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    Hier mal eine FAQ von UKTRAINSIM in der es workarounds und/oder Lösungen für die ersten Probleme gibt:

    This thread is being 'stickied' for a while as a temporary help for users of Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012. What we're doing here is to write some frequently-asked questions and answers, just to answer some very immediate 'what on earth...?' responses to the newly-downloaded upgrade.

    The moderators who are RW users have started the ball rolling with a few initial FAQs below. If you have further questions - preferably with the answer - add it below. If your question and answer is valid, we'll incorporate it in the list and delete your post to keep the thread simple.

    Rants and 'how do I make a train?' posts will be deleted.

    Good luck and happy simming.

    UKTS moderation team.

    Q. Why does TS2012 keep trying to install Microsoft .NET when I start the game?
    A. Reboot your machine, this should stop it.

    Q. RW3 runs fine, but I don't see the new graphics. How do I turn them on?
    A. You have unchecked the box labelled 'Train Simulator 2012 Game Engine Technology' in the launcher's Settings tab. Tick it to see the new effects. You can verify the state of this box by looking at the big TSX logo in the bottom-left of the Launcher - if this has a big red X next to it, it's turned off; if a big green tick, it's turned on.

    Q. Why does the background and distance now look all blurred?
    A. You have 'depth of field' and/or 'bloom' switched on. You can disable these in the graphical options menu.

    Q. I'm a bit confused by the anti-aliasing slider on the front 'wrapper'. What should I choose?
    A. You might need some trial-and-error. The more you move the slider to the right, the more anti-aliasing is applied which makes your graphics look smoother; but it may hit your frame rate. If you are finding the frame rate is very low, try moving the slider to the left.

    Q. What happens if I untick the 'TSX Game Engine Technology' box? Will it remove anything or stop me using the new routes or engines?
    A. No, it won't. It will run the game using the 'old' RW2 graphics engine so you'll miss out on the new shadows and effects. Most people shouldn't need to do this but if your game is being affected by the new game engine, the option is there to use the old one.

    Q. Why does the rain effect show on some trains but not others?
    A. The rain effect has to be attached to the windscreen of the cab model. RSC have upgraded most default stock, and have said that they will implement rain effects on other stock over time.

    Q. Why do I not have the Horseshoe Curve route?
    A. This route only comes free if you are a new purchaser of TS2012. If you are an existing user that has received the free upgrade from RW2 to TS2012, the Horseshoe Curve is available as a payware add-on.

    Q. I'm sure I saw that we are getting the HS2 line to go with the Hitachi train, and Woodhead. Why can't I see them?
    A. RSC never promised either of these routes in the RW3/TS2012 upgrade. The Woodhead line is under development as a future DLC download and you can see progress at No one at RSC has promised any version of the proposed HS2 line to our knowledge, and in any case the Hitachi IEP train is designed to run on existing UK railways - not the HS2 project.

    Q. My computer won't run RW3 properly, but it worked fine with RW2. Didn't RSC say it would work?
    A. You may need to turn back some graphics settings if your graphics card can't handle the new effects. You can try turning the graphical options down; or the anti-aliasing settings; or you can try unticking the 'TSX' game engine box to see if these help.

    Q. I need to upgrade my computer to run RW3 with the new graphics. What hardware do you recommend?
    A. A discussion of RW3's hardware requirements is being prepared by the FAQ Editors. Please be patient.

    Q. Will RSC be releasing information on how to use the developer tools?
    A. Our understanding is that the Creator Manual will be updated, if it hasn't been already.

    Q. I have installed the Armstrong Powerhouse sound upgrades for my locos and now I can't see out of the windscreen! What should I do?
    A. Richard Armstrong has worked very quickly and has already made updated versions - log in to your account at and download the updates. In the meantime, you can revert to the original sounds by going to your Steam library; right-click on the TS2012 icon; choose 'Properties'; click on the 'local files' tab; then click on 'Verify integrity of game cache'.

    Q. I'm getting a really weird 'split screen' affect, with stretched different views one above the other. How can I fix it?
    A. Do you have a graphics card from Nvidia? Check the settings in the Nvidia control panel and make sure the game settings are set at “application preference”.

    Q. My question isn't covered above and I can't see it being discussed or solved on the forum. What do I do?
    A. This is an unofficial forum for all train simming matters, including TS2012, and UKTS can't guarantee to help you. The official e-mail support address for RSC is

    Ich nutze die eBremse meist bei Bergabfahrten und leichtem Abbremsen von z.B. 120 km/h auf 100 km/h. Das Bremsen an Bahnhöfen und/oder vor Signalen erfolg bei mir mit angehängten Waggons mit der Zug-Bremse (ohne Waggons mit der Lok-Bremse).

    Hi Andi,

    ich fange mit dem Bremsen bei so ca. 800 Meter vor dem Bahnhof an und schaue , daß ich kurz vor Bahnsteig-Anfang bei 60 km/h bin. Dann runter bis ca 100 m vor Bahnsteigende auf so ca. 20 km/h, meist stehe ich dann kurz vor Bahnsteig-Ende.. Das richtet sich aber auch nach Zug und Länge des Bahnsteigs.

    Generell habe ich bei der P42 ein Problem mit dem Sound.

    In der Aussenansicht ziemlich Leise. (Engine)
    Im Führerstand macht die Engine einen 'Mordskrach', aber das Horn ist nicht zu hören.

    Hat da irgend jemand 'ne Idee?

    Hallo TL-Rail,

    hast Du mal geschaut, ob die Lautsprecherkonfiguration in Windows so ist ist wie bei Dir auf dem Scheibtisch?

    Hi Paul,

    thanks i will have a look at it:-)

    >Ehrlich gesagt sehe ich auch nicht den Sinn einer solchen Aktion

    Nun, ich hatte vor die 120 mit AFB über die WCML zu scheuchen.

    Danke Jim,

    sowas wie den generic mod enabler habe ich gesucht. Zu beachten ist aber noch folgendes in den lua Scripten, z.B. bei der BR120 wird da für die AFB der Tacho (SpeedometerKPH) abgefragt, also müsste man den Aufruf auch ändern!?

    Ich werde das heute Abend mal austesten.

    Hi Jim,

    nun zumindestens wenn man die XXX.bin in ein xml umwandelt sehe ich dort einen SpeedometerKPH bzw. bei den Briten ein SpeedometerMPH.

    Ich nehm mal an, dass ist in einer selbst erstellten Strecke passiert.

    Hi StS ,

    danke für die Info, ich hatte mich wohl etwas missverständlich ausgedrückt, *shau* ich hatte mit meiner Frage eher die Fahrzeuge im Sinn.

    Darum hier nochmal Frage in veränderter Form
    Was muss ich bei den Loks ändern um die Anzeige von KPH nach MPH umzustellen?


    welche xmls und/oder luas muss ich editieren um die Geschwindigkeitsanzeige von Meilen nach Kilometer und umgekehrt zu ändern?