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    Bristol & Avonmouth ist ab sofort verfügber. Kostet 25,50 €

    [Von Just Trains]
    This route expansion is around 45 miles long and includes the city centre, the scenic Severn Beach line with its four-mile tunnel under the River Severn and the Avon gorge. 21 highly detailed stations along the route are modelled.

    The docks, coaling and shunting yards, freight areas and sidings of Bristol's unique rail network provide drivers with an enthralling combination of railway activities, and 15 enjoyable scenarios are included.- Und 4 Free Room -


    Standard scenarios

    1) Christmas Special
    It’s Christmas morning and the works party has just finished. Take the tired workers home to all stations along the Severn Beach branch line.

    2) Dockside Shunting
    Avonmouth docks has a lot of wagons that need moving onto the mainline sidings ready for moving on elsewhere.

    3) Steam Round Avonmouth
    It’s a lovely day for a rail tour. Starting at Bristol Temple Meads, travel around Bristol and Avonmouth then onto the Bristol Preserved Railway to the Famous M Shed Building where the locomotive is to be on display.

    4) Passenger and Freight
    Pull the last leg of a Diesel Rail Tour to Bristol Temple Mead then await further instructions.

    5) Cars and Recycling
    Its winter and a new shipment of tractors has arrived at Royal Portbury Docks. Take them to Bristol Sidings and await further instructions.

    6 First Light
    It’s the first service of the morning from Severn Beach. Take control of the waiting 166 and drive to Temple Meads.

    7) Empties to the Docks
    A Didcot driver has pulled the coal empties from Didcot Power Station. Now take them to Avonmouth Coal Loader.

    8 Emergency Recovery
    A Class 43 has broken down at Bristol Parkway and the carriages are blocking the lines. Take the 47 there quickly and recover the carriages back here to the HST Shed (requires coupling override to be switched on).

    9) Freight from Cardiff
    You were stopped at Severn Tunnel Junction to allow a HST to proceed through the tunnel in front of you. Advance through the tunnel and head to Avonmouth.

    10) 05.25 to Cardiff
    You are on the early shift. Take your newly repaired Class 43 on its first journey back in service.

    11) Weed Removal - Class 20*
    Take the Class 20 to Portbury Docks and await further instructions.

    12) First Service to Portishead - Class 153 DMU Advanced*
    Take the first passenger train to Portishead along the newly re-opened line.

    13) Portishead to Severn Beach - Class 153 DMU Advanced*
    It’s the first all-stations train to Severn Beach today. Take charge of the train and drive the route, keeping to the timetable.

    14) Early Morning Running – Voyager Advanced*
    Attach the Voyager power unit to the carriages. Then travel to Temple Meads to pick up passengers and return to Parkway ready to go on to Birmingham.

    15) Freight from Cardiff - Class 67*
    You were stopped at Severn Tunnel Junction to allow an HST to proceed through the tunnel in front of you. Advance through the tunnel and head to Avonmouth.

    Free Roam scenarios

    Free Roam - Avonmouth, Day, Summer
    Free Roam - Avonmouth, Night, Winter
    Free Roam - HST Yard, Day, Spring
    Free Roam - HST Yard, Night, Autumn

    Download size: 127MB

    am 5. Juli verkauft ALDI-Nord wieder einmal ein Notebook. Vielleicht ist das ja für den einen oder anderen interessant.


    Zaunpfahl: Text in Zitat-Kasten gesetzt

    Die Ay Valley-Strecke ist eine von Steve Cunningham erfundene Route im Westen von England, die mit der Hauptline der Great Western ziemlich parallel läuft. Die Zeitperiode ist von 1990 bis ungefähr zum heutigen Tag. Es verkehren Nah-, Fern- und Güterzüge auf der Strecke.

    Ay Valley Download Grösse: 87,05 MB

    7 Standardszenarien:
    (Pakete) Westhampton-WoE Postal Hub - 25 min
    (Fracht) Denbigh Park - Northcut Yard - 25 min
    (Passagier) Westhampton - Snareshill via Shipley Road - 35 min
    (Fracht) Longheath Yard - Northcut Yard - 30 min
    (Passagier) Haverthrope - Tetherton - 40 min
    (Passagier) Coob Hill - Hobley Grange - 20 min
    (Passagier) Westbound Voyager - 40 min

    3 Free Room Szenarien:
    Northcut Yard
    Stratton Vale Depot

    ich arbeite mit zwei Monitoren, das ist sehr praktisch. Railworks habe ich auch schon im Dualmonitor Betrieb gespielt aber wie Fight43dom schon erwähnt hatte nicht grade das Beste.
    Auf einem Monitor sieht man zwar die Gleise und im anderen schaut man mehr aus dem Seitenfenster aber der F4 Monitor ist genau in der Mitte der 2 Monitore und halt geteilt. Railworks mit nur 2 Monitore würde ich nicht empfehlen dann lieber mit 3 Monitoren. Also noch bisschen sparen für den 3. und für einen Mauerdurchbruch wegen dem Schreibtischplatz.