Neue Version RW-Tools

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  • Neue Version 4.2.23:

    v4.2.23 - Fixed the option in Edit Assets to Check Assets\Show files used by Asset - this sometimes locked up.
    Added a couple of delays to the Check Route\Check for missing textures - this can take a long time
    on some routes, especially the new Hamburg route.

  • Mit der Version 4.2.23 ist es auch wieder möglich, in einem Consist, mehrere gleiche Wagen auf einmal zu tauschen.

    "Jedes Ding hat drei Seiten, eine positive, eine negative und eine komische." Karl Valentin

    Grüsse, der IIThanatosII

  • Neue Version 4.2.25:

    v4.2.25 - Fixed a bug in the Check Route/Check for missing Textures
    Fixed the option to make Quick Drive Consists - it appears that unless every word in the Type of
    consist is capitalised, then the consist can't be 'spawned' in a QD route. Now when you select
    a type like “Consist type passenger commuter" it correctly appears in the .bin file as

  • Hallöchen,

    ich habe ein kleines Problem bei der Installation der neusten Version des RW_ Tools. Ich bekomme immer die Fehlermeldung:
    Cannot create the following file:

    und kann dementsprechend das Programm nicht installieren. Ich arbeite bei meinen 2 Computern mit Windows 7, jeweils 32 und 64bit Versionen kriege aber bei den beiden immer die gleiche Fehlermeldung.

    Hat jemand eine Idee woran das ganze liegt oder wie ich diese Fehlermeldung beseitigen kann?

    Gruß Dino

  • Hallo,

    ich habe ehrlich gesagt gar keine Erfahrung mit diesen Administratoren Rechten. Wie kann ich das ganze als Administrator installieren?

  • Sollte man generell bei allen Programmen gleich als erstes aktivieren, um Probleme dieser Art auszuschließen. :)

  • Hallöchen,

    nachdem die Installation des RW_Tools endlich geklappt hat bräuchte ich gerne Hilfe beim folgenden Thema: Wie kann ich bei einem Szenario die vorgewählte Lok gegen eine andere tauschen?


  • Man kennts ja 5 neue User 20 Fragen und alle die gefühlte 500.000 mal schon beantwortet wurden.^^

    Ist eben nicht jeder im Forenleben daheim. ;)

  • Neue Version 5.0.11:

    v5.0.10 - As RSC did not give me access to an early copy of TS2014 as they have on previous occasions, I
    appologise if there are elements of RW_Tools which no longer work with the new TS2014. This is
    completely out of my control as I have only had 2 days to produce an update. Anyone finding
    other anomalies, please let me know as soon as possible.

    The main problem found so far is the use of .ap files in some route and asset folders, those
    I know about (yours will differ depending upon your DLC) at this time are:-


    These *.ap files are zip files containing all the files for a route or in the case of
    those in the Assets folder, all the assets for a particular route. Note however that
    the Kuju\RailSimulatorUS folder and the RSDL\Foliage01 folder are also involved, so ALL
    U.S. routes (even 3rd party ones) and all routes using that Foliage package are also
    involved. This change means that none of the routes involved can now be correctly checked
    by RW_Tools nor can users swap missing rolling stock in scenarios for stock they already

    I can't see any good reason for the use of these .ap files, especially as it has been
    stated that although the .ap file contains all of the files needed for the route, if
    a user modifies one of the files and places it in the correct position in the file tree
    outside of the .ap file (e.g. in the case of a reskin etc), then the TS2014 will use
    the file outside of the .ap file. This means that TS2014 must not only have to read the
    .ap file, but also check all of the files contained in it against any other files in
    the main folder to see if there is an external version. Which will take more time than
    before. A cynic might believe that the only benefit of using these .ap files is to
    stop users swapping rolling stock and forcing them to purchase any missing stock in order
    to use new scenarios?

    To enable users to continue to check routes etc, I have added 2 new options in the
    files menu:
    1. Find all .ap files
    This option gives you a list of all the .ap files installed in your RailWorks folder.
    You can select any/all of these .ap files for unpacking using 2 buttons

    a. Unpack selected .ap files - takes you to a 2nd screen where the contents of the
    first selected .ap are displayed. You can then elect to unpack any/all of these
    files from the 'Extract Files' menu.
    The 2nd and subsequently selected .ap files are then shown for processing as above.

    b. Unpack with 7zip - I have included a special command line version of 7zip with
    this version. This will unpack all selected .ap files into their correct folder trees
    without manual intervention except that you might get a window advising that a file
    has already been unpacked and do you wish to continue. If everything seems to lock
    up, look under the program window for such a message window.

    2. Open .ap file
    This option opens the same window as the 'Unpack selected .ap files' and allows you
    to manually select an .ap file to open. Functionality is the same as in a. above.

    Once you have unpacked the .ap files you can use RW_Tools to check routes and scenarios,
    edit scenarios etc as you could in the past. Unfortunately though, once you run TS2014
    again, all of the files from outside of the .ap files which have identical files inside
    the .ap archive are deleted unless they have been modified. e.g. if you have modified
    Scenario.bin and ScenarioProperties.xml files they will remain outside of the .ap archive
    and these will be used by TS2014. (At least this is the theory, how robust this is has
    not yet been proved).

    SERZ.EXE - TS2014 includes a new version of serz.exe which is a big improvement on the
    original. It will now allow you to use RW_Tools to open/save large .geopcdx files such
    as locomotive shapes etc, and it will allow you to open and resave very large .tgpcdx
    files including the 4096*4096 pixel ones - thus allowing users to use RW_Tools when
    reskinning these items. However, the new serz.exe also requires two new .dll files
    to be copied from the RailWorks folder, stlport_vc10.5.2.dll and zlibwapi.dll -
    RW_Tools will attempt to do this for you as well as copying the new serz.exe - however
    if you get any messages that serz.exe has not worked, you can copy these files manually.

    NOTE: This version of RW_Tools is very much a beta and is included for advanced users who
    are interested in experimenting with TS2014 to see what we can accomplish, especially as
    no details regarding TS2014s new file system have been officially released.

  • Neue Version 5.0.15:

    v5.0.12 - Fixed the option to find all .ap files to make it much faster.
    v5.0.13 - Some buttons were wrongly labelled on the List screen.
    v5.0.14 - Fixed bug in the option - Extract Files/Extract all to same folder as .ap -
    Which was not extracting to correct folder.
    v5.0.15 - Fixed bug in the Open .ap File/Extract Files/Extract all to same folder option
    It was not working correctly for Asset folder .ap files.