Hamburg - Hannover Speed limit patch

  • Hi.

    With the help of a document from Giovanni here on the forum, I have been changing the speed limits to match reality (as of 2006). I have changed all the necessary speed limits and I am almost done with placing all the speed posts (Lf6/7 tafel).

    I have a couple of questions:

    There are numerous LZB-markers (LZB-Start) along the route but as far as I know, there only needs to be 1 start and 1 end-signal. Do these additional LZB-signals have any function or are they only visual (if so maybe I should delete them)?

    If Vmax is 160km/h and Vmax changes to 180 or 200km/h, will there be a visual Lf7 post, or is it only visible in-cab on the LZB instruments?

    If I would upload this "fix" (which I will if I'm satisfied with the results), do I only need to upload my modified track.bin file or will I need any additional files to make the changes to the speed-limit signs be visible for the users?

    I unfortunately started working on this fix with the modified DBTracks Track.bin, so I think I would need to contact Markus Schöbel (?), does anyone know how I can get in contact with him?


  • Hello,

    # at the first LZB marker - the LZB guidance is beginning, at each next marker, the new or first entry (at failure or beginning trains for example) in the LZB guidance is possible
    # speed signals above 160 Km/h doesn´t exist. Speeds above 160 Km/h are only showed in the MFD (Multi Funktion Display) - LZB target speed

    Best regards and sorry for my bad english

  • Marcus: I sent a PM to you :)

    Frank: I see, I will leave the PZB markers as they are then. Thank you.

    If the Vmax is 140 km/h and then increases to 200 km/h, won't there be a visual speed signal then so that non-LZB locomotives know that they can increase speed to 160 km/h?


  • Of course you can upload your updated tracks.bin

    Nicht wenn mans genau nimmt. ;)

    Kommt drauf an was an der Strecke geändert wurde. Die Züge haben mit anderen Geschwindigkeiten andere Fahrtzeiten, somit kann auch das Timing der KI jetzt daneben sein.

    Ganz liebe Grüße an alle meine Fans im Forum!
    Quality-Pöbel since 2011

  • If the Vmax is 140 km/h and then increases to 200 km/h, won't there be a visual speed signal then so that non-LZB locomotives know that they can increase speed to 160 km/h?

    yes, there has to be a Lf7 with a 16 on it ;)

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  • Karriereszenarien dürfte mit dem Patch nicht mehr funktionieren. Da hier ja am Ende zu den anderen "Mitstreitern" andere Zeiten erforderlich sind und das bekanntlich genauso eingreift, wie damals die Erhöhung der BR143 auf 120 km/h statt 117km/h Vmax.
    Wenn man die Karriereszenarien schonmal erfüllt hat bzw. nicht wirklich benötigt - why not. ;)

  • Frank: Yes, I know the signs you are talking about. I have left them as they were by default.

    I have a progress update.

    I am done with changing all the speed limits and I have placed all the speed limit signs, sometimes I had to "cheat" and make a small section of 160km/h so that I can use that for the Lf7 when Vmax went straight from below 160km/h to maybe 200 or 180km/h (I hope you understand).

    Right now it is almost 100% possible (there are no hectometer signs of course) to drive the route without HUD with PZB or LZB, but if you want to drive above 160km/h without LZB, when the speed limit drops from 200/180 to 180/160km/h there will be no warning Lf6 or Lf7 visible and nothing on the HUD.

    I think this is realistic, but if many of you want me to, I can add speed limit signs for 180-200km/h and lower them under ground. Do you want that?

    Now "only" hectometer signs and 500hz magnets are needed to make this route drivable ;)
