Are English Language Threads Allowed?

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  • Hi, I'm new to TS and although I'm from the US, I prefer the German Railway system so most of the routes and rolling stock I've purchased (mainly through Steam) are from Germany. I've run into some problems with some of the add-ons (and TS in general) specific to the German system and I was wondering if anyone here was willing to provide some English of course because, unfortunately, I speak no German. Thanks all.

  • Great! Thank you. The first problem I'd like to ask about has to do with both the BR145 and BR189 (both from Steam). I tried to make a scenario last night with a freight train and I noticed that the PZB train type system did not detect the type of train I had chosen in the scenario editor (standard freight). Regardless of what type I chose, the PZB system always indicated U (85 lamp). Other locomotives like the BR101 or the ER20 do detect the proper type of train but these seem to not do so. Other locomotives, like the ones from Virtual Railroads or the Taurus, allow you to select the train type from the cabin but after reading the manuals of the 145 and 189 I couldn't find indication on how to do so for these two. Any ideas? Is this just a bug? Are these two freight locos 'stuck' using the passenger designation of the PZB system?

    Also, I noticed that the BR189 does not switch pantographs when you change direction. I read the manual but found no indication on how to do it manually. Is there a way to fix this?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von tomisnic ()

  • Yes it's a PZB-Bug or a feature not thoroughly implemented by the manufacturer. Maybe you could have a word about it with DTG as they seem not to give too much about it if a German "rivet counter" complains about this (could be prejudice?). Maybe they will listen if they realise that they spoil the fun for more users than "locals".

    Regarding the pantos somebody else will be happy to help you...


  • Hi @tomisnic, Welcome to the Rail-Sim forum! :)

    Are these two freight locos 'stuck' using the passenger designation of the PZB system?

    Unfortunantly DTG hasn't built other PZB modes into these locos.

    Also, I noticed that the BR189 does not switch pantographs when you switch direction.

    I think it is intended to not switch the pantographs if you change the direction, but I could be wrong.

    I'm sorry for any english mistakes I made! :|

  • Hi @tomisnic,

    afaik there is no manual way switching the pantos on any DTG/RSC loco (like you can do with e.g. the virtual Railroads locos).
    If the pantos don´t automatically change while switchig direction (do they have to?...I dont´t know *denk* ) I guess you/we have to take it or flame (please dont´t take it literally) the DTG Support.
    In my opinion these Problems (PZB/Pantos) are only the tip of the iceberg concerning bad implemented (german) Locos/Safetysystems by RSC/DTG.


    Tante Edith sagt: typo...

  • Hi @tomisnic,
    I am quite sure that the BR 189 has only one pantograph which is for AC in Germany and Austria. One is for Switzerland with a smaller contact shoe (I think that's wrong in the model from DTG) and the two which are in the middle are for DC, so the pantograph should not change.

  • Hi @tomisnic,
    I am quite sure that the BR 189 has only one pantograph which is for AC in Germany and Austria. One is for Switzerland with a smaller contact shoe (I think that's wrong in the model from DTG) and the two which are in the middle are for DC, so the pantograph should not change.

    Got it. I was not aware that the four pantographs served different purposes. I know that you usually want the the rear pantograph raised and I also noticed that most other locos do switch pantographs automatically so I assumed that the 189 should as well. Thank you.