Beiträge von Forza Gamer 777

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    Must be no daylight time in russia right? So equal time in summer and winter

    Oh, right, I forgot that you have it. It was canceled 10 years ago in our country. A controversial story, to be honest. There are more minuses than pluses. In some places, sunsets in summer are at 22:00, and dawn is at 4:00. One is late, the other is early

    Now I noticed that, nevertheless, not all rails have changed to EZY. In Tracks.bin there are quite a few SAD rail entries left. I will release an updated fix file later.

    Oh nice to know. Greetings for you.

    By the way. So you are 1 hour from Central European Time. If you live in Russia it must be Kaliningrad isn't it? West Russia is 2 hours ahead.

    No, I'm in UTC +3. In the South part. My time is 0:36 now

    August 30th has come in my time zone, happy birthday to me :D, and I can congratulate you on the successful release of update 3.0! *jippy*
    Last week, as a fanatic, I spent almost all day in the editor, so my head is boiling at this moment. If you find any mistakes anywhere, let me know, I'll be happy to fix them.

    It's 3 AM in my time zone, I'm near Altenbrueck, there are only a couple of kilometers left to reach the target. I will sleep peacefully, complete this section, run through the route again, correct some nuances in places and release update 3.0! This is how some territories looks near Altenbrueck. There is very little work left, the release will definitely be today or tomorrow.

    You're welcome :thumbup:

    (BTW, do you have plannings for an update of the Brennitzer Linienstern as well after finishing IKB? )

    I don't know, of course, how it will go. I've been dragging on with this project for 3 years now, and somehow people don't do enough scenarios on Brennitzer Linienstern, there is a feeling that it is not so in demand. In general, I want to redo some English real route, for a change. But if the plans change, I'll take something from German, but also real. The only question is what exactly to take, because a lot of people are currently working on different projects. The vegetation of IKB is incredibly old, but with other, newer routes there will be no such severe problems and I will be able to spend less time improving the environment. I can optimize Hamburg - Lubeck V2, there is too much grass stuck on, I can improve the Inselbahn or Dresden - Leipzig, but for this I need to get permissions and find a video from the cab to convey the correct view

    Finally replaced the rails with EZY, added joints in places where the rail is changing

    With Update 3.0 of your rework, will there also be an updated version from Bad Rinckenburg to Hoch Merzburg? :)

    Unfortunately, this piece will go to version 4.0, because there is still a month or two of additional time for building. I finished the branch to Hosvenn in about 1.5 months, but I rebuilt everything from 0 in places there, since there were spacious fields without any pronounced vegetation. But with the branch to Hoch Meersburg, I need to sweat, because this piece is very mountainous, there too I need to demolish all vegetation to 0 and rebuild from ground up. Despite this, I may release a transitional version 3.5, in which I will reach Schwanstetten, there is an interesting branch to the warehouse, which is used in scenarios. In any case, now my goal is to finish the almost finished territories in order to be in time for August 30th. All I have left is to add 3d trees on the section from Wildau to Marienthal, as well as on the Koebler Wald - Bad Rinckenburg segment.

    In general, the project has been very delayed, I started it in December 2021, but I am actively working +/- only this year. I didn't think it would be that hard, but it's interesting. During this time, so many things have happened in my life that you can go crazy. But, I learned how to do it beautifully and found assets that are really suitable for high-quality vegetation. Thanks to all the builders who produce reworks, they have inspired me all this time to be better and constantly review what I have done.

    Wildau station. On the release of update 3.0, not everywhere the grass around the rails will be so detailed, because it takes even more time than I currently have, but I will definitely do it later.

    I work 5-6 hours every day to bring the redesigned parts to an ideal that corresponds to my opinion. There is still a lot of work in this regard, but the distant vegetation is 100% complete, only the near one remains, and there are more problems and time with it. Despite this, the result is worth it. Here are some examples of what I'm aiming for

    Near the rails, I will probably walk again and add different herbs so that in places everything does not look so uniform and sharp. But there are few such problem areas. It constantly seems to me that I can do better, that my current result looks bad, so I review the same area 10 times. Maybe I'm wrong. I will really try to complete it by the end of this week, because then my studies at the university begin and there will be very little time for the route. I also have a birthday at Friday, I will try to make a gift for this site on this date *=)*

    The bottom line is that both of these links are original, from the authors themselves, with original content. The man (KaMat) just posted a link to his text file on Facebook, and there lies the original download link. Shouldn't it be published if it's original? The same applies to Markus' vegetation komplett. All that exists are the original links to Mega. It's all used in a huge bunch of routes without any problems. Am I wrong?

    Oh, okay, thanks for this info, I don't knew. But I just took the original link to these packages from the Karwendelbahn rework, I don't even know close to how to get all these permissions correctly.

    I think, I need to remake route image a bit...

    Of course, it would be nice if, after completing my vegetation project, someone took up the signal rework, since I am completely 0 in this, but maybe one day I will try to change a couple of signals. They look too old already.

    New vs. Old

    Hello everyone. My vacation has been delayed, but I've been working quite hard for a couple of days. I've done all the long-range vegetation along the redesigned part of the route, and now I'm testing vegetation packages from Czech colleagues. I didn't pay attention to them before, but the rework of Karwendelbahn inspired me. What is most surprising is that I have 3-4 million prims mostly everywhere on my route. And at that rework, their number exceeds 10 million, so now I will not be so clamped down in terms of optimization, since that rework was greeted very warmly.


    I do not know if 54 fps is normal here, but it is:

    There is not much work left, most likely, a beta update will be released next week

    I do the distant vegetation and grass first, and then I do the near one, add all sorts of bushes and beautiful 3D trees, so all the screenshots here are definitely not completely final, do not forget about it

    I've redone this place. Again.

    I replaced the assets that were stupidly used earlier, which resulted in the removal of DTG WCML South, vT S25 and DTG Dresden - Riesa routes from the requirements. All 2d distant vegetation along the entire redesigned route has been replaced with more pleasant and detailed assets from the vR Konstanz - Villingen route, which is now mandatory if you do not want to see a map without trees

    The Hosvenn branch is ready for release in beta, as I still need to make minor changes to the grass and 3d trees to make the view more consistent with my idea, but it already looks much better than
    the original

    I don't know if I'll have time to finish the 2d vegetation on the other branches, because I'm going on vacation tomorrow for at least a week. Anyway, I hope you like my work. Although I had very few skills in the editor, I am constantly developing them and looking for the best assets, trying to balance fps and detail

    Guys, I need some help. As fotobaer said correctly, some platforms do not allow to board passengers. I don't know why, because I don't change any tracks or platforms. How I can fix it? I didn't pay attention to this for a long time, because I was working on vegetation and didn't run scenarios, but today I started one and there is really buggy

    After a short break, I tried to demolish all the vegetation and create it from scratch in one test piece near Hosvenn. The look of this piece is not final yet, but I already like the result