looks like at last we will get a Warship (British V200) Hopefully a dynamically numbered Western and a blue version of the Hymek as well, Ap will no doubt adapt the western pack to match, then he just needs to do the Hymek and the Warship. There are still running examples of these for sounds, hopefully they will be enhancement packs, no doubt one is planned for the western, I'm sure he showed photos of recording one last year.
British Western Region Hydraulics from DTG
- erhältlich
- holzroller
I am curious to see if the diesel hydraulic system works, perhaps that will be a go for a BR 218 and/or V100 West from virtual railroads. We will see.
Yes me as well, and another stunning activity to bring the 60ties a life, far from the current German route developments
I already have these three locomotives.
The Warship was by Michael Whitely.
The Hymek I think of a Freeware Artist.
The Westerns gave it to Iron Horse House. (IHH) -
I have them all as well, but the Warship is showing it's age, as is the IHH Western. The DTG Hymek is far better than the freeware one. I suspect that DTG will not do a lot to represent hydraulic transmission. If AP do decide to do enhancement packs then I would expect them to use scripting to improve things within the game limitations.
Nach dem Rückzug hatte ja Iron Horse House (IHH) soweit ich weiß seine kompletten Modelle an DTG verkauft.
In folge dessen erschienen ja auch einige Modelle durch DTG wo ja auch angegeben wurde das es sich um ehemalige IHH Modelle handele!
Beispiele ....
Wenn man bei Steam "Iron Horse House" als Suchbegriff eingibt erscheinen da mehrere.Auch die Class 52 ... habe sämtliche Modelle von IHH direkt erworben die es gab.
Beim Erwerb der Class 52 von IHH bekam man nicht nur die Class 52 sondern .....
Class 52, Class 42, Class 35, Class 22, Class 21 und Class 14.
Inklusive verschiedene Farben / Ausführungen.Wobei nur die Class 52 fertig war.
Der Führerstand der Class 14 ist zum Beispiel provisorisch!
Aber fahrbar sind alle Modelle.
War wohl eher so eine Art Werbung das die anderen unvollständigen Modelle Beilagen.
Gab da mehr in der Art.Ich könnte mir also vorstellen das es sich bei der aktuellen Ankündigung von DTG bei allen drei Lokomotiven um ehemalige IHH Modelle handelt.
Und da es mir gerade auffällt!
Auch die Class 35 gibt es bereits via Steam .... wirklich neue wäre also die Class 42.
Aber vielleicht gibt es ja Verbesserungen an den Modellen?
Sound? -
Dtg have made improvements to all of the ex IHH models that they have released. Sadly not so much with sound and performance, but the Armstrong Powerhouse Pro sound pack makes a big difference to the Dtg Western
The Class 52 Sound Pack (Pro)
I have it
Michael Whitely and IHH..class 42 Warship and class Western52. I have too the Kestrell from IHH. (Gift)
Yes, Paul Godber of IHH was very sloppy with his add-ons, I have them all, and Micheal Whitely's. Mr Godber also was very arrogant and had zero tolerance of criticism, regardless of whether it was valid or not. So far Dtg have made optical improvements (good), and audio improvements (still mostly poor) to all of his former models that they have released.
I have too the Kestrell from IHH.
IMHO one of the most beautiful locos from IHH. Regretably, DTG will probably never release this one.
Kestrel was always a favourite of mine. I have a nice OO model from Heljan, but in my opinion IHH didn't do it justice. DTG have a lot more loks from IHH that they could release, but they need to upgrade them first. By the way, has anybody noticed that google translate has become even worse lately.
The Kestrel ... a Gift from Paul Goodbier vor all Railworkers, for a smart Time as Free Model.
Here with fantastic DT oldest MK1 Coaches.
Class 35 Hymek, class24 and Brushtyp4. -
Ach ja, The Kestrel...genau soschon wie die Deutsche E 03!
gruss maerklin
In einem neuen Artikel auf hat DTG erste Bilder veröffentlicht.
Optisch kann man da nix gegen sagen!(Eine Meldung auf der Hauptseite ist dazu denke ich nicht nötig, darum poste ich das mal hier)
Further info here, optically good, the rest I am a little pessimistic about
Ich habe dies alles schon von IHH, mal schauen ob DGT nun diese alten Modelle wieder verkaufen will.
Ich habe auch schon ein Paar, also muss der Preis recht angenehm sein!
gruss maerklin -
Optically they are superior to IHH, and even DTG's poor sounds are superior to those of IHH. Plus I suspect they will be friendlier to your frame-rate, I found many IHH models to be PC killers, and of course AP will be allowed to produce sound packs for this . It should also result in many new scenarios.
Out now. The Warship is a new model from SHG.…rn_Hydraulics_Pack_AddOn/