
REAL DRIVES. A new kind of scenario. Thread for the old drives.
- erhältlich
- Kim_olesen1
Hi Kim,
I just made a quick test on München - Rosenheim and I have to say the real drives are really awesome. Thank you for that.
Best regards
Thanks Nicolas. Good to know.
And remember the next time you play it it will be different
Geheimtip: When i play them the first thing i do in the quick drive menu is push the Random button and then select the RealDrive and the train. That way the weather, season, and time of day is also changing just like the traffic on the line is.
Kann mann auch die KI loks wählen? Oder bleibt das ein Random Traum??
gruss maerklin
Du kannst deine eigene spieler lok wählen. Und das wetter, zeitpunkt und jahreszeit.
Aber leider sind die auswahl von KI züge begrennst aus was gibts in das blueprint folder von der route.
Beste Grüsse, Kim.
Das ganze ist ein aufwendiger gestalteter Quickdrive, KI-Verkehr in beide Richtungen, fest im Szenario eingebautes statisches Rollmaterial, das ging ja bisher schon, hat nur fast keiner gemacht. (Angst vor dem 32bit Dump?)
Was ich noch nicht rausbekommen habe, ist am KI-Startabstand gedreht worden? ich hab da 2000m in Erinnerung, um rote Signale wirksam zu provozieren, müsste der kürzer sein, sonst haut der blockierende KI zu früh ab. Was wurde da wie eingestellt?
Wäre schön wenn das "verraten" würde, da könnten auch andere diese interessanten Szenarien bauen. -
Das ganze ist ein aufwendiger gestalteter Quickdrive, KI-Verkehr in beide Richtungen, fest im Szenario eingebautes statisches Rollmaterial, das ging ja bisher schon, hat nur fast keiner gemacht. (Angst vor dem 32bit Dump?)
Was ich noch nicht rausbekommen habe, ist am KI-Startabstand gedreht worden? ich hab da 2000m in Erinnerung, um rote Signale wirksam zu provozieren, müsste der kürzer sein, sonst haut der blockierende KI zu früh ab. Was wurde da wie eingestellt?
Wäre schön wenn das "verraten" würde, da könnten auch andere diese interessanten Szenarien bauen.For those who want to try their hand doing this here are some tips.
First: you will need MUCH time. A Real Drive for just one direction on a route takes me 3-4 FULL working days to build!!! Yes that is 7 hours a day for 3 or 4 days.
Running AI traffic in front of the player train while running it in the opposite direction you will run into the following problems: If you do not tell the trains exactly where to go they will crash. You will have to put in destinations in the scenario editor after each switch point. That means 40-50 extra destinations in a scenario. You can not leave any routing of an AI train or the player train up to the TS code. Where it can go wrong, it will go wrong.
Using the AI trains to make red lights and making use of the 2000m perimeter: Place the AI train with the back end of the train 50 meters after the hauptsignal. That will work.
Every time you add an AI train, close the editor, clear the cache(!) and start the drive from the quick drive menu. Even if your route for the player train and AI train routes are correctly laid sometimes TS crashes. I don’t know why. So if you do it all at once you will never know why TS throws an error message or what AI train is causing it. The TS crash log is not reliable unfortunately.
Sometimes the signal system is just too badly coded for it to work. This is why there is a Lübeck Hamburg Real Drive but no Hamburg Lübeck Real Drive. The signal coding in direction north aren’t good enough. I had huge problems on stretches of the Mittenwaldbahn (DTG version) that took me a whole day to solve.
Sometimes spawn points go corrupt when saving. Be prepared for that.
Sometimes destination points go corrupt when saving. Be prepared for that.
Write EVERYTHING down you do. Every position of every AI train, where it starts, where it goes etc etc etc... Without good notes you will not be able to resolve errors. And you will get errors!!!!!
I have done 11 Real Drives so far (and yes they will all be released for free) and none of them have not been extremely frustrating to make.Do not change the spawn probabilities to less than 100% untill you have testdriven the drive 2 or 3 times. And then when changing probabilities for spawning test drive again. Changing probabilities can make TS think that the AI trains will crash even if their routes are many kilometers apart!!!
Stationary material can make TS think an AI will crash even if the route is correct. You will have to deal with that too.
Have a betatester that you trust. Sometimes scenarios can go corrupt when using the Utillity app to make the rwp file. You will not know this untill it has been opened on another computer. All my Real Drives have been test driven by someone else.
Everytime you make a change, save the scenario under a new name so you can always revert to a working version. Unfortunately the (clone scenario) can also corrupt the scenario. So you have to save, but the save might ruin your work....
There has to be trains that are tagged in the blueprint folder. Quick Drives can only have AI traffic if there are consists with locomotives in the blueprint folder. This is why i can’t make one for the Dreiländereck. It is one of my favorite toutes but has no trains in the blueprint folder. (To the creators of that route: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update the steam version with train consists in the blueprint folde so i can make Real Drives for your beautiful route)
Hard work done!
The Rolling stock in the Preloads works, because the ...\railworks\Assets\DTG\HamburgLubeck\PreLoad\BR294_Engine.bin has the Id für the route in the sektion
<cConsistValidRoute d:id="755">
<RouteGUID d:type="cDeltaString">00000060-0000-0000-0000-000000002015</RouteGUID>
</ValidBuildAndDriveRoutes>My Idee for the Dreiländereck:
Create an own Preloadfolder (Own Provider/product/Preload), maybe a the Copy of the above Preload, change the Id'S für the RouteGUID inside the .bin to the ID for the Dreiländereck .
then tick in the Scenario, Provider used: your own Provider/product. I think, this should work. -
I thought of that but then i realised; it might work on my computer, but it wont work on anybody elses since the blueprint folder is a local file which cannot be shared via a rwp file. So it would require everyone to do the same modification if they were to play a Real Drive for the Dreiländereck that i created.
But i wonder: are the creators of the Dreiländereck on this forum?
You can ask @fsclips . He is one of the creators of Dreiländereck.
I don't think that they will make an update for this old route, but give it a try. -
Completely understandable if they do not want to go through the hastle of an update ofcourse.
but it wont work on anybody elses since the blueprint folder is a local file which cannot be shared via a rwp file
Thats wrong, your own Preload-Directory and File(s) are in the Assets-Directory, add this by creating the rwp file.
There is an Example: Install a Signalteam-Demo-File, you will have a ...\railworks\Assets\StS\Demostrecke_3\Preload directory for the Demoroutes on your HD. -
GOOD NEWS! I am glad to have misunderstood that. There is hope for the routes that has empty preload folders
Next Step: Check all possible Prelod Files for witch RouteGUID they are valid and which Consisttype are in the files. RW-Tools can help you.
<ConsistType d:type="cDeltaString">eConsistTypeFreightScrap</ConsistType>This Consisttype(s) should have in the KI-Spawn Flyout(s) Page 2 more than 0.000%
Please look here: Quick Drive section AI-Spawn marker.for the blocking KI-Spawns would be the maximum possible percentage of 1.000 für only one specific Preload (OWN definition!) the best solution. The summeray of 0.750 says, sometimes no KI will be spawned!
Then create more Prelod-files (Rw-Tools will help you) with different Consisttypes and give each KI-Spawn for the "Gegenverkehr" this constistypes a percentage e.g.: 0.100, this is possible, so you can have 10 differend trains which can be spawnd on one point.
@StS all good suggestions. I already sometimes use different probabilities for gegenverkehr (eg: 0.25 for regional, 0.25 container freight)
All dtg routes that i’ve made Real Drives for have more than one train tagged as regional, intercity and container. So sometimes a spawnpoint set to intercity will spawn an ice3, sometimes a br101 with coaches, sometimes just a br101. So already there is some variation.It is also a good idea for the “mitverkehr”. I don’t use the portals to make trains disappear. I want the player to see the train they were behind so i always route the mitverkehr AI trains to a platform or siding that is not in the player trains path. And variation is good to have there too.
I will be going on holliday soon (traveling the entire lenght of the A7 in the process) so i am not going to get more drives done than the 11 i’ve already made, but can i ask you this? When i go deeper in the preload thing is it ok if i pm you when i get stuck?
Enjoy your hollidays, then ask if there are questions, No problem.
New REAL DRIVE for München Garmisch available. See the first post.
When I click on the links on it only directs me to some repaints. Where can I acutally download the real drives?