[ChrisTrains] Stadler RS 1 erhältlich!
- erhältlich
- Gainmaster
@ChrisTrains do only I have the issue that there is no driver seat? Or is it an issue of the repaint?
And the position of the "Shift + 2" Camera is wrong.
Keins der Fahrzeuge von Chris hat einen Führerstandsstuhl.
Die Shift 2 Sicht ist so gewollt, das wurde schon früher im Thread erklärt. -
@Niklas Clemens None of my trains have a driver seat. The camera positions are a weird problem with the game when you make an engine that has two cabs. It only allows one set of "head outside" cameras - they don't change ends. So I compromised and made one camera at the front and one at the back.
BUT (because, why wouldn't it be like this?) when you are INSIDE in the passenger view, then they DO want the cameras to change ends meaning that if you are in the rear cab and go to the passenger view, the cameras are now in the wrong place.
It's just another inconsistency in the gameOh - also - I'm doing a flash sale : if you want 75% off the RS1, use the code RS1FLASH in my store (not the partner stores). There are 15 codes and when they're gone, they're gone
@ChrisTrains Hi Chris, I just sent you a PM with a link to that file. As I state there - I do not guarantee that you'll like it, but I certainly do as it removes the clicking noise which was quite distracting and was spoiling the driving experience for me. So it's of course up to you. I also fixed the start and the end of the file to provide a smoother loop/beginning/end of the playback.
Hat Chris in einem Video mal erklärt, das ist zufallsgesteuert.
Externer Inhalt www.youtube.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.bei ca. 00:32 ("is a random function").
Das steht auch in der readme.
Hello Chris, I'd like to report another bug that could potentially be fixed for v1.1: the engine start audio. When you shut down the engine and then start it again, the startup sound is played out correctly. However after playing it then there's a several second silence and only after that the usual engine idle sound takes over. Can the gap be eliminated so that the engine idle sound starts playing immediately after the engine startup sound?
This is the same problem I had with the horn originally. It's the damned "instance" function in the audio. I'll see if I can fix it but don't hold your breath
Habe heute mittag eine Mail von Justtrains bekommen, das Update 1.1 ist dort verfügbar. Ist Justtrains eventuell zu früh dran mit dem Verteilen, habe noch nichts bei Chris auf der Seite gesehen bzw. hier auch nicht.
What's new in this update?
v1.1- Changed installer to use different compression to prevent antivirus false positives
- Added trackbed rumble and retarder sounds to IVECO engine folder
- Modified engine loop in IVECO engine folder to remove 'click' in audio (Thanks jstange on rail-sim.de)
- Correcting spelling mistake in cab (Scheibenwisser)
- Made the horn sounds 25% louder
- Moved the vents near the doors on one side to be in the correct place
- FOR REPAINTERS : The 4 door vents are now in 4 different positions in the texture
Eine Mail mit dem Update-Link habe ich auch heute Mittag von Chris bekommen
Yes - the v1.1 update is coming out today. I sent emails from my store this morning, and also to all the webshops. Here is the list of changes:
========================= v1.1 Release Notes =========================
- Changed installer to use different compression to prevent antivirus false positives
- Added trackbed rumble and retarder sounds to IVECO engine folder
- Modified engine loop in IVECO engine folder to remove 'click' in audio (Thanks jstange on rail-sim.de)
- Correcting spelling mistake in cab (Scheibenwisser)
- Made the horn sounds 25% louder
- Moved the vents near the doors on one side to be in the correct place
- FOR REPAINTERS : The 4 door vents are now in 4 different positions in the texture -
So just as I feared...I didn't receive any email about this on the email address I used to buy the product. What can I do in such a case, Chris?
EDIT: So as I thought, the original download link now leads to v1.1 so all is OK. However I now know I cannot expect any further emails from ChrisTrains to be delivered to me. It would be good, Chris, if you can always post the update information here or on your website too. Many thanks.
Hi, no, I still use the same email address of course, just haven't received what you've sent today. I'll probably create a support ticket later if you could check what email address you have and if it is correctly stored in your database...
Bevor ich Chris mit Problemen nerve, die keine sind....
hat noch jemand Probleme damit, unter Version 1.1 die Instrumenten-Beleuchtung über das Keyboard ein- bzw. auszuschalten? -