RW Enhancer 2 erschienen

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  • A bug report, or at least something i am trying to get to the bottom of.

    A couple of months ago, at the time i reported of performance drops using rwe2, i lowered the scenery quality slider from the highest setting to the next highest setting. Just as an experiment. Then i started rwe2, it cooked the assets. So far so good.

    The problem is, now i am locked to this lower setting. I can move the scenery quality slider back to highest in TS, but nothing happens. Or to be more precise, maybe some assets revert to highest quality, while others are stuck looking blurred.

    A couple of examples;

    I can only get the ugly low texture tracks on Freiburg Basel.

    All edges of the distant terrain are blurred.

    The overhead wires have a strange blurred “halo” when viewed with terrain as background.

    Some “do not cross when a train passes” lines on platforms on rsslo routes become blurred at only 50 meters distance.

    I am thinking rwe2 causes this, because it has locked TS settings before, even when rwe2 is not running. I put a bug report in this thread, and oldsnake fixed it in an update.

    EDIT: Ok now i am REALLY frustrated. I ran the Brennerbahn yesterday. Looked just as it should. Then out of curiosity, i updated rwe2 for the first time in months, and cooked ofcourse. Now the track textures look like this :cursing:

    I’ve had enough. Is there a way to completely undo what rwe2 has done to my system?

  • I think you have a completely different problem there. In my last post in the Screenshot-Thread I'm driving on the Brenner Route from RSSLO with high settings and RWE2. However, these are not the original Tracks, but rather those from DB-Tracks and the Plants from Thomson's Albula add-on. I changed these myself and am still testing this upgrade. The presentation is perfect. Unfortunately, this is not my solution for you, but it shows that the problem is not necessarily RWE2.

  • Swisstraindriver

    No. It’s not that. Yesterday i could see the lines of individual stones in the ballast. Today it’s just a blurred mass. The ONLY thing i did inbttween was to update rwe2 and cook.

    Luckily i took a bit of video yesterday, so i can post for comparison later.

    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

  • I really don't see how RWE 2 could cause the textures to be loaded at a lower mipmap. RWE 2 is not modifying textures files and a shader issue could not cause this. It is even more strange as this issue occurs only on one route. I have not received any report for this kind of issue yet despite more than a thousand regular users.

    If it was shaders or corrupted TS settings file, you would get this kind of issues on every routes...

  • Since the last cooking it is now on every route that i open. I did delete the player profiles. No luck.

    If rwe2 doesn’t affect the TS settings file, how does it then work when you modify the fxaa and field of view settings in rwe2?

    This picture is from Bremen Bremerhaven. Look at the tracks. Horrible smeary unsharp.

    AI trains look horrible too.

  • I took a closer look at your last picture. This seems to be an issue with texture filtering. Have you accidentally changed something in the graphics card settings? In the train simulator there is also an option where you can change the graphical appearance. For example sepia, or black and white, or just this kind of picture as I see it here.

    Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie gerne behalten. :D

  • Swisstraindriver currently installing a backup from three says ago. So can’t do anything right now. Will report back.

    Frank1406 The only other game i have is zusi. But will have to leave the pc alone while the ts backup is copying.

    It’s so strange. Look at how the textures are completely blurred halfway down the first wagon. (Yes i took this one with my mobile, but you see what i mean). This is just how TS looks when the scenery slider is set lower than full. But look at the picture for my settings.

    If this is not a rwe2 issue, and it just so happened at the exact time i fired up rwe2 after haven’t used it for months, what on earth might this be. What should my nvidia settings be?

    Should i start a new thread, so i wont clutter this one?

    I can say for sure that TS is using my gtx1060, because there is no way the internal graphics card can run the fclips upgrade of the brennerbahn.

  • oldsnake. In tS or in the nvidia controls?

    In TS on the second screen you have posted.

    On a side note, the next update is coming this monday and it will fix quite a bunch of issues related to 'pickup passengers' and 'stop at' tasks. Those task should work better especially if you are running late according to the timetable.

    Here is the changelog of the next update (in advance):

    - Added country name tooltip when hovering on a route country flag in the content explorer

    - Improved 'Service' section debug window UI

    - Improved service tasks handling system

    - Improved 'Pickup Passenger' tasks duration calculation system. You wont wait more than ~30 seconds if you are running late.

    - Improved 'Stop At' tasks duration calculation system. You wont wait more than ~30 seconds if you are running late.

    - Restored the waiting time info on the HUD for "Pickup Passenger" tasks

    - Fixed infinite 'RW Enhancer 2 process is still active' issue in the auto-update process for some PC configuration

    - Fixed 'Pickup Passenger' service task not being properly updated when forcing the task state via the debug window

    - Fixed 'Stop At' tasks delay not being displayed on the service sheet

    - Minor improvements and fixes

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von oldsnake () aus folgendem Grund: Merged a post created by oldsnake into this post.

  • Swisstraindriver Infinitely strange. Because this video was made with the settings seen in my screenshot. I’ve always had these because my specs were gtx650ti and a 3,4ghz i5 cpu, so anything above killed the game. (You have to allow for YT compression) Something is going on, that is not right, because this bideo should look as blurry as what my system looks now. I’ts like anitrosopic filtering is set quite high here, but i never had it above linear.

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    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Kim_olesen1 ()

  • Wie ich bereits erwähnt habe:

    Mit dem letzten update vom RW Enhancer2 hat es mir den ganzen TS zerschlagen. Beim Cooken wurden die Ordner entpackt

    aber nach beenden des Cookings konnte ich den TS nicht mehr starten. Ich stellte fest, das die Ordner noch da waren aber eben leer.

    Ich habe dann die fehlenden Ordner aus meiner Sicherheitskopie von der extern. Festplatte wieder aufspielen müssen.

    Den RW Enhancer 2 habe ich erstmal wieder vom Laptop verbannt. Ich werde erst wieder mit ihm arbeiten wenn des eine offizielle Version davon gibt.

    Solange er noch early Access ist kommt er mir nicht mehr drauf. Das Problem habe ich an den Provider geschickt und laut Nachricht soll es nicht nur mir so ergangen sein. Ich bin wieder auf den RW Enhancer Pro zurück der funktioniert ohne cooking und auf die features wie Ansagen und neue HUD kann ich im Moment noch gut verzichten.

    Besser wäre, es würde sich mal jemand um einen brauchbaren Aufgabeneditor kümmern. Im Moment raucht der bei mir schon bei kleinen Aufgaben mit einem Dump ab. Eine Nachbesserung wurde uns von DTG Seiten schon lange versprochen. Aber wenn einer einen eigenständigen Editor bauen würde der auch noch super funktioniert wäre das für mich und bestimmt auch für andere User ein Segen.

    Grüße aus Südthüringen

  • Marty21 More information would be useful. Where you have found the empty directories ? Please give me more details. There is no file deletion function in the cooking process code.

    I have a computer dedicated for RWE 2 testing and RWE 2 is not installed on my main computer, and recently TS has stopped working in fullscreen mode on this computer where RWE is not installed, the game was crashing at the start and this was just caused by TS and the "playerprofiles.bin" file was corrupted. I just had to delete this file (so it can be generated again by TS) and the issue was fixed.

    TS has a lot of issues already, RWE 2 is not responsible of every problem :)

    Kim_olesen1 Have you solved the issue ?

    I receive a very few major issues bug reports since weeks now and most major issue are largely caused by some security softwares / anti-virus that are conflicting with RWE 2.

  • oldsnake

    Not only did I have the problem in the routes, the assets folders were also empty. Overall, I found more than a thousand 0byte files with the program: Remove empty Directories. Either the ap.files were unpacked or the files were missing from the freeware assets as well. Only the empty folders and subfolders were left or the unpacked folders of the ap. files were just empty. A restore was also unsuccessful. As long as it is still early access, the RW Enhancer 2 will no longer come onto my computer

  • Besser wäre, es würde sich mal jemand um einen brauchbaren Aufgabeneditor kümmern. Im Moment raucht der bei mir schon bei kleinen Aufgaben mit einem Dump ab

    Dann hat dein TS ein anderes Problem. Wenn der schon da abraucht, ist es irgendwann logisch das er sich konplett verabschiedet. Ein Dump ist nie gut für den TS. Nach einem Dump hatte ich mal das selbe wie du. Fast alle ap Ordner waren entweder leer oder die Hälfte hat gefehlt. Das hat mit dem RWE 2 nix zu tun.

    Kümmere dich lieber um deinen TS. Content und Assets sichern und der Rest deinstallieren. Dann alles auf Anfang und neu installieren.