BluePrint dürfte gemeint sein

[DTG] Updates zu diversen DLC / AddOn
BluePrint Editor. Entschuldigt, dachte das sei ein gängiger Begriff
Chris has also posted that copying his old TS tools from his back up to his working copy fixes the problem for now. My crystal ball speaks of the possiblity that the UE4 version is not so developed as might be thought and there is a bigger need to keep TS strong until it is ready. All speculation at the moment.
Köln - Koblenz -.- ... da darf ich ja gleich wieder mit meinen Backups rumhantieren. Obwohl ich eigentlich in den Genuss von "Fixed an issue with the streetlights in some locations that were overpowered" kommen möchte.
*Nachtrag* Eigentlich müsste ich die Fixes für die Strecke erhalten und alles ausserhalb der AP (Trainworks) bleibt unberührt. Nur die Fixes für 146 stören mich. Dann kann ich wieder das Backup der funktionierenden 146 mit Bremsen Fix einspielen.
Hallo zusammen,
ich hatte noch nicht die Möglichkeit die Strecke nach dem update zu fahren.
Müssen wir jetzt z.B. DTG Koeln-Koblenz Erweiterung 2.0 neu drüber installieren?Gruß
Stefan -
Kürzlich gab es ja am 09.12.15 ...
... für das Union Pacific GP50 Loco Add-On (Szenario) --> Union Pacific GP50 Update
... für die Smokebox FEF-3 --> Smokebox FEF-3 Update Released
... für DB BR 155 und Union Pacific Turbine ---> DB BR 155 & UP Turbine UpdatesHeute, 11.12.15 folgt ...
... für North London Line & Class 378 & Class 59/2 ---> North London Line & Class 59/2 Update
Tante Edit:
Class 378 Ergänzt. -
Ich hab ein Update für die Class 378 reinbekommen.
@Jason Dieses hat @Loco-Michel vergessen zu erwähnen
Deswegen habe ich es ergänzt.
Weils DTG selbst in der Überschrift des Engine Driver Beitrages vergessen hat ...
Es aber in der Update-Überschrift bei Steam steht und im Engine-Driver Artikel als einer von drei Unterpunkten aufgelistet ist
Am Montag den 25.01.16 beglückte ja DTG die "Fan" Gemeinde mit einem Update .....
DTG Updates 25.01.2016Und heute (29.01.16) die nächste Runde ....
Union Pacific FEF-3 and Overland FEF-3 updates releasedUnion Pacific FEF-3 and Overland FEF-3 updates released
29. JANUAR - DTG_JAMESToday we have released a small patch for the Union Pacific FEF-3 and Overland livery.
The Changelist is as follows:
- The sound of the cylinder cocks cut out too abruptly when there wasn't much pressure in the cylinders, this is now fixed.
- The engine brake force wasn't consistent with the brake cylinder pressure shown on the gauge in the cab, causing the driving wheels to lock up when they shouldn't have, this is now fixed.
- The back pressure gauge was behaving incorrectly at low speed (<5 MPH), this is now fixed.
- The compressor sounds couldn't be heard, this is now fixed.
AdditionsStack smoke density. There is a new key combination that allows the density to be changed on the fly, between dense, normal, light and sparse. Dense is the way it is in the last version. Normal reduces it by 25%, light by 50% and sparse by 75%. The key combination is Shift 4 to make the smoke less dense, Ctrl 4 to make it denser. The default value is Normal.
This update should download automatically through Steam and will be around 83mb (UP) and 40mb (Overland) in size.
Und gleich ein Nachschlag ..... (29.01.16)
Für NJT F40PH -2CATNJT F40PH -2CAT Update released
Community Announcements - DTG_James
Today we have released an update for the NJT F40PH -2CAT.Changelist:
- Fixed the dark appearance of textures in cab
- Fixed the exterior cab view to ensure it lines up with the interior cab view
- Fixed an issue with the driver being present in the non-driver version of the cab car
- Fixed a number of missing audio samples on cab controls
- Fixed the throttle keyboard control
- Fixed an issue with cab car friction values that caused excessive wheelslip under braking
- Added an additional instruction to the manual to inform new players how to pass a signal at danger. Comet V Cabcar - Wont Accelerate.
- 'Broken' ammeter and lack of LEDs in speedometer
- Comet V Cabcar - Strange Horn
- Comet V Cabcar - Save & Load Reverser
- F40PH-2CAT - Comet IV + 2 Cars - Comet V CabCar (Leading) - Gaps in Models
- French Manual mistakes 2
This update should download automatically through Steam and is around 40mb in size.
Schon interessant zu beobachten, wie viele Updates es von DTG gibt, seitdem man Add-Ons wieder zurück geben kann...
LG Fabian Nds
Bitte Schön!
GWR Castle Class update released
3. Februar - DTG_James
We have now released an update for the GWR Castle ClassChange/Fix list:
Numbers did not match the nameplates. They should now match the list below:
4073 Caerphilly Castle
4074 Caldicot Castle
4075 Cardiff Castle
4076 Carmarthen Castle
4077 Chepstow Castle
4078 Pembroke Castle
4079 Pendennis Castle
4080 Powderham Castle
4081 Warwick Castle
4082 Windsor CastleThis update should download automatically through Steam and is around 13mb in size.
Link zum betreffende Beitrag auf
North Jersey Coast Line update released
3. Februar - DTG_James
In response to your important feedback on a variety of add-ons available for Train Simulator 2016, we have today released an update for the North Jersey Coast Line Route.Here’s a list of what’s been addressed:
- North Jersey Coast Line
- Fixed an issue with the Tri light signals which would display incorrect aspects in some situations
- Fixed an issue with tunnel components that were missing
- Fixed a number of text errors in the manuals for all languages
- Fixed a number of scenario descriptions in French
- Fixed an issue that would cause passengers to spawn continuously during night time
- A medal and XP will now be awarded on completion of Railfan scenarios
- Fixed an issue with Quick Drive that would not allow routes south of Long Branch
NJ TRANSIT ALP-45DP- Fixed a number of missing audio samples on cab controls
- Added passengers to the passenger view
- Fixed an issue with cab car friction values that caused excessive wheelslip under braking
- If you own either the North Jersey Coast Line route, the updates will download automatically from Steam. If you have any problems/queries with regard to the update, leave a comment below or submit a ticket to our support site where we will be ready to help.
The North Jersey Coast Line update will be approximately 40MB in size. -
Link zum betreffende Beitrag auf
Gatwick Express Class 442 ‘Wessex’ Update Released
4. Februar - DTG_James
In response to your important feedback on a variety of add-ons available for Train Simulator 2016, we have today released an update for the Gatwick Express Class 442 ‘Wessex’.Here’s a list of what has been addressed:
- Fixed incorrect modelling of the Guard’s Vehicle
- Fixed running numbers to display a maximum of ‘442 424’
- Fixed animation of the cab brake gauge
- Fixed animation of the cab door, it now slides backwards instead of popping out
- Fixed coupling animation
- Fixed the lack of acknowledge “ding” after the AWS warning horn sounds
- Fixed passenger view rain effects
- Fixed the door interlock brakes
- Fixed the Guard’s Vehicle not being present in the Quick Drive editor
- Fixed incorrect colour of the passenger seats alongside the graphics at the vestibule ends
- Fixed texture flickering and glitches
- Fixed the physics and handling including proper Series & Parallel traction operation with a more realistic sluggish acceleration to 40 mph
- Fixed the Guard signal sounding after doors close
- Fixed the DSD sound
- Fixed the volume of the running and engine sounds
- Added brake snort function and audio
If you own the Gatwick Express Class 442 ‘Wessex’, the update will
download automatically from Steam. If you have any problems/queries with
regard to the update, leave a comment below or submit a ticket to our
support site where our Support Team will be ready to assist.The Gatwick Express Class 442 ‘Wessex’ update will be approximately 38.7 MB in size.
In response to your important feedback on a variety of add-ons available for Train Simulator 2016, we have today released an update for Pacific Surfliner.
Here’s a list of what has been addressed:
Fixed incorrect setup of Quick Drive Consists
Fixed an issue with the driving cab car camera
Fixed an issue with number on the driving cab car
Fixed the missing handbrake in the simulation
Fixed an issue with the brakes to make them behave more appropriately
Fixed an issue with window textures
Fixed an issue that would cause snow to appear on some roads in places
Fixed an issue with unlicensed branding appearing on road vehicles
Fixed an issue with switch levers incorrectly located
Fixed a number of issues with missing sounds
Fixed an issue with trains blocking specific routes in Quick Drive
Fixed a number of scenario issues that would result in incomplete scenarios
Fixed a wide array of texture issues in the route
Fixed a number of issues with floating objects
Fixed a number of issues where trains would foul the platformsIf you own the Pacific Surfliner, the update will download automatically from Steam. If you have any problems/queries with regard to the update, leave a comment below or submit a ticket to our support site where our Support Team will be ready to assist.
The Pacific Surfliner update will be approximately 600 MB in size.
DTG hat wohl ein neues Update zur Parcific Surfliner rausgebracht -
Es gibt wohl ein größeres Update bei der Steam-Academy…date-ts-academy-overhaul/Hier die Punkte (Übersetzt mit Google)
- Neueste Entwicklungen PZB hinzugefügt BR189 E-Lok
- Neueste Bremssystementwicklungen hinzugefügt SD70 Diesellokomotive
- Steuerempfindlichkeit Verbesserungen an BR 4F Dampflokomotive
- 1000XP pro Szenario hinzugefügt (über 40,000XP zur Verfügung zu gewonnenen Abschluss Academy)
- Progression, um auf die Forschung der realen Fahrertraining verbesserte Basis
- Verbesserte Szenario Namenskonvention und erweiterte Beschreibungen zu sein freundlicher und konsistent
- Verbessert die Anzeige und die Konsistenz der in-game-Messaging für den Fahrer
- Schlanke Fahrer Anforderungen an den Zweck der Lehre je
- Einheitliche Umweltbedingungen über TS-Akademie und feste kleinere Landschaft Bugs
- Völlig neue Übersetzungen für alle Sprachen (Spanisch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt hinzugefügt werden)
Es gibt einen extra Thread für Updates!
Für so einen Mist machen sie ein Update von 400 MB. Gibt genug andere Bausstellen die sinnvoller gewesen wären.
Schade, das der erste Post gleich wieder nur mit Kritikt ist.
Ich jedenfalls finde es klasse, das in der Academy (Die ich bisher nicht genutz habe)
endlich auch mal das deutsche System "gelehrt" wird (Der Grund, warum ich die Academy bisher nicht genutz habe).Für neulinge, und diejenigen, die, wie ich, nur Deutsche Strecken in Ihrem System haben, ein ganz tolles update, was interessiert mich USA oder England, wenn ich da nicht fahre.
Heute hat der TS sich ein "Update" von 19,9GB gezogen. Ist da etwas bekannt, da keine Ankündigung in den Update-News auf Stream vorhanden ist bzw. ein Change-log?
Die Größe macht mich auch etwas stutzig, 20GB das müsste wenn dann ja was größeres sein. Den TS hatte ich zuletzt am Wochenende in Betrieb, sprich das Update auf 2017 müsste schon im Kasten sein. -