSpec.fx*** TrBumpSpec Textured, normal mapped, specular RGB Diffuse RGB Normal map -
TrainBumpSpecEnvMask.fx TrBumpSpecEM Textured, normal mapped, masked environment map and specular RGB Diffuse A Env/Spec mask RGB Normal map Cubic environment
TrainLightMapWithDiffuse.fx TrLightMap Diffuse tex, lightmap, dynamic lighting RGB Diffuse RGB Lightmap -
TrainEnv.fx TrEnv Textured, vertex environment mapped* RGB Diffuse** Cubic environment -
TrainFlora.fx TrFlora Ambient lighting, single texture RGB Diffuse - -
TrainViewFacingFlora.fx TrVFaceFlora Single texture, globally lit, view facing RGB(A) Diffuse** - -
TrainUprightViewFacingFlora.fx TrUpVFaceFlora Single texture, globally lit, upright view facing RGB(A) Diffuse** - -
LoftTexDiff.fx LoftTexDiff Solid Loft objects (object won't appear in asset editor)* RGB Diffuse** - -
LoftTexDiffTrans.fx LoftTexDiffTr Loft objects with transparancy (object won't appear in asset editor)* RGBA Diffuse** - -
SkinDiffuse.fx Skin Textured skinned (shader requires object with skinning data/bones) RGB Diffuse - -
WaterCubeMap.fx Water Splish** ** ** **
TrainSkyDome.fx Sky Vertex lit Skydome RGB Diffuse* RGB Dummy* -
*Note: This shader does not appear in shader_desc.txt, description from RS Docs
**Note: Not documented in shader_desc.txt, assumed or unknown texture parameters
***Note: Not documented in Rail Sim Docs, but appears in example files and Shader_desc.txt