Beiträge von oldsnake

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    LukasCrew Could you try to launch JoyToKey in administrator mode under windows ? (by opening right-click popup menu and select “Run as administrator”)

    Please tell me if it works or not.

    Be aware that RW Enhancer 2 will integrate a complete set of feature in some weeks to handle any hardware device in Train Simulator. When ready, you will be able to use any gaming hardware without the need to use JoyToKey or any external software. And you will be able to assign your hardware to any control of the train in a very flexible way.

    LukasCrew Hello, this is some SSAO artifacts. You can get rid of those if you disable the "SSAO" settings in RW Enhancer 2 shaders settings. Those artifacts may be reduced in futures updates :)

    Edit: Maybe this is also related to Train Simulator SSAO. If you still have those artifacts you can try to disable Train Simulator SSAO (Ambient Occlusion) in Train Simulator settings.

    Da wir ja beim Quick Drive sind, könnte man nicht das so machen, dass wenn man oben 60 Sekunden eingibt, dass es dann für alle Haltepunkte gilt? So muss man jedes einzeln abändern.

    Planned and will be done very soon :)

    Update 0.7.11 is released as my holidays ended ;)…update-07110-is-available

    - Optimized CPU usage (40% usage decrease in our test case)

    - Optimized GPU usage (66% usage decrease in our test case)

    - Reduced shaders default bloom intensity

    - Adjusted shaders color correction effects to better match RW Enhancer PRO default parameters

    - Renamed 'Hide in external view' HUD setting to 'Hide When Not In Cabin View'

    - HUD is now hidden even in passenger camera mode when 'Hide When Not In Cabin View' HUD setting is enabled

    - Fixed HUD accelerometer wrong color calculation when braking

    - Fixed HUD windows (service sheet, stats...) sometimes not being closed when clicking on the window 'X' close button

    Ich habe festgestellt, das es immer wieder Fahrzeuge gibt, die als Consist nicht erkannt werden (missing Element). Im Anhang einmal ein Beispiel einer nicht erkannten vR BR 185.2EL und nicht erkannter Güterwagen aus dem 3dZug-KI-Pack:

    RWE 2 Consist-Anzeige.pdf

    Known issue, will be fixed after christmas as i will take some days off to rest. Theses last months has been pretty hard for me. Working 7 days a week and around 15 hours per day. :)

    Also ich stehe hier auf dem Schlauch.

    Bei allen Strecken, werden mir die Tasks angezeigt.
    Nur auf Münster Bremen, habe ich keine Tasks, egal was ich versuche.
    Hat dieses Problem noch jemand?

    Fixed in next version of RW Enhancer 2. This was happening on specific PC configurations.

    Update 0.7.9 available:

    - Added 'Tenders' support in the consist editor

    - Consist Editor fixes

    - Fixed HUD/sound layers issues when using PZB, SIFA... shortcuts with left CTRL or left SHIFT keyboard keys

    BR-218 Tenders should be now available in the consist editor of RWE 2 ;)

    Hello everyone. 0.7.8 update is here with HUD movable element position saving support. speedometer, compass and systems panel (for now) will not be restored back to the default position anymore but will stay at the position you have choosen. There is a "Restore HUD Elements Default Position" button in the settings in you want to restore everything to the default position.

    Please give me your feedback on this update so I can know if everything's work correctly ;)

    - Added movable HUD elements position saving support (work on speedometer, compass and systems panel for now).

    - Increased TS pause detection threshold to 750 ms by default

    - Minor fixes

    BR-218 A lot of improvements will be made to the track monitor in the future, for now it is mostly working nicely for English routes. But in the future the HUD will display more precise information for speed limits and signal aspect for each countries (Germany, France...)

    There will be some systems (Track monitor, PIS annoucements) specialization in the future to reflect more the reality of each country rules :)

    Update 0.7.7 is released :)

    - Added 'Use TS Default/Legacy Shaders' in shaders settings

    - Changed method of getting route names. You may observe some small changes in your route names in RWE 2 content listing

    - Fixed routes country codes sometimes not being properly loaded

    - Fixed cooking 'temp' directory not being cleaned properly

    - Fixed shaders compilation issues on some PC configurations

    - Fixed duplicated routes names issue

    You guys being positive about RWE 2 is certainly helping me to keep my motivation to work night and day on this software :)

    Shaders restoration and shaders presets support should come in a few days :)

    Along with more fixes of course.