​TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface [discussion]

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  • Die gewünschte Joystickachse der Controlgroup (z.B. Gears) zuweisen, dann in der lever map gucken, ob die richige Controlgroup und der richtige Contolname gewählt sind. Gucken, ob die Achse in der lever map aktiviert ("enabled") ist. Falls der Controlname falsch sein sollte, muss man sich den aus der .bin des Fahrzeugs raussuchen.
    Die Screenshots zur Verdeutlichung.

  • Was is denn z.b. Beim 407 die AFB?

    Du kannst dir den "Controlname" nicht aussuchen, der ist in der .bin des Fahrzeugs festgelegt. Normalerweise extrahiert das Programm ja die entsprechenden Controlernames (nur bei den RWA-Produkten wie z.B. dem Railjet oder der 423 muss man das selbst machen). D.h. du musst eigentlich nur in der lever map die richtigen Einstellungen treffen. Mein Screenshot ist vom 407. Poste mal nen Screenshot von deinen Einstellungen.

    Keine Readme für den Support, der klar in den Dingen steht.

    - Viele Fehler...siehe Logmate -

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Broflugo ()

  • Mach am besten nen Screenshot von deinen Einstellungen (Hauptfenster und lever map), dann wird es leichter, dir zu helfen.

    Keine Readme für den Support, der klar in den Dingen steht.

    - Viele Fehler...siehe Logmate -

  • V3.0.3

    1. Fixed error where neither Standard or Advanced mode could be selected in the Settings \ Mode menu.
    2. Option to use a single joystick axis as the throttle and train brake added to the advanced mode.
    3. Fixed error of flickering screen reported by some.
    4. Found the cause of the black screen showing over TS2019, see the new "When Things Go Wrong.pdf".
    5. Things to look for when things go wrong
    6. ** Fixed a memory leak that crept in after converting to SharpDX for the overlay.

    * As you can see, these graphics cards have been created using "UKTS_38190_Setting_Up_TS2018_with_a_single_nVidia_card" as well as the black screen goes away. I have done some further testing myself and found it to be the antialiasing FXAA setting that is causing the problem. The TS2019 interface (x86) .exe and the TS2019 interface (x64) .exe and turn off the FXAA are now available as part of the "UKTS_38190_Setting_Up_TS2018_with_a_single_nVidia_card".

    As usual, all existing users simply extract the files in the download to current folder overwriting all existing files.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • V3.0.4

    1. Fixed error with the program not minimizing to the System Tray when started when Windows first loads.
    2. Added support for non linear notch values such as 1, 0, 2, 3
    3. Fixed minor error in Data Extractor.
    4. Included fix for Czech TU47 as notified by Crrispy and supplied by Gandalf on Railsim-fr.com.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • v3.0.5

    The data extraction updated to now add levers that don’t have animation names to improve detection of the controls on most third party loco’s. You will need to edited the lever map to enable them though.

    As usual, all existing users simply extract the files in the download to you current folder overwriting all existing files.

  • Version 3.0.7

    1. Fixed an error that stopped you being able to set the neutral position by adding the letter ‘n’ in front of the relevant notch value.
    2. Added some extra names to the FolderNames.txt file which should enable more German trains to work. (Thanks to Steve Green for the list).
    3. Added script fixes for the Alaskan Railroad to enable it to function correctly in advanced mode.
    4. Added lever and script fixes for the Vulcan Productions Preserved Deltic.

    To apply 2 or 3 without doing a complete install simply select the "Extract Single Folder" menu option and select the "trainsanddrivers" folder for the Alaskan Railroad or the folder "Kuju" for the Deltic.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • Version 3.08 big update to functionality.

    As a result of various requests over time I have made the following updates to the program.

    1. As well as the standard option of keyboard commands being sent while a button is pressed, you now have the added option of sending a command for a specific length of time when the button is pressed and sending another command for a specific length of time when the button is released. This will also allow you to use on/off switches, rotary switches and rotary encoders. See the "Advanced Button Mapping" documentation.

    2. You can now output the majority of the data that is displayed in the overlay in Advanced mode, to any serial port attached to your PC. This can be done in either Standard or Advanced mode. This will allow you to illuminate LED's, display text on LCD's or control servo's or motors using an Arduino, Microchip Pic Micro, Picaxe or Raspberry Pi. Anything that has a serial port on it. I have included a demo script for an Arduino which displays the speed, gear position, reverser position and whether the doors are open or closed. It also demonstrates lighting an LED when the Sunflower is activated. See the "Output Data To Serialports" documents.

    3. I have also added a menu option under KeyMaps\Button Map called "Default Keyboard Delay". This allows you to set a global delay in milliseconds which when set, will insert a delay between keyboard commands being sent. As an example, if you have Shift T set as a command then the Shift key down command will be sent, then there will be a delay and then the T key down will be sent. When you release the button the T up command will be sent, followed by a delay and finally the Shift key up command.

    As usual, all existing users simply extract the files in the download to you current folder overwriting all existing files.

  • TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V3.0.9 released

    1. The author has removed the warnings that pop up if there is an error found in any files while the data extraction is working as this halted the program until the error was acknowledged.
    2. Added a replacement script for the Feather River EMD F7.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • Hallo!

    Lassen sich die Hebelwege anpassen? Ich konnte dazu nichts finden. Ich hätte gerne den Throttle von ganz unten minimal bis ganz vorne maximal konfiguriert. Ich bekomme in den Lever Maps immer nur unten bis Mitte oder Mitte bis vorne eingestellt. Eine Änderung von -1, 1 anstatt 0, 1 bei den Range Values bringt keine Änderung.

  • Also ich hatte bei der Lever Map halt die Wahl zwischen "TrainandBrake", also ein Kombihebel, wie du angesprochen hast, und man kann die Achsen "Throttle" "Brake" halt auch getrennt belegen. Dann brauchst du eben zwei Achsen, aber kannst Dann eben den gesamten Bereich der Achse verwenden. Ich hoffe, dass war, was du gemeint hast.