TS 2017 RSSLO Mittenwald, Ennstalbahn, Südbahn Bruck an der Mur - Graz - Maribor and Tirol Austria Brennerbahn-Unterinntalbahn patch

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Kommentare 22

  • Ich habe die Süd- und die Ennstalbahn bei Steam gekauft. Da sind die Streckenordner komprimiert (und die Ordnerstruktur ist abweichend), daher bringt das Patch keine Änderung. Wie kann ich das Patch auch bei diesen Varianten anwenden?

  • Does this upgrade only work with the sceneries from RSSLO? I have both Steam Brennerbahn and same from RSSLO directly, but my problem is I cannot start anything from Innsbruck Freight vith RSSLO version 2.1. Steam version works just fine.

  • Hi ES64F4. Is your patch also for "Tirol Austria – Brennerbahn/Unterinntalbahn Route" V2.1? I just installed the route and after the setup I have only one folder under "Railworks\Assets\RSSLO_Routes" and this is called "RSSLO_Tirol_Austria". So there is no "RSSLO" folder anymore as a "shared folder"?!

  • Hello! I have a question: does this patch have any impact on performance and/or RAM usage?

  • Hi.In der Beschreibung steht, das es auch für die RSSLO Allgaubahn Route ist...Laut readme aber nicht. Und im Ordner ist nix mit RSSLO_Allgaubahn..Wirkt sich das trotzdem aus?

    • Yes, it works. Allgaubahn install most stuff in the folder RSSLO_Route\RSSLO. This is a kind of *shared folder* for RSSLO routes. The RSSLO_Allgaubahn folder contains stuff like stations and route specific stuff which don't need to be patched.

  • Dieser patch ist ein "must have". Besseres Gras und keine verstrahlten Neonbüsche mehr

  • Hi, after instalaltion with TS-utilities, i see that there isn't a pacht for RSSLO Tirol Austria – Brennerbahn/Unterinntalbahn Route. But i read about Readme YES. Why i don't find it in my RSSLO folder?
    Thankyou for the Help:)

    • Hello. Because Brennerbahn/Unterinntalbahn use most textures from Assets\RSSLO_Routes\RSSLO and Assets\RSSLO_Routes\RSSLO_Karwendelbahn.

  • Now everything should be fine. Sorry for the issues, I don't have all the RSSLO tracks and RSSLO spreads the data in different places...

  • Great patch! Now it makes more fun to drive on the RSSLO-Routes. My unique problem are the DB-Tracks (I own them). After the installation of your patch all routes still have the "old" RSSLO-tracks the other things are patched...

    • I will check this ASAP. I don't have all the RSSLO route, so I need to do some test with a friend.

      Edit : I have understood how RSSLO handles the tracks for addons. Why not make it simple? They can't!!!

    • Thank you for the update. The routes have now DB-tracks...

  • Please check the kuju.rwp because when unzipping it with 7zip, it causes 96 data mistakes. Thank you.

    • Thank to point this mistake. I fix it just now. You can download the patch again to have the right version. It was due to an error with utilities.exe.

  • Does this patch work with the Updates for RSSLO Routes from @Markus Schöbel? https://railworks-austria.at/i…recken-upgrade-vegetation