Another nice loco for the collection... Thanks VR.
Maybe the E 410 ( BR 184) next time...
Beiträge von jhz37
HappyNiki If you go into TS2017 it gonna cost money, simple as that. ( i know what i talking about with 86 routes and a lot of rolling stock.)
A lot of hobbys cost money, Its take it or leave it... -
My condolences and I wish strength to his nearest and dearest family and friends.
I just look in to it in RW tools and get the same error message error 9.
Dont know wat it fault is.
The route itself works perfect... -
Try Recuva it has helped me a few times couple of years ago to recover data.
This is a nice one too...
The OBB 4010 on the tauernbahn...
gibt es die Strecke Hannover-Dortmund eigentlich für TS 2016 oder irgendwo in Planung ?
Ask the boys from GBE if they would convert protrain 20 to TS2017...
But VR knows wat the TS community want are needs, this is what i like from VR...
Duvel das is mein bier...
That's a good Idea
Yeah, first kick out those oberleitung out of Trier - Koblenz and we have a route for it...
I wait for an year of 5 when german or other european content is available...
Another 628? I want a 624
A trip to Brenner...
259 GB here...
Holzroller 552 GB , hope you get an image or ohter type of backup when it go wrong...
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I am use my joypad configured in joycur. Used it for almost 8 year in MSTS and stil working ok in ts2017.