TS-MFD Modulares Führerraumdisplay (MFD) inkl. EbuLa für Train Sim

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  • vR loco's...

    the vr BR110 / 480 wittenberger steuerwagen has the MFA lamps ouput in the controller list... PZB_LM_85 and so on,

    But the vR BR120 and BR112.1 do not... i read on page 20.. that Maik Goltz said "Nein ist sie nicht. Sie basiert auf LM Steuerung mit Nodes und nicht als Controller."

    So... is there a way to read these 'nodes' ??

    I prefer to drive only vR loco's due to their amazing physics and operation, they are ideal to be driven with a home train driving desk where the MFA is on a seperate monitor.

    p.s, on the BR112.1 and i think ohter loco's the 'TAV status' lamp for the door locked T light.. it has a 3 position output on the controls list... 2 = on, 1 = flashing, and 0 = off.
    how would i set that up in the 'Tuer LM' entry on the lok Konfigurator?

  • ahh damn,

    The vR BR110 and it's 'Bnrbdzf' wittenberger steuerwagen have the data available too, things like 'PZB_LM_85' 'Sifa_LM' etc... i just need to work a bit more translating the list of "Bezeichung's" to "Controller Names" so i assign the correct items.

    My current favourite loco, the vR BR112.1 uses the 'nodes' it seems, as does the BR120 :(
    there has to be a way to get at that data...

    years ago i played a little with something called 'outgauge' which read the code of any game and found the bits that made gauge needles move and lights to come on... that was for then connecting real car instrument clusters to the game using an arduino... i did similar with my Omsi bus cab, but thankfully Omsi was written to allow easy access to all the games data with a simple .dll
    So maybe outgauge might be able to sniff out the 'nodes' data stream.

    I'm playing with the BR112.1's engine .bin files, trying to add bits of code from the BR110, changing the calls to ones i can read in the simulation .OUT file, in the hope i can find the triggers, i can get the 'new' control names to show in the Lok Konfigurator... but they dont do anything, So i don't think it will be that simple,

    I think there will need to be a bit of code that listens to the 'nodes' written, but i'm way out of my depth here,

    The most i managed to do was add an entry to the engine .bin files for the 'open doors' command, and then have a switch click sound assigned to it, so pressing the 'T' button is no longer silent, it clicks on and off then the doors open,

    One last thought... I use the 'TS 2017 raildriver and joystick interface' to control the trains from my driving desk and siatek throttle quadrant... that program reads the 'engine script . lua / out' files by modifying them a little, reading and then injecting code into them,
    i wonder if that's a way to get the data we want,

    It would be really nice if virtual railroads would write a little program to get the data out of their loco's for us... i'd happily pay for the upgrade to each of their loco's i own (i also wish they would update their older loco's, again i'd pay happily for the updates.

  • Thankyou, so it looks like some vR loco's wont be able to display fully working MFA's then :(

    i am using https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/…droid-apps-root-required/ to make my tablet hide the bottom navigation bar, it can also hide the top status bar (showing battery charge, wifi, time etc) but it shows a grey bar instead at the top... but using 'immersive mode' allows the EBula especially to look like it is a real unit rather than an app running on a teblet :)

  • I'm really sorry to do this... but i am trying to translate the 'lok konfigurator' into english so i can work out what things i am looking for when assigning the control data to it, can someone have a look at this very long list, and correct where i've got it wrong, and give me ideas to the ones i have no idea about please??.

    i know that as i'm using only vR trains, a load of things in the konfigurator wont apply to my trains... i am seriousely thinking of getting the chris trains railjet as it looks to be the most advanced train yet for train simulator,

    P.S, i will be making a donation as soon as i get paid next week as this program is transforming how i play train simulator, and i'm sorry for all the questions.

    HAUPTSCHALTER = Main Switch / HS Aus Lamp
    SPANNUNG = Catenery Line Voltage i.e. 15Kv
    STROMABNEHMER STATUS = Pantograph up or down
    OBERSTROM = Traction Current
    BATTERIESPANNUNG = Battry Voltage
    EBULA DAY/NIGHT = EBula Button for day/night mode
    FUEHRERSTAND = *no idea* ???
    VIRTUAL BRAKE CONTROL = Train Brake Lever
    TEILNEHMER = *no idea* ??
    SYSTEM LAND = For Corss Border Trains, DE / Swiss power systems??

    RICHTUNGSSCHALTER = Direction Switch / Reverser
    ZUGKRAFTVORWAHL = Power Notch (i.e. BR110/111 steuerwagens, 0 - 28)
    BESCHLEUNIGUNGSMESSER = Accelerometer, for Dial next to Speedo, power and braking force.
    SPEEDOMETER = Train Speed / Speedometer
    SPEEDOMETER VSOLL = Line Speed Bug ? (For AFB / LZB??)
    DISPLAY VSOLL STELLER = *not sure* AFB ??
    AFB ON/OFF = Afb on/off
    TUER LM/TUER LM LINKS = T Lamp for Doors closed and locked
    TUER LM RECHTS = As above for trains with left and right door lights

    ZUGART = Train Catogory.. O / M / U ??
    SIFA AKTIV = Sifa on/off
    SIFA WEG = Sifa Lamp
    SIFA ZWANGSBREMSUNG = Sifa Emergency Braking Lamp??
    PZB STATUS = PZB Status??
    PZB LM 85 BLACK = PZB 85 Lamp
    PZB LM 85 INVERT = PZB 85 Lamp off??
    PZB LM 70/1000HZ BLACK = PZB 70 Lamp *1000Hz Black*???
    PZB LM 70 INVERT = PZB 70 Lamp off??
    PZB LM 55 = PZB 55 Lamp
    PZB LM 55 INVERT = PZB 55 Lamp off?
    PZB LM 1000HZ =PZB 1000Hz Lamp
    PZB LM 1000HZ INVERT =PZB 1000Hz Lamp Off??
    PZB500HZ INVERT = PZB 500Hz Lamp off??
    PZB/LM 500HZ = PZB 500 Lamp
    PZB LM BEFEHL40 = PZB 40 - Befehl Lamp
    PZB RESTRIKTION = PZB 70 - 85 Lamps Flashing??
    PZB WACHSAMKEITASTE = PZB Wachsam Switch??
    PZB ZWANGBREMSUNG = PZB Forced Braking??
    LZB SIWTCH ON/OFF = LZB on/Off Switch
    LZB DISTANCE/ 1000ER = LZB Numbers Thousands?
    LZB DISTANCE 100ER = LZB Numbers Hundreds?
    LZB LED BALKEN = LZB LED strip for below 5km
    LZB ML B = LZB B Lamp
    LZB ML ENDE = LZB End Lamp
    LZB ML S =LZB S Lamp (not sure what for)
    LZB ML S_invert = LZB S LAmp Off??
    LZB ML G = LZB G Lamp
    LZB ML G_inv = LZB G Lamp Off??
    LZB ML H = H Lamp (not sure what for)
    LZB ML H Invert = LZB H Lamp Off?
    LZB ML UE = LZB U (with Umlauts) Lamp
    LZB ZIEL SPEED = LZB Target Speed??
    LZB ZIEL SPEED (100er) = LZB speed digits 100's
    LZB ZIEL SPEED (10er) = LZB Speed Digits 10's
    LZB ZIEL SPEED (1er) = LZB Speed Digits 1's

    LOK-BREMSZYLINDERDRUCK = Train Brake Cyclinder Pressure
    ZUG-BREMSZYLINDERDRUCK = Loco Brake Cyclinder Pressure
    HAUPTLUFTLEITUNGSDRUCK = Main Train Pipe Pressure
    FEDERSPEICHERBREMSE = Spring Brakes?? Parking Brake??
    HOHE ABBREMSUNG = Hohe Abbremsung Lamp
    BREMSART = *no idea*??

    BREMSTABELLE Table to adjust brake lever pressures??

  • I will try ;)

    HAUPTSCHALTER = Main Switch / HS Aus Lamp - correct
    SPANNUNG = Catenery Line Voltage i.e. 15Kv - correct
    STROMABNEHMER STATUS = Pantograph up or down - correct
    OBERSTROM = Traction Current (in ampere) - correct
    BATTERIESPANNUNG = Battry Voltage - correct
    EBULA DAY/NIGHT = EBula Button for day/night mode - correct
    FUEHRERSTAND = A locomative has a cab 1 and 2. This Controller(?) is set to 1 or 2 if you enter the locomotive at start (i think)
    INSTRUMENTBELEUCHTUNG = Instrument Lights - correct
    VIRTUAL BRAKE CONTROL = Train Brake Lever - correct
    VIRTUAL THROTTLE CONTROL = Throttle Lever - correct
    TEILNEHMER = I think that this has something to do with the Multiple-unit train control, when you have more locomotives.
    SYSTEM LAND = For Corss Border Trains, DE and for switzerland when there is a admission for this country - correct

    RICHTUNGSSCHALTER = Direction Switch / Reverser - correct
    ZUGKRAFTVORWAHL = Power Notch (i.e. BR110/111 steuerwagens, 0 - 28) - correct
    BESCHLEUNIGUNGSMESSER = Accelerometer, for Dial next to Speedo, power and braking force. - correct
    SPEEDOMETER = Train Speed / Speedometer - correct
    SPEEDOMETER VSOLL = Line Speed Bug ? (For AFB / LZB) - correct
    DISPLAY VSOLL STELLER = I think it's the same like speedometer vsoll but with displays not with a tachometer with needle and so on. It could also show the VSoll on another display
    AFB ON/OFF = Afb on/off - correct
    TUER LM/TUER LM LINKS = T Lamp for Doors closed and locked (on the left side) - correct
    TUER LM RECHTS = As above for trains with left and right door lights (on the right side) - correct

    ZUGART = Train Catogory.. O / M / U ?? - correct
    SIFA AKTIV = Sifa on/off - correct
    SIFA WEG = Sifa Lamp - correct
    SIFA ZWANGSBREMSUNG = Sifa Emergency Braking Lamp?? - correct
    PZB STATUS = PZB Status?? - correct
    PZB AKTIV/LM BETREIB = PZB On/Off?? - correct
    PZB LM 85 BLACK = PZB 85 Lamp (85 lamp black) - correct
    PZB LM 85 INVERT = PZB 85 Lamp off?? - I don't know. You can try to rename this control, start to drive the locomotive in the TS with PZB and keep an eye on missing lights in the PZB. When there is a missing light you know the usage of ... Invert
    PZB LM 70/1000HZ BLACK = PZB 70 Lamp *1000Hz Black*??? - correct
    PZB LM 70 INVERT = PZB 70 Lamp off?? - as above
    PZB LM 55 = PZB 55 Lamp - correct
    PZB LM 55 INVERT = PZB 55 Lamp off? - as above
    PZB LM 1000HZ =PZB 1000Hz Lamp - correct
    PZB LM 1000HZ INVERT =PZB 1000Hz Lamp Off?? - as above
    PZB500HZ INVERT = PZB 500Hz Lamp off?? - as above
    PZB/LM 500HZ = PZB 500 Lamp - correct
    PZB LM BEFEHL40 = PZB 40 - Befehl Lamp - correct
    PZB RESTRIKTION = PZB 70 - 85 Lamps Flashing?? (could also be the speed item on a train with displays. Like "VMAX = 45 km/h)
    PZB WACHSAMKEITASTE = PZB Wachsam Switch?? - correct
    PZB ZWANGBREMSUNG = PZB Forced Braking?? - correct (lamp i think)
    LZB SIWTCH ON/OFF = LZB on/Off Switch - correct
    LZB AKTIV/PANEL ON/OFF = LZB Status?? - It could also be the display for the meters (9900 meters maximum)
    LZB DISTANCE/ 1000ER = LZB Numbers Thousands? - correct
    LZB DISTANCE 100ER = LZB Numbers Hundreds? - correct
    LZB LED BALKEN = LZB LED strip for below 5km - could be, i don't have a vR loco with displays ^^
    LZB ML B = LZB B Lamp - correct
    LZB ML ENDE = LZB End Lamp - correct
    LZB ML S =LZB S Lamp (emergency brake (overspeeded))
    LZB ML S_invert = LZB S LAmp Off?? - correct (or like above)
    LZB ML G = LZB G Lamp - correct
    LZB ML G_inv = LZB G Lamp Off?? - correct (above)
    LZB ML H = H Lamp (run over a LZB stop or a red signal)
    LZB ML H Invert = LZB H Lamp Off? - correct (above)
    LZB ML UE = LZB U (with Umlauts) Lamp - correct
    LZB ZIEL SPEED = LZB Target Speed?? - correct
    LZB ZIEL SPEED (100er) = LZB speed digits 100's - correct
    LZB ZIEL SPEED (10er) = LZB Speed Digits 10's - correct
    LZB ZIEL SPEED (1er) = LZB Speed Digits 1's - correct

    LOK-BREMSZYLINDERDRUCK = Train Brake Cyclinder Pressure - I think this is the Loco Brake Cylinder Pressure
    ZUG-BREMSZYLINDERDRUCK = Loco Brake Cyclinder Pressure - I think this is the Train Brake Cylinder Pressure
    HAUPTLUFTLEITUNGSDRUCK = Main Train Pipe Pressure - correct
    HAUPTLUFTBEHAELTERLEITUNGSDRUCK = Main (Air Tank) Pressure - correct
    FEDERSPEICHERBREMSE = Spring Brakes?? Parking Brake?? - Parking Brake
    HOHE ABBREMSUNG = Hohe Abbremsung Lamp - correct
    BREMSART = depending on the braking percentage (Bremshunderstel), can be G, R, or P


  • Sofern ich den Kram auch mal mit ner neuen lok Konfig hinbekomme mach ich en Tutorial xD

    Aktuell bin ich wohl zu blöd so ne Lok Konfi zu machen.

    @Sillo - Auf Eurer Webseite fehlt das "Fahrplan" Tutorial. Ich wollte mal einen erstellen, aber die Uhrzeiten im EbuLa ändern sich dann immer - echt blöd. Wenn ich das System dann mal richtig verstanden habe, läuft es bestimmt auch...

    BTW @'Sillo' - geniale Umsetzung - dickes Lob und ein Mega Dank!!!

  • @romanchristmann
    Unter Einstellungen musst du den Haken bei "Fahrplanzeiten anpassen" rausnehmen, dann sollten sich die Fahrplanzeiten nicht mehr anpassen.

    Wenn ich wieder Zeit finde, dann werde ich das Tutorial noch erweitern. Du kannst gerne mitmachen. Ich gebe die die Zugangsrechte, wenn du möchtest.

    Welchen ICE meinst du, von Steam?

  • Verbinde TS-MFD mit den TS, dein ICE sollte startbereit sein, öffne den Lokkonfig-Editor, warte bis er die Lokkonfig automatisch auswählt.
    Jetzt kannst du die neue Konfig importieren, auf Ja klicken und abspeichern. Somit ist deine Config überschrieben und sollte nach ein erneuten Stop/Start Server funktionieren.