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    Bis vor ein paar Wochen lief bei mir alles perfekt, ohne Abstürze oder Freezes.

    Es ist was neues passiert (bei mir fing es nach den Windows 10 Update - sogar schon bei TS2019 zwei Tage vor den Update auf TS2020).

    I am also having problems with TS2020 (the game freezes after a few minutes driving). I managed to troubleshoot, and discover that it has to do with the last Windows update and my Asus Xonar sound card. If I disable the Asus Xonar and use the onboard sound, everything is fine.

    I was in contact with DTG, but they were no help. They blamed Microsoft and said there was nothing for them to fix. I do not really accept this, as every other game (including TSW) work fine with the latest Windows update and my Asus Xonar card. The sound engine used in TS2020 is obviously the problem (as all other sound engines from other games work fine), but they are just blaming Microsoft.

    I thought I had fixed with a new graphic driver install, but it is still happening.

    These scenarios are starting with a train standing still waiting for the signal to change to green.

    I seem to be able to drive any original scenario, but whenever I change the train to an EL variant, it crashes after about 1 minute of actually driving!


    I just bought the fantastic Hausach - Villingen and I thought I would have a test drive. I went into the editor (as usual) and swapped the Loc from the vR189 to the vR189 EL in the first scenario (freight to Villingen), but when I drive the scenario, after a couple of minutes (as I approach the first Bahnübergang).

    I started trouble shooting. Whenever I replace any Loc to a VR EL loc using the editor (I have tried several routes) I get a crash just after starting the scenario (the screen freezes and I have to close TS2019 using the Task Manager).

    It never did this before.

    Any experts able to help?

    I forgot to say, using the default loc works fine!

    A quick questions to the experts. I swapped the ICE1 for the BR 407 and drove the scenario from Münster nach Bremen.

    After leaving the first LZB section and now driving using PZB monitoring, there were a couple of speed restrictions. After passing the orange warning board, I started decelerating but just before the restriction I got a Zwangsbremsung. I am sure that I would have been able to meet the restriction in time. This happened again later in the same type of situation.

    I didn't realise that there even existed a protection in PZB for not meeting a specific restriction. What type of monitoring is used by the train to know that it will be to fast (even though I wouldn't have been in my case).


    From a dim Engländer.


    Thank you so much for the quick answer!

    I should have googled it.

    It all makes sense now. I think the three country corner route is very underestimated.

    Nochmals, vielen Dank!


    Hi Guys,

    Could someone help me with the Austrian signals in the 3 Länder Eck?

    I get a Vorsignal showing yellow on top and 2 green below, which I slow down to 80 for thinking that there will be a speed restriction at the Hauptsignal. But when I see the Haupt signal it is 2 Greens (which in German signals means no restriction). When I pass it there is a speed restriction of 60km/h. Shouldn't the Hauptsignal be showing Green on top and Yellow below (like in German PZB signalling)?

    Is seems that the Vorsignal shows the correct warning, but the Hauptsignal then doesn't show the yellow/green????????

    Thanks for any help,


    Has anyone else experienced a CTD?

    I was hoping that the OOM errors from TS2017 would be a thing of the past (I used to suffer a bit, especially Berlin - Leipzig). This was the thing I was most looking forward to in TSW, 64bit programming to make these CTDs a thing of the past.

    Tonight, I drove a Class 43 from Reading to Paddington, and as I approached Paddington I started getting stutters, followed by a CTD about 0.7 miles out.

    How sad :(

    So, I've done some further testing in Konstanz - Villingen.

    With the stock scenarios (but using vR EL Loks) my RAM never goes above 2.5 - 2.7, with all the settings at max and SSAA at 3x3.

    When I use AbsolutesChaoz's scenarios (even the reduced KI ones) it starts at 3.2, and eventually (usually right at the end) crashes. I am able to stop the crashes by turning the scenery quality down one step, but this then removes some of the beauty of the scenery.

    I know that your scenarios are the best available, but could you not make some without the very heavy KI. I have a feeling that the Flirt is responsible, but have not removed it to test yet.

    I am torn between playing your scenarios with not so good graphics, or playing stock scenarios with good graphics.

    Again, I am not criticising, just hoping for some different options :)

    Thanks for the answers,

    I will try turning down quality and see if that is enough.

    I did install the Trainworks updates for all lines (including Hamburg), and might try to remove this and see if it makes a difference.

    One question to all the Aufgaben Hersteller: I know that we all strive for the best possible quality in everything, but when whizzing down the line at 200 kmH, a train coming towards you is a blur, and the detail is largely immaterial. The TTB assets seem to be the best for a balance between quality and complexity. Is it not better to design scenarios without using vR/3DZug/etc assets, and use lower quality ones which enable more people to run them? (roll on the new 64bit Trainsim).

    This isn't meant in any way as a criticism, and I know that Absolutes Chaoz already offers a scenario with lower requirements (although, being human, and having spent thousands on a fast PC, I always like to try the more complex stuff first).

    Thanks again for all your efforts!

    Hi all,

    I have just downloaded the latest Aufgaben by Absolute Chaos (2 for Villingen-Konstanz, and the Express from Hamburg - Berchtesgarden).

    I played the Hamburg 053 and Konstanz 056, and both ended in a crash. 053 got me all the way until leaving LZB near Hannover, then I got a crash (but not a dump) saying railworks.exe is not responding.

    With 056, I got the usual dump as I entered Villingen.

    My system is pretty good (i7 6770 o/c to 4.6, GTX1080 and 32GB very fast memory, all running off the SSD). The only dumps I ever get is when on the Leipzig-Berlin route, with 3rd party Scenarios (like 3DZug ones).

    I played the standard scenarios which came with Villingen - Koblenz (after having swapped the basic vR BR111 for the better vR one) and memory usage (as shown in Task manager) never got above 2.6. The AC scenarios started at about 3.0 and then stayed between 2.9 and 3.3 (my system usually doesn't crash until 3.4+).

    My question is:

    The Absolute Chaos scenarios are the best available. I drove the last 2 using EBuLa and no HUD, and it was fantastic!!!!!

    What is the best thing to turn down in settings to reduce the memory usage. When driving Berlin-Leipzig, I am now so paranoid, I turn everything right down, but is there just one setting which has the biggest impact on memory usage, which I could turn down to guarantee finishing the latest AC scenarios?

    I hate turning shadows down, because you loose the in Cab shadows (I wish there was a setting to disable external shadows, but keep the in Cab ones).

    Thanks for any suggestions,

    And once more, thank you soooooo much to Absolute Chaos for producing these brilliant scenarios in the first place!

    Hi All,

    Just tried playing Train sim again (after a month of flying with my vR Oculus) and I have e new bug.

    I can't look around inside the cab! When I press the right Mouse button, the cursor disappears, but the view doesn't move. Outside views are fine, just inside the cab. I have tried different trains and scenarios.

    I googled a bit, and most answers were about FACETRACKNOIR and trackir, both of which I have never used.

    Can anyone help?

