whats the best way to work out the BRH rate
Beiträge von yourBritishidiot
got the email but cant download the update from my email or my account Kal000px can you resend the email or tie my order to my account
anyone else noticed that when under 1.5DC (netherlands) that both pans don’t actually raise both in single traction or when in sandwich/or double traction mode am i doing something wrong or is the loco just been a little buggy
TheLaRiche does this do engine even it it is marked as dead in editor?
yourBritishidiot note about UIC is there because not every wagon in TS does support consist messages. That is problem for sandwich mode train, it can be used only with wagons that support consist messages. Unfortunately, there is no present way to tell this instead of trying it out.
Check Your email, I have resent You mail with link.
Kal000px yeah received this email thanks and in regards to UIC control just keep trying a bit of trial and error
haveing trouble setting up a sandwich mode train do the double loco set up but the front doesn't talk to the rear loco also can't find any wagons that have UIC control unless I'm just been really stupid also Kal000px can you send me a another download link and tie my order to my account as didn't make a account when I paid for the addon (order number:753)