Why this ?
I really love the BR 189 Dispolok but the DTG/RSC model have some issues :
- AFB can not use the brakes !!!
- The engine brake did not work
- PZB is repported not working
What a shame for a so nice engine...
With The Rhine Railway: Mannheim - Karlsruhe Route Add-On, DTG introduced a new BR 189 with some new features :
- Two levels for the front lights
- Selectable pantographe
- Working AFB
- Working PZB (like BR 189 MK)
- Better sound
I create a *new* DB BR 189 Dispolok based on the BR 189 MK for the features and with the Dispolok BR 189 for the DTG textures and numbering. Because everything is already there with the two paywares, the engine is a simple BR189_Dispolok.bin file. So with this very small add, you got a 100% vanilla DTG great looking DB BR 189 Dispolok but fully functional with all MK new features.
And one last thing, she have the 160 Km/h option ! http://www.mrce.eu/media/1882156309.pdf The simulation maxspeed is set to 100 mph. In game, tested top speed are 160 km/h alone, up to 157 km/h in dual engines with 20 SGGRSS and about 156~157 km/h single with 6 IC coach. Those value are for the power corrected version (see below).
This add is only usefull for people who wants to enjoy a great DB BR 189 Dispolok with a working AFB, 160 Km/h upgrade (optional), corrected power (optinal) and MK new features in their favorites scenarios.
New issue, new revision !
I start to play a lot with my new DB BR 189 Dispolok and noticed really poor tractive performances for a 6400 kW modern engine. In the same scenario, BR 185, ES64, BR 101 and BR 120 handle much more easily long and heavy consists. I decided to check the performances by climbing up (full power start with sander to reach ~100 km/h before climbing) from Bludenz (3CCR) with 20 loaded SGGRSS hocked to :
- DTG BR 185 MRCE : run up at more than 120 km/h (can speed up)
- RSC/DTG UE64 U2 : run up at about 115 km/h (cant speed up)
- vR BR 120 EL : run up at more than 120 km/h (can speedup easily)
- RSC/DTG BR 189 Dispolok : slow down to as slow as 55 km/h (nearly sustained, still slowing down)
WTF ! DTG/RSC have made a BR 189 running 1,5 kV @ 3000 kW ? Other engines are overpowered, even the great vR BR120 EL ?
I start to read a lot about locolotives (TRAXX, Taurus, ES64F4, BR101, BR120) looks like DTG/RSC BR 189 Dispolok is underpowered. I spend a hot night doing a new TractiveEffortVsSpeed.dcsv file. It brings to this DB BR189 Dispolok the same tractive effort as the HRQ Taurus ES64 U2. I also add datas for tractive effort at 160 km/h (they do not exist in the original file). Now, my DB BR 189 Dispolok can climb the 3CCR slope like a Taurus. It seems right to me but I dont know if real BR 189 have the same tractive effort as ES64 U2 (any feedback is welcome).
Related : DB BR 189 Power Corrected for MK
The third pantographe is up, one sunshade is down and no numbering issue (here : 919 and 914).
5 Km/h AFB steps : convenient for shunting or do not exceed the downhill speed.
What works and what don't !
This DB BR 189 Dispolok is based on the DTG MK DB BR 189 bin file with just one little change : it refers to RSC Dispolok BR 189 GeoPcDX. So Keep in mind this loco uses two providers (RSC and DTG) and that's the reason why it's very important to check (with the green V mark) both RSC BR189Pack01 AND DTG RhineValley01 in the game editor to use it. The editor names are MK_DB BR 189 Dispolok and MK_DB BR189 Dispolok ND.
- What works fine : Of course the new DB BR 189 Dispolok with all the MK features and the DTG Dispolok auto numbering (tested in more than 20 scenarios from TaD, vR and 3Dzug). It can be use in the custom creation tool and the consists are suitable for quick drive.
- Small bugs : The sparks did not show for all pantographes (only at the original up pantographe place). Because this engine is a mix, it can/may/will appear in the Drive Standard and/or Career with 3 different names : BR 189 Dispolok, DB BR 189 Dispolok and DB BR 189. It can be solved by editing SDBCache.bin (if you enjoy search and remplace). If you reload a custom consist before using the DB BR 189 Dispolok a first time in a scenario or with the in game custom consist editor, there will be a big graphic glitch with outside view.
- What did not work : Because this engine is a mix, it can't be used for preload and AI consists (orginal engine do this job). Swap it with RW Tools leads to graphic issue if RSC BR189Pack01 AND DTG RhineValley01 were not checked during scenario creation.
- What I don't know : How accurate is MK PZB... 160 Km/h top speed can break some scenarios when swapping the player locomotive for a faster one, so a 140 km/h version is now included for safty.
Files and (un)installation
I have packed the files in two ap for very easy install and removal. Both .ap can be upacked with 7Z ou RW Tools.
MK BR 189 Dispolok.zip : with standard DTG TractiveEffortVsSpeed.dcsv.
MK BR 189 Dispolok Power corrected.zip : with TractiveEffortVsSpeed.dcsv similar to Taurus (best choice for 160 Km/h version).
Installation : Unzip, select all, copy and paste into your Railworks folder.
- Assets : this folder contains the BR189Dispolok.ap with the new engine. (required)
- Content : this folder contains the BR189Dispolok.ap with the two original career scenarios for the new BR 189 Dispolok engine. (optional)
- 140kph : this folder holds an alternative Assets witch keeps the top speed at 140 Km/h (90 mph like original one).
Remove :
Del Assets\DTG\RhineValley1\BR189Dispolok.ap
Del Content\Routes\00000037-0000-0000-0000-000000002013\BR189Dispolok.ap
Forum post
[DTG] BR 189 jetzt erhältlich!
Zusätzliche Informationen
- Autor
- ES64F4
- Version
- -
- Benötigte Payware
- -
- Benötigte Freeware
- -
- Kommentar zur Änderung (nach Veröffentlichung):
- 29.05.2023: In neuen Ordner verschoben/ BlueAngel
MK BR 189 Dispolok .zip
461,36 kB (1.700 Downloads) -
MK BR 189 Dispolok Power corrected .zip
461,39 kB (1.052 Downloads)
Kommentare 2
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Hello ES64F4! Thank you for creating this hybrid version of the Dispolok BR 189. After trying it in one of your supplied scenarios I immediately changed all the RSC locos in my various scenarios to your version ... so much better!!
Greetings from Boston, Mass.
Oktavia von Seckendorff
Nice. But can you also update the other Dispolok, it has more repaint like MRCE repaint, or make those repaints for this one?