Beiträge von yourBritishidiot

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    I need help because I'm having trouble researching the translation. Can anyone give me an example of the values I need to encode with the PZB M, O and U? It's ok if it's not 100% realistic, I just want to change the PZB mode to 100 km/h, 120 km/h and 160 km/h or 200 km/h with LZB. An example of all four values for each type of PZB train. Thanks in advance.

    O mode (85) 160KMH max speed

    M mode (70) 120KMH max speed

    U mode (55) 100KMH max speed

    over 160KMH LZB is needed

    The Vectron probably also reacts to the EL signals from virtual railroads. When I drove past a switch-off signal, the message "No power supply detected --> HS off" appeared on the right display. Or was that just because I turned off the HS while driving? The message came several seconds later after I had passed the EL signal.

    But the problem is that I haven't been able to turn on any more power since then. I put the main switch back in place, but the crossed out KN symbol remained on the display.

    move the power handle back to off should fix it hopefully

    Das mit dem LZB-Fehler kann man eventuell umgehen:

    Im Editor einen ETCS_L0 Ankündiger platzieren, ETCS_L0 Marker setzen, dann einen PZB-Ankündiger und dann ETCS_Ende.

    Realistisch ist es nicht gerade, aber besonders auf langen Strecken wo danach ein langer PZB-Abschnitt folgt sicher hilfreich.

    so I tried what you said and it worked fine but when switching back to PZB I get a 1000hz brake even though I'm down to below 160

    when placing ETCS markers do I need a pre announcement marker for the level transitions especially the end markers to switch back to PZB or the last used safety system or will just the end marker be enough

    I've never tested it without pre-announcements. But according to some manuals, the ETCS-computer needs these announcers to build up a wireless connection to the main ETCS-controller.

    never had the problem with the traxx just go over the marker and it goes to what ever level the marker is

    so picked up the 193 this morning and had a quick drive of it managed to get it to move only thing I did notice was that when switching from ATB to PZB/LZB the ATB numbers still show up in the same window as the PZB not sure if anyone else has noticed this or is it just me and I did remember to turn the key on and off afterwards and some of the safety systems are missing from the center MFD and when trying to input train data I'm unable to input the correct train length for just the train and nothing else apart from that a great product

    Is it actually normal that the locomotive always starts with 0 bar in the HBL? The air compressor only works when the Hs is switched on, but normally you would need air pressure to lift the pantograph, or am I wrong?

    normally the pantograph can be raised as the aux air compressor will change to be able to raise it but I could be wrong but that's how it works on British trains

    Kal000px website works well but when i try to Finish my payment there is an error with paypal....

    don't think the website is talking to PayPal correctly its just a matter of waiting did manage to grab the english manual before the site went down and had a read though it lot more stuff on this then the 186

    Will it be possible to use ETCS in scenarios without editing the actual route?

    Because in the Scenario Editor, you cannot place ETCS signs.

    check this out they have made some custom ETCS markers that can be placed just in a scenario rather than the route been edited

    did you place the markers down or just started with L1/L2 when setting up the train

    Well where do I start with this one so first of the route is lovely not many cross border routes in TS so nice to see one but there is so many problems with this dlc

    1. lack of tvm on the TGV (unless I'm just been really stupid)

    2. lack of voltage control on both the TGV and the ice3 and the traxx

    3. the 186 is a 185 reskin so the body is wrong

    anyone have problems when placeing ETCS markers that it breaks to route ie some crossovers no longer work and the normal signalling is broken is it a bug with the markers or more of a route issue or track bin file issue

    thanks for that also not sure how to work out the total brakeing weight