RW Enhancer 2 erschienen
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- Nina
A) There are Szenarios with own anoncements, before starting this szenario, please add an Tik-Question RWEnhancer2 anouncments Yes or No. (default Yes) .
B) Which parameter in a Route/szenario set the anouncements to english ? it seems to be a german route but all RWen2 speking is in english?
A) There are Szenarios with own anoncements, before starting this szenario, please add an Tik-Question RWEnhancer2 anouncments Yes or No. (default Yes) .
I think this is a good idea. It is easy to mute these announcements in the RWE2 settings but not everyone may do this - a tick-box before starting the scenario is more accessible. Perhaps separately for on-board and station announcements - scenarios with own announcements are in 90+% of cases limited to on-board announcements so station announcements could still be usable.
In the scenario properties, the departure time is not displayed correctly in certain cases. For example 18:0 instead of 18:00 or 7:6 instead of 7:06. Maybe you can fix this soon. Many thanks in advance.
Fixed in next upcoming update
A) There are Szenarios with own anoncements, before starting this szenario, please add an Tik-Question RWEnhancer2 anouncments Yes or No. (default Yes) .
B) Which parameter in a Route/szenario set the anouncements to english ? it seems to be a german route but all RWen2 speking is in english?
This will require a bit of work but this is a good idea. i'm adding this on my todo list.
I think the Item B) can be answered now. I want to change the Route to german.
Sorry forgot to answer this question, the country is determined by the origin coords (latitude, longitude) of the route. Which route is it ?
an old Demoroute, The first GBE Beta Dresden-Schöna (Elbe valley), i drove it for Test reasons.
<cMapProjectionOwner d:id="509130048">
<cUTMMapProjection d:id="511254360">
<Lat d:type="sFloat64" d:alt_encoding="508D976E12E32640" d:precision="string">11.4435</Lat>
<Long d:type="sFloat64" d:alt_encoding="BEC11726535D4840" d:precision="string">48.7291</Long>
<Easting d:type="sFloat64" d:alt_encoding="B44E42279E3E0EC1" d:precision="string">-247764</Easting>
<Northing d:type="sFloat64" d:alt_encoding="E413EBB048513341" d:precision="string">1.26599e+006</Northing>
<ZoneNumber d:type="sInt32">39</ZoneNumber>
<ZoneLetter d:type="cDeltaString">P</ZoneLetter>
The coordinates are for Ingolstad in bavaria, but Zonenumber and Letter ar wrong, schould be 33 an U.
an old Demoroute, The first GBE Beta Dresden-Schöna (Elbe valley), i drove it for Test reasons.
<cMapProjectionOwner d:id="509130048">
<cUTMMapProjection d:id="511254360">
<Lat d:type="sFloat64" d:alt_encoding="508D976E12E32640" d:precision="string">11.4435</Lat>
<Long d:type="sFloat64" d:alt_encoding="BEC11726535D4840" d:precision="string">48.7291</Long>
<Easting d:type="sFloat64" d:alt_encoding="B44E42279E3E0EC1" d:precision="string">-247764</Easting>
<Northing d:type="sFloat64" d:alt_encoding="E413EBB048513341" d:precision="string">1.26599e+006</Northing>
<ZoneNumber d:type="sInt32">39</ZoneNumber>
<ZoneLetter d:type="cDeltaString">P</ZoneLetter>
The coordinates are for Ingolstad in bavaria, but Zonenumber and Letter ar wrong, schould be 33 an U.
<Lat d:type="sFloat64" d:alt_encoding="508D976E12E32640" d:precision="string">11.4435</Lat>
<Long d:type="sFloat64" d:alt_encoding="BEC11726535D4840" d:precision="string">48.7291</Long>
If I check those coords (11.4435, 48.7291) there are pointing in Somalia so there is an issue with the origin coords of this route
You are right, I mix lat and Long, im living ~11 East and ~49 North, so i think its not far away. Ok now i know what do do. Thanks.
Update is available
- Consist editor: Added 'Valid Build And Drive Routes' specification support
- Consist editor: Added save consist confirmation popup
- Consist editor: Added delete consist confirmation popup
- Consist editor: Fixed saving issues when renaming an existing consist (old consist was not deleted properly)
- Consist editor: Minor improvements and fixes
- Added 'Edit Consist' and 'Create New Consist From This' contextual menu items when right clicking in a consist in the Content Explorer menu
- Added consists 'valid build and drives routes' data reading support in content cooking system
- Improved stations names generation algorithm for Romanian routes
- Fixed 'pick up passengers' tasks being validated way too early with some rolling stock
- Fixed scenario start time display issues (example: 10:4 instead of 10:04) in drive and content explorer menus
- Reverted to the old validation calculation system for the 'pick up passengers' tasks while a better solution is found in the near future
Hello Franck,
I am using your program to my full satisfaction. Thank you for RW Enhancer. It is actually an enrichment. I have encountered a problem with repaints. Wenn I install a repaint, for example the new dutch train Plan X. The original train is shown as a missing element. Wenn I unstall these repaints, it functions like it should. Is this a common and known problem? And is there a solution?
Kind regards,
Is the repaint an extra .bin ? Installing parallel in a scenario is possible? Not an overwriting "Repaint"?
Did you swap the Original Loco in a scenario to the Repaint version?
Max be it should be a solution to clear the cache and then start the full cooking in RWenhancer.
Hallo StS
No there is no extra bin. The original bin is used. I can use this repaint in TS and its scenario's with no problem at all. The original train is used, also no swap in Locoswap.
I used "clear cache".
Kind regards,
Hallo oldsnake,
ich habe folgendes Problem.
Beim Start von RW Enhancer 2 ist jedes mal "High Speed Airflow" unter Settings -> Audio -> Train Effects aktiviert,
obwohl ich den Haken beim letzten Programmstart herausgenommen habe.
Alle anderen Einstellungen werden, wie gewünscht, übernommen.
I can't reproduce this issue. Maybe the setting was not saved properly at the time you changed it for some reason ? Can you retry it ?
In the meantime I am working on the next update for RW Enhancer 2. This update will provide custom PIS (onboard and station) "jingle" sound definition. So you will be able to add custom sound (.wav or .ogg) for each countries easily and directly from RWE 2 settings interface
I tried it so many times. It is always the same.