TS 2017 DB BR 152 Power Corrected

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  • DB BR 152 Power Corrected

    After I made my DTG BR 189 Dispolok with MK features updates, I noticed very poor performances. In the same scenario, BR 185, ES64, BR 101 and BR 120 handle much more easily long and heavy consists. After a lot of new tests (Physik Frage: tractive effort in Three Country Corner Route), the BR 189 have the lowest performances (shared with BR 145 and the new BR 152) from my elok collection. it's obvious : DTG have ALSO forget to put the right amount of kW in the BR 152 (it shares the BR 189 datas). So, I update the TractiveEffortVsSpeed.dcsv to bring the BR 152 to the BR 189 level.

    This small file brings to the BR 152 more realistic performances (at least according to me). This time, I don't know why the game did not accept the patch as an ap file...

    Install : Unpack into Assets\DTG\BR152Pack01 be sure you have the following folder structure :
    Uninstall : delete the file DTG\BR152Pack01\RailVehicles\Electric\BR152\Simulation\TractiveEffortVsSpeed.dcsv

    Zusätzliche Informationen

    Benötigte Payware
    Benötigte Freeware


    Kommentar zur Änderung (nach Veröffentlichung):
    29.05.2023: In neuen Ordner verschoben/ BlueAngel

