The British thread (english language / Englisch Kenntnisse erforderlich)

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  • I have started this in order to let those interested know about British add-ons that are maybe not so well Known. If the moderators feel that the thread should be moved elsewhere then please do so, it will include new and old, freeware and payware. Not sure if I should include the well known ones or not, or whether I should list some of the things available on UKTS, perhaps there could be some feedback on this.

    First of all there is a new English freeware route from the Darren Porter site Exeter to Barnstaple. There are also payware scenario packs here and a large number of re-skins. Downloads are free, but donations are welcome to assist in paying for the site. At the moment there is a prize draw for those donataing every two months.
    Darren is alo working on a much improved and extended modern version of the East Coat Mainline, a version using default assetts is available on Workshop. A much bigger version with custom assets will be available from his site later.
    A useful source of modern re-skins (1980's to present day) is Vulcan Productions, news is that this content will now be hosted on Darren Porters site as the Vulcan Productions website will close.Also on Darrens site are Peter Gillam (Karma49) freeware creations, some GWR wagons, assets, prairie cab and Q1. He is now producing expert style add-ons for sale through DTG, for example the steam railcar.

    For Southern Railway Steam Steam LOco Collection sell the Maunsell U class and V (Schools) class, these are advanced type loco's
    For coaches…ult.aspx?pcv=MjEyMA%3d%3d AMtrix trains sell coach packs for Southern and LNER Rail sell LMS/BR non corridor coaches and goods brake vans. They are very good value.

    An excellent modern freeware route is the South Wales Route available here , needs a fair bit of payware

    There is also an excellent Scottish freeware route available here it runs from Dundee to Aberdeen and Dyce, but at the moment the scenery only goes as far as Montrose. Part two will include the Brechin line. Edit; it has been pointed out to me that this route uses assets from the Phorum Peninsula Line. As far as I know these assets are the narrow gauge track and stock which are used to represent the miniature railway at Arbroath, not having these will simply maen that there will be no miniature railway, but possibly a few milk bottles instead. You may also need to use F2 save and resume to get the scenarios to run, unless you are confident in RWtools to delete the narrow gauge stock.
    Another excellent large freeware line is the North Linsey Line. The most recent version is now only currently available here It will also need some other freeware downloads from UKTS. So if you're nerves are limited I would suggest a good look at the library on this site, decide what you want and buy a one month subscription and download it. If you will be downloading a lot then a longer subscription may be worthwhile.
    To be continued

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • Most people here are annoyed by and dislike UKTS for their download system. And getting premium without a credit card (which are not common here in Germany) is also rather difficult, although their support will give bank details when asked. So if you find anything interesting there, which also happens to be available elsewhere ( had a rather large copy of files from UKTS a while back), the alternate link would be much more welcome. But feel free to link to UKTS anyways, there is some really neat stuff available.
    And I know we do have some british steam lovers, since there aren't that many german steam locos available.

    Some new links for me in your list as well, I might check them out next week. Thanks! And keep more good stuff coming! :)

    für unsere deutschen die Kurzfassung: da oben sind einige vielleicht weniger bekannte, aber nichts desto trotz gute Freeware Seiten mit netten Strecken und Rollmaterial empfohlen. Den Rest entnehmt ihr bitte der Google Übersetzung, bei Fragen fragen ;)

  • Ist ja vielleicht auch mal eine gute Gelegenheit, etwas Werbung für UKTrainsim zu machen. Klar, nicht jeder hat die Möglichkeit einer Kreditkarte. Andererseits, wenn ich sehe, wie schnell manche bei Neuveröffentlichungen auf den Kauf-Button klicken, sind etwas mehr als 2 Euro pro Monat für den Premium-Download auch kein Beinbruch. Gibt ständig neue interessante Pakete, wenn einen die englische Bahnlandschaft interessiert. (UKTrainsim vertraut halt nicht auf die freiwillige Spendenbereitschaft. Kann ich verstehen, auch hier gibt es immer mehr Donationware - Lieferung nach Spende).

  • It may surprise you to know that not everybody here is happy with the UKTS download system, only last week comment was made about their refusal to use Paypal. Unfortunately it is the main centre for British Train Sims so I don't tend to look to more distant forums, just as this site tends to have most German downloads or where they can be found. Although Darren Porter is starting to host a lot of content. If I look on Treinpunt.NL it is usually for Hollandische content. I know credit cards aren't common in Germany, although fortunately for me the model shops in Augsburg, Nuernburg and Aachen accept them and indeed many other shops in Augsburg, although my girlfriend has a different idea about whether or not it is so fortunate * Laugh * the website of the creator of Scottish East Coast Mainline. If you register, it's free, then you have access to bonus scenarios for the route, updates, patches and re-skins. Peters Re-skins, as it says there are modern re-skins in the download are, but also if you look under Rose & Gareth (Rosgar) Hopwood, you will find a lot of the Rosgar scenarios for many routes as an alternative to UKTS, around 80 I think. But you must download by right clicking and selecting save as, or your equivalent.

  • No, it's not surprising :) But all other content hosting sites need money too. Look at Darrens site, since this year you have pay for his great scenarios (not to make profit, but to maintain his site), and he introduced a donation system to get his prereleases. At first sight, it seems not to be friendly to ask for money. But on the other side, if the donation is optional, often we'll forget to do it.

  • Anyway, let's not talk about UKTS politics. We all know that they are in place and most likely will not change anytime soon. And here's the last place they will look for constructive comments about them ;) Sorry for bringing that up. Didn't mean to push the thread in this direction.

    Also added a note to the title, so that people will expect english language in here.

  • Why don't make a thread in german?
    Porqoi est-ce Qu'on fait un contribution en français?
    Por qué no hacer una contribución española?
    Niyə bir qatqı Azərbaycan etmək deyil?
    Почему бы не сделать вклад России?

    No, sorry just an idea. That was Englisch, fancais, spanish, azerbaijanian, chinese and russian.
    Non, désolé nir une idée. Il s'agissait l'anglais, francais, l'espanolle, l'azerbaijanize, chine et russi.
    No, no es sólo una idea. Eso era Inglés, Francés, Español, azerí, chino y ruso.
    Xeyr, bir fikir deyil, yalnız. Ki, ingilis, Francais, Spanish, Azərbaycan, Çin və rus idi.
    Нет, не просто идея. Это был английский, французский, испанский, Азербайджана, китайском и русском языках.

  • I know UKTrainSim now for a few months, but in all that time I tried serveral times to become a premium member, but it is not possible. The link "Click here to become a PREMIUM member" results in a server error "404 - File or directory not found".

    Blechelse: soll ich das noch in Kisuaheli, Welsh oder fränkisch übersetzen? ;)

  • It's off topic because the thread is really intended to be about about British add-ons, not UKTS. But if you wish to gain access it is a little different, have you e-mailed their admin about the problem, or are you already a registered free user? in which case you could PM the admin on the forum.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • Hi holzroller,
    I like the idea, to have an English corner about English add-ons here in As I like the English railway system, the former days as well as modern English rails.
    It should be an information site, like you started already. But it should be as well an helpful corner for those, not common with the English language and the English payment system. That clearly means, that somebody should feel responsible about that corner.


    System: HP Z800, 2 x Xeon 5550 2,66 Ghz, 96 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro 4000

  • holzroller:

    Sorry, to make your thread a discussion about UKSim was not my idea, I only answered to the previous postings. Your friendly off topic hint should you send to Blechelse, Zaunpfahl and NoFly too.

    My intention was not to look for help about this issue, because a server problem like this is uksim's own problem. If more user have this experience, uksim should not wonder if their amount of premium members does not increase.


    By the way - the whole internet presence of uksim is rather broken. E-mail to atomic cannot be delivered.

  • Wow und die französische Übersetzung ist noch falscher als falsch. :ugly:

    I like the idea as well, since we've many requests here from English speaking persons. It's better to have a thread where people who aren't able to write in German can discuss and talk to each other. Now we're more international. ^^

    Regards alias203

  • @ Tyrell I did not intend to cause offence, in my eyes Zaunpfahl had already made a statement about the topic to the other posters. Whilst I am happy to help where I can, I do not want to have a discussion about the politics of UKTS, it would not be welcome there, just as it would not be welcome here if UKTS were to discuss the politics of this site.To all readers when I say off topic it is not an admonishment it is an acknowledgement to the moderators that I am briefly departing from the topic of the thread. Please be aware when reading this thread that although our cultures use language in a similar way, there are also some important differences that can cause misunderstandings.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • The North Linsey Line which has now grown into the North Lincolnshire is available direct from the authors site here there is also a lot of information about the route here. This is an alternative to UKtrainsim and will be more up to date.
    Another useful site is Carinthia's here quite a few scenarios for different routes, mainly steam, and an updated version of Bath-Templecombe. This corrects the track but does not change the scenery.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()