Austrian signals

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  • Hi Guys,

    Could someone help me with the Austrian signals in the 3 Länder Eck?

    I get a Vorsignal showing yellow on top and 2 green below, which I slow down to 80 for thinking that there will be a speed restriction at the Hauptsignal. But when I see the Haupt signal it is 2 Greens (which in German signals means no restriction). When I pass it there is a speed restriction of 60km/h. Shouldn't the Hauptsignal be showing Green on top and Yellow below (like in German PZB signalling)?

    Is seems that the Vorsignal shows the correct warning, but the Hauptsignal then doesn't show the yellow/green????????

    Thanks for any help,


  • The austrian signals are a bit different to german ones. Besides the green over yellow for indication of slow speed (40 KM/h without any other indication) there is the aspect green over green, which indicates 60 km/h or up (otherwise stated). Two green with one yellow at a Vorsignal is indicating 60 Km/h, two yellow and one green 40 Km/h. A rule of thumb with Vorsignals is "the more yellow, the lower the speed".

    For exact explanation and display of the different aspects, please refer to that site:Österreich#Hauptsignale

    Although its in german you can make out the different aspects and what the mean.

    LG. Schwarzwaldbahner

    EiB - Fahrweg; DB InfraGO Südwest, Karlsruhe

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Schwarzwaldbahner ()

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