Beiträge von oldsnake

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    Kim_olesen1 This is a good remark, adaptative bloom must be enabled in TS when using RWE 2 shaders, but if you are using default TS base shaders, RWE 2 should not force Adaptative Bloom to be on, this will be changed.

    Are you using RWE 2 shaders or not ?

    Update is available :)…update-07180-is-available


    - Changed speedometer accelerometer behaviour. Now going up for acceleration and down for deceleration.

    - Improved station stop train position detection. You can now open the passengers doors if at least 1/4 of your total consist length is still at the platform level

    - Improved station stop failed detection system to better match TS rules

    - Improved train reverser state detection system for some rolling stock

    - Slighly reduced 'driver chair squeak' sound layer triggering rate

    - Fixed audio engine automatic output device selection

    - Fixed 'Pickup Passengers' tasks being failed with consists that are longer than the station platform total length

    RW Enhancer 2 is quite well optimized now with all optimization updates I have made. There still room for performance improvements but there is a solid base now. RW Enhancer 2 is using CPU cores quite well for the audio engine for example and other specific tasks.

    Important fixes still need to be made during January and then i will be able to start the work on more bigger features :)

    0.7.x branch already have quite a lot of improvements and fixes already:

    Kim_olesen1 That's a great news ! I have spotted this possible performance issue yesterday evening, under certain circumstances, RWE 2 and TS processes could interfere with each other causing some performances issues and then the "TS Simulation Paused" issue. Now with this bug fixed, performances should be good. RW Enhancer 2 is very lightweight regarding CPU and GPU usage.

    Thank you for your suggestions, there is some nice things here but i will need to study every ideas and think how to implement it.

    A new update will be released this evening to fix the "reversed track monitor direction" issue added with by last update and increase RWE 2 compatibility with existing rolling stock

    EDIT: Update is now available:

    - Improved driven engine detection system

    - Improved rolling stock compatibility

    - Fixed broken train movement direction detection

    - Fixed 'reversed track monitor display' issue introduced by last update

    Ever since I installed RWEnhancer the roofs of the buildings flicker no end.Generally the roofs and sometimes the trees and *only* when I move both on to look around and when driving the train.

    I'm using rwe's default setting.

    Any help appreciated

    Do you have any video showing this issue ? It has never been reported before.

    Update 0.7.16 is available:…pdate-07160-is-available/


    - Added scenario 'Type' filter in drive menu and content explorer

    - Added scenario 'Season' filter in drive menu and content explorer

    - Added scenario 'Only Show Passengers Scenarios' filter in drive menu and content explorer

    - Added scenario 'Only Show Non-Passengers Scenarios' filter in drive menu and content explorer

    - TS communication interface system optimization

    - Improved drive menu UI

    - Speedometer settings are now displayed only if 'Show Speedometer' is enabled

    - Improved stations names generation algorithm

    - Improved TS and RW Enhancer 2 processes handling

    - Fixed RW Enhancer 2 window disappearing from windows task bar when HUD was displayed

    - Fixed RW Enhancer 2 process disappearing from windows task manager when HUD was displayed

    - Fixed throttle lever notch name not being displayed on HUD speedometer when available

    - Fixed temporary window flicker when HUD overlay is being drawn

    Thanks for the update - getting better and better!

    One small comment - this morning I was driving in the Railstudio Class 43 and the notch name (which in the case of this engine can range from 1 to 40) was duly shown. Following the update it no longer is there, even if the corresponding option in the menu is selected.

    This should be fixed in next update. I have sent a test executable to you so you can confirm me if it is fixed or not :)

    Thank you very much, I'm just a professional game developer (was working as a game developer some years ago before i created my own development studio) who love his job.

    I am working alone on this project, RW Enhancer 2 is a one man developed software ;)

    Hello and thank you, This is something that I would like to do yes. But no promises on this feature yet :)

    Update 0.7.15 is released :)…pdate-07150-is-available/


    - Added various HUD speedometer customization settings:

    -> Added 'Speed Color' setting

    -> Added 'Show Current Speed Limit' setting

    -> Added 'Show Current Gradient'

    -> Added 'Show Reverser Position'

    -> Added 'Show Throttle/Brake Lever Bar'

    -> Added 'Show Throttle/Brake Lever Notch Name'

    -> Added 'Show Accelerometer'

    - Increased speedometer notch names size

    - Added current train brake lever notch name on speedometer if detected/available (was previouly displayed only for combined traction/brake levers)

    - Added 'season' info in content explorer and drive menu for scenarios (weather infos will come in the future)

    - Added more infos for 'Stop At' task type in HUD debug window

    - Improved drive menu UI layout. Only one scrollbar is now used for the left side.

    A proper EBULA system is certainly something I would like to do but for now the RWE 2 "engine" is not ready for this yet :)

    As for the possibility to disable some features according to routes, it will be possible in a future update when proper modding support and "configs" system will be implemented.

    EDIT: If you are able to speak English (just basic English is enough) please participate in this topic in order to improve RWE 2 German PIS:…d-german-pis-refactoring/


    Question: where to download 7.14? in my account is only 7.10


    You can update directly in RW Enhancer 2 interface by clicking on the "updater" button in the main menu.

    Is there a way that the evaluation of the task could be exported, maybe pdf or as jpg.

    Drive reports saving is planned in the future.

    Next update will feature dozen of customization options for the HUD speedometer :)

    Absolut hammerhafte Verbesserung des Train Simulators. Meine Frage ist ob man auch die Daten von Dampflokomotiven in den HUD einbetten kann, z.B. Kohle, Wasser, Dampfverbrauch, so dass man nicht ständig in F5 wechseln muss? Wäre eine weitere Spielerleichterung.

    Hello and thank you, of course, Proper HUD and sounds for steam locomotive will be added later this year :) This is planned

    Update is released :)

    - Improved compatibility when using 'TS2017RaildriverAndJoystickInterface' software (please still avoid usage of this software with RWE 2 if you can)

    - Improved 'controlslist.txt' generated file infos when exporting the file by using the ingame 'debug window'

    - Fixed tasks that could not be done with some scenarios (more ongoing work on this)

    Hello Kim_olesen1 and thank you very much for your support ! Track monitor customization is coming soon you will be able to tweak a lot of parameters and be able to hide signals :)

    Vertical track monitor is on my "Research and development" list for now. So it may come later. Keep in mind that RWE 2 is a very complex software of more than 500 000 lines of code. Making things work with most routes and rolling stock available on the market will take some time but with the community support that I am receiving it should greatly help me to push RWE 2 forward ;)

    What is the difference between the membership, and a regular purchase?

    Only the speech part?

    For now and in RWE 2, yes (precise infos here:…e:premiummemberadvantages). In the future, only the features that cost some money on my side (like the actual azure speech engine) will be included in the subscription :)

    The subscription also gives unlimited download quota on and some other minor advantages on the website itself. (listed here:

    Update is available now :)…pdate-07130-is-available/

    This update add the British accent support when driving in Great Britain when using SAPI speech engine in RWE 2 settings. (Azure speech engine already support this feature)

    You can now see SAPI voices installation status in settings menu so you can see which voices are installed or not.


    This update also bring a SAPI speech engine fix for low speech rate voices. So SAPI PIS voices should sound a bit better now.

    Have a happy new year and see you in 2022 for a tons of other updates ;)


    - Added British English accent support for PIS and radio when using SAPI as speech engine (Azure speech engine already support this feature)

    - Added SAPI installed/not installed voice list tooltip button in settings menu

    - Added SAPI voices installation detection system

    - Fixed train and station PIS low speech rate when using SAPI as speech engine

    Update is available ( This update is bringing shaders presets import/export just like RW Enhancer PRO. RW Enhancer PRO presets import is supported.


    This update also bring a new button in the quickdrive menu to easily set the same duration for all your stations stops.



    - Added shaders presets import/export support. RW Enhancer PRO preset can also be imported

    - Added 'Use this duration for all passengers stops' button for QuickDrive intermediate passengers stops

    - Audio engine optimizations

    - Audio engine minor fixes

    - Core UI system improvements and fixes

    - Improved AP archives processing speed during the cooking process

    - Fixed content cooker window occasional wrong focusing behavior