Some questions about PZB U mode / Einige Fragen zum PZB-U-Modus

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  • *hi* Hallo zusammen!

    Sorry for english, it wil be too hard to ask en german with Google translation. I drive a train in PZB U modus. When I pass this signal, I press PZB Wachsam and slow down to 70 Km/h. And before 500 MHz magnet, I press PZB Frei but the train goes in emergency brake. I have to slow down to 55 Km/h and press PZB Frei to avoid emergency brake. Does U trains have to slow down to a lower speed than the one on the sign ? If I set the train on O modus, it's fine to slow to 70 Km/h.

    I also read about PZB in vR manuals :

    Zugart O Obere (Upper) Light trains / Passenger trains
    Zugart M Mittlere (Medium) Heavy trains / Freight trains
    Zugart U Untere (Lower) Very heavy trains / Freight trains

    How do I know if my freight train is heavy or very heavy ?

    PS : Sorry if thoses questions are basics, most PZB tutorials are with O trains.

    Vielen Dank im Voraus *dhoch*

  • I would recommend you the following website. There you'll find the explanation you seek. It's in German though, but still you should be able to grasp it due to good graphic explanation.
    U/M is mostly used for freight trains, that's correct. The correct mode is determined by a calculation of the trains ability to brake ("Bremshundertstel").

    Keine Readme für den Support, der klar in den Dingen steht.

    - Viele Fehler...siehe Logmate -

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Broflugo ()

  • I think that can help you:

    The three modes have different speed lines:


    that means in your case you have to slow down to 55 km/h in 38 seconds (because of that the "55" is flashing)

  • The PZB mode is determined by your "Bremshundertstel". But this is not a feature in Train Simulator, so you have to rely on the scenario to tell you which mode to use.

    Mode O = 1000Hz -> 85km/h
    Mode M = -> 75km/h
    Mode U = -> 55 km/h
    You have a certain time to reach that speed (varies for the mode).

  • Everything is correct. Maximum allowed speed in "Zugart U" is 55 km/h when the 1000hz indicator lits up.
    To avoid a "PZB Beeinflussung" in this case, you have to pass the sign with less than 85 km/h.
    You must always slow down to the speed limits given by the PZB mode.

    Ganz liebe Grüße an alle meine Fans im Forum!
    Quality-Pöbel since 2011

  • If you look closely on the illuminated PZB indicator in the cab you can see that it says "55". In this case, you have to slow down to below 55 km/h in 38 seconds after passing an active 1000 hz Magnet. The 500 hz Magnet should not be active, you only have to pay attention to it if you are approching a signal at danger or the signalled speed is <30 km/h.

    There's an article in the English Wikipedia that explains all kinds of rules and restrictions. I suggest you read it first.

  • And your emergency brake most likely comes from you pressing "Frei" before passing the 500hz magnet for your only allowed to use "Frei" if there is no other active Magnet in the next 550 meters.

    "Der Eisenbahner hat sich mit der für den Eisenbahnbetriebsdienst notwendigen Raschheit, jedoch ohne Überstürzung und ohne übertriebene Hast zu bewegen."

    vermutlich aus der Reichsbahnvorschrift von 1920

  • PZB Mode U after 38 seconds lower speed to 55 Kmh. When reaching the 500 Hz Magnet speed should be reduced to 40 Kmh and after another 153 metres lower speed to 25 Kmh. In reality you should always drive 5 Kmh lower than the Pzb Speeds = 50, 35 and 20.

  • And your emergency brake most likely comes from you pressing "Frei" before passing the 500hz magnet for your only allowed to use "Frei" if there is no other active Magnet in the next 550 meters.

    Trifft hier aber nicht zu, da hier die GPA am 7er LF zugeschlagen hat, da ist kein aktiver 500er zu erwarten.

    Ganz liebe Grüße an alle meine Fans im Forum!
    Quality-Pöbel since 2011

  • Trifft hier aber nicht zu, da hier die GPA am 7er LF zugeschlagen hat, da ist kein aktiver 500er zu erwarten.

    Hab auch erst gedacht, er will nur die allgemeinen Überwachsungskurven wissen.

    *editiert* sorry, hab quatsch geschrieben.

    „Wer die Freiheit aufgibt um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, der wird am Ende beides verlieren.“
    Benjamin Franklin

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von tom87 ()

  • Hab das Bild grad aufm Handy leider nicht gesehen und bin aufgrund seiner Schilderung davon ausgegangen dass er in seiner Situation auf Halt gefahren ist. Na dann will ich mal nichts gesagt haben.

    "Der Eisenbahner hat sich mit der für den Eisenbahnbetriebsdienst notwendigen Raschheit, jedoch ohne Überstürzung und ohne übertriebene Hast zu bewegen."

    vermutlich aus der Reichsbahnvorschrift von 1920

  • Vielen Dank an alle. :thumbsup: And thank you so much to answer me en English. :thumbup:

    I understand now that train speed have to be lowered lower than what is on the speed sign according to the modus. Before your kind explanations, I was thinking all trains have to slow to 70 Km/h. Now I know 70 Km/h is the max track speed after the signal but according to train modus, it's a lower speed (lowered by 5 Km/h for safe reason). I will read Schienenbus and Broflugo links today, It looks to be exactly what I need. All your other advices help me to better understand how to safly drive.

    Alles klar. Gute Reise! :prost:

  • Hum, it seems something is going wrong. I'am driving a U train from Kolbenz to Trier and arriving at Cochem. There is a train ahead which is leaving Cochem traveling to Trier. So as expected, I encounter Vr signal with dual orange light. There is a first one far before Cochem yard and a second in the Cochem yard entrance.

    So I have to press PZB Wachsam after the first VR orange and the 55 light should blink. But it doesn't! I also have to press PZB Wachsam at the second orange VR. And once again, not 55 blink. Even if system don't work, I slow down to stop before the red signal in Cochem but after the 500 Hz magnet, the train goes in emegency brake. *ka* Before this strange issue, everything was fine.

    I'am doing something wrong ? Is there an issue with BR 152 or with the Koblenz - Trier route ? ?(

    It's a scenario from 3Dzug vol 38 : the next day (I just swap the original BR 189 to the vR BR 152).

    The picture show when I arrive at the second orange VR signal. I'am (too) fast on the capture. I have also test with a lower speed but PZB Wachsam did not work. No flashing 55.

  • There are some problems with the PZB within the route at thisw position. You haven't done anything wrong.
    But it is a shame, that there is this problem inside a payware scenario... It is possible to activate PZB messages directly from the signal with the opt. trigger. But it seems, that this is not important for 3DZug. Shame on you 3DZug. ;)

    Ganz liebe Grüße an alle meine Fans im Forum!
    Quality-Pöbel since 2011

  • ...da hier die GPA am 7er LF zugeschlagen hat, da ist kein aktiver 500er zu erwarten.

    Am 7er ist real eigentlich keine GPA, sondern eher ein 1000hz aktiv. Ist bei der Originalstrecke genauso wie in meinem Update so eingerichtet. GPA kommen normal erst ab 8er zum Einsatz...

  • Eine Frage zu dem abgebildeten Signal: ES64F4 schreibt, es das 2. Vorsignal..

    Wenn das ein Wiederholer ist, warum steht dann eine Vorsignaltafel davor. Ich dachte, daß bei den Wiederholern keine vorhanden sind.

    der trainman1

  • Das ist kein Whd. sondern ein Vrsig. mit verkürztem Bremswegabstand. Das Zusatzlicht am Vrsig. kann beides nur so anzeigen. Die Tafel bestätigt das im Grunde nochmal.
    In der Originalstrecke sind solche kuriosen Dinge nicht selten, leider sind sie völlig falsch...

    Maybe it`s time for the Reloaded Version @ES64F4 ;)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von GAST ()

  • I try an other scenario on KT with a reginal express train ahead so I have a lot of red and orange lights in front of my BR 152 U train. Lights were green at Cochem in the scenario and I encounter no issue. So if there is no bug on scenario or route, my PZB knowledge is correct.

    Yes Matthias, it's time to upgrade. :)

    Nochmals vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. :thumbup: