RW Enhancer 2 erschienen

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  • If he have a message that say to launch steam there is an issue with steam (this message is not generated by RWE 2 but by TS himself, RWE 2 just order windows to launch Train Simulator) or he is using an illegal/cracked copy of Train Simulator.

    Teal'c You can contact me by PM if you still need help.

  • Hallo zusammen,

    weiß jemand wenn ich einen spielstand in rw enhancer 2 (quickdrive) speichere, und dann wieder lade, das ich da anfange wo ich gespeichert habe und der timetable dementsprechend so ist wie der vor dem save war ?

    edit: hab die Lösung gefunden einfach neu starten mit den entsprechenden Parametern.


    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Scip () aus folgendem Grund: Lösung gefunden

  • Warum probierst Du das nicht selbst?

    RWH 2 das Szenario einstellen, starten, im Ts die Speicherung starten.

    Der Enhancer schreibt dann ab diesem Zeitpunkt mit. Falls frühere Halte abgehakt waren, wirst Du das nicht sehen, da wurde nichts gespeichert. Deshalb wird im Enhancer das Szenario auch nicht als erfüllt angezeigt.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.

  • Update is available :)…update-0820-is-available/


    - Added new "Show Speed Limiter" setting in HUD settings

    - Added "Weather" info when selecting a scenario in drive or content explorer menus

    - Added "Weather" scenario filter in drive menu and content explorer

    - Added Weather blueprint data cooking support

    - Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes

    - Settings UI layout refactoring (better alignement and visibility). WIP, more is coming

    - Fixed some rolling stock, scenarios and routes data not properly loaded by the content cooking system

    - Fixed occasional "Drive" menu sidebar UI flickering issue

    - Various improvements and fixes

  • Since this latest update I'm not able to use RWE2 anymore.

    On launch it tells me (in accordance to the changelog) that a "Complete full reloading/re-cooking is needed." and then starts cooking until it crashes always at the same point:

    Once it's size in the Task Manager is ~4600MB, at 28% of the step "Cooking required assets...". The debug log file always looks similar: runs normally and the last entry does not mention any error or problem - it just crashes without further notice.

    I've tried the following things:

    • specifically run RWE2 as Admin
    • disable Real Time Protection in Windows
    • Re-download RWE2, uninstall and re-install RWE2

    Nothing helped so far.

    Any ideas? It's a bit frustrating, because I'm not able to use RWE2 at the moment.

  • Which are the last Lines in the debug file?

    There are lines like:

    ....INFO| Cooking/Recooking 'Rollmat_NS' product...

    If this the last line, the following assets (not more in the list) causes the crash.

    Some new Assets in the last time installed?

    Do the 50% test.

    Original assets-directory rename to Assets_all

    The create a new assets Directory.

    Move (or copy) 50% of the assets to the empty directory. Start cooking.

    No problem? then test the other 50%, Then hopefully the problem comes up.

    The next step 50% of this with the problem in an other empty directory .. a.s.o.

    Keine Hilfe und Auskunft per PN, da meist von allgemeinem Interesse. Diese Fragen bitte im Forum stellen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von StS ()

  • FreshD I just got the greenlight from the testers, update is now available and it should fix your crash issue :)

    I had changed the way that RWE 2 deal with corrupted TS blueprints and this was the cause of the crash. Should now be solved.

  • oldsnake

    Hello Oldsnake. Since the update to Windows 11 22H2, the cooker has stopped at 0% (current step: cooking required assets) I've already waited 30 minutes, but something can't be right.. Please answer.. Thanks Zgcs
  • oldsnake Hii.. yes i have the last update.

    the first two passes are also cooked, but then RW Enhancer 2 stops at 0% and no longer reacts... I'm at a loss and am asking for help. Before the Windows update everything worked normally... Regards Zgcs


  • Will take a look at the latest windows update asap to see if it is braking things in the C++ code. Thank you for your patience.

    Just installed windows 11 2H22 update and no issues on my PC, everything is working fine with the latest update. No cooking or HUD issue at all. But it seems that some users are getting random issues with this updates and games / software. Should be fixed by windows team very soon.

    You should look at your anti-virus settings and add an exclusion rule for both RWE 2 whole directory and TS whole directory. This kind of issue with RWE 2 is largely caused by this.

    I will improve the debug logging of the cooking process in the next update so it will be easier to find out addons that are causing issues :)

    5 Mal editiert, zuletzt von oldsnake () aus folgendem Grund: Merged a post created by oldsnake into this post.

  • Which are the last Lines in the debug file?

    There are lines like:

    ....INFO| Cooking/Recooking 'Rollmat_NS' product...

    If this the last line, the following assets (not more in the list) causes the crash.

    Thank you very much for the suggestion, the last few hundred lines were indeed lines like you mentioned. But since version did solve the problem, I will save the effort and just take it as it is. ;) However, I will thankfully keep your suggestion in mind in case of future issues!

    I will improve the debug logging of the cooking process in the next update so it will be easier to find out addons that are causing issues :)

    This is a very good idea (regardless of the fact, that did solve the problem :) ), thank you very much!

  • Hello Oldsnake,

    After reinstalling te route "Hagen Siegen v3" (had problems with the signals) i can't drive a scenario on this route. The route is not showing up in Drive/Scenario/select route.

    The route is properly installed and working in TS.

    It's also a cooked route.

    I performed a full recook with the new option "Try to load corrupted TS content" but that not solved the problem

    version RWE: 08.2.1

    Greetings Henk.

  • With the enhanced logging of the next update it will be easier to find why content is not loaded correctly. Usually it's because there is some file corruption in TS .bin files. TS is loading them regardless (but it is a very bad idea from DTG. In fact some TS editor crashes is caused by this) but RWE 2 is more strict about this so if there is a corrupted file in a route, RWE 2 will not load it. Thank you for your patience, the next update should give me more information to see what is going wrong here.

    You would not believe how many things I have already coded for handling TS .bin files random issues :D

    The cooking system by itself is already 11489 lines of code.