Ob man nun mit AFB oder ohne beschleunigt macht keinen Unterschied.
Beiträge von TheRailworker
More work for you:
- When you raise the Pantograph, the "cooling" (?!) starts before it is fully raised
- When you start, the PZB should be in restrictive Mode from the beginning, too
- When you use a Tandem (2 Locos), the opposite Panto should be raised, not the same as the first loco
- The levers behave weird. I mean If I press Ö then the E-Brake goes a littlebit and then stops. I read the manual but it is way too sensitive to stop being coupled. Better would be when they are coupled in Cab too and when you manually use the Ebrake they are uncoupled
- Sound "TÜRFREIGBAE" when slowing down under 20 km/hThanks
Aber nicht beim Taurus // But not in a Taurus.
It's not annoying. If it is, then you will have to disable PZB. But people that like realism will like it. I mean you say you have a fully PZB. But it doesn't work like it should it's still kinda "kiddy". I don't know but If all the other things are implented you should make sure to make that too.
And like Chaoz said, if you know how it works then you won't get a Zwangsbremsung. -
Nein, er hat meine Teststrecke nicht, falls er will kann er sie gerne haben!
If you want I can send you my test track as you see those signals are working w/o any problems!
Like StS said please install the latest updates for HP/OEBB Signals (Link above).
So need to be fixed:
-Befehl40 Light & Sound
-PZB Zwangsbremsung brakes you until 0
-Brakes Lever coupled -
Yes, hold it while driving over a 2000Hz.
See virtualRailroads. Only after passing a 2000Hz.
When you read it exactly: Passing a 2000Hz --> Light go up --> Magnet ignored.
Trust me..
Hallo Sts!
Danke für deine ausführliche erklärung!
Ich mache dir gleich ein Video wo jeweils 500/1000/2000Hz Mit RW Standard/vR Magneten. Dann kannst du das wohl am besten einschätzen!
Ich schicke es dir später per PM, habe leider einen lahmen Upload und d.h. dauert das Uploaden lange.
Ich schicke dir gleich eine PM mit meiner Testroute.
Gerade getestet: dieser Taurus von HRQ funktioniert problemlos auch mit den vR Magneten!
....den Patch kann man hier downloaden.
In Railworks sind Magnete dabei! Heißen DE PZB XXXHz.
Bei einem Vorsignal musst du einen 1000Hz Magnet platzieren, bei einem HS 2000Hz und einem HS/VS Kombisignal einen KombiMagnet (1000+2000Hz).
250m vor einem Hauptsignal einen 500Hz Magneten.Ja, du musst sie selber in einer Strecke einbauen, falls keine vorhanden sind !
Bei der DB kenne ich das nur dann, wenn der Zug kein Vorsignal passiert hat sind vereinzelt Wiederholer mit einem Magneten ausgestattet.
Achja, Mhz ist was anderes...^^
Kleines Summary nun für dich:
Also, folgendes wurde nun geändert:
-Neuer Hauptschalter Sound
-PZB funktioniert nun realistischer: Der restriktive Modus wurde hinzugefügt
-Der Sound+Das Licht vom 100hz Leuchtmelder geht nun erst nach betätigen des Wachsamknopfes an
-Die Zugbremse wurde nun endlich realistischer gemacht, E-Bremse und Zugbremse fangen nun fast gleichzeitig an zu bremsen
-Der Sound von der PZB Zwangsbremsung ist nun endlich richtig
-Die TR Funktion ist dazugekommen (Nach drücken des Knopfes schaltet sie die aufgeschaltete Leistung langsam ab und schaltet dann den HS aus, für EL1 Signale)To-do (noch zu machen):
-Der "Zugbeeinflussung" Sound und der Befehl40 Leuchtmelder sollten erst nach überfahren eines aktiven 2000hz Magneten zu hören bzw sehen sein
-Die Hebel der Zug bzw E-Bremse müssen noch im Cab gekoppelt werden
-Es muss irgendwie möglich sein dass wen die Lok ein 2000hz Signal empfängt das 1000hz Signal gelöscht wird, da man sonst Befehl+Wachsam bei überfahren eines 2000hz Magneten drücken mussHoffe das hiflt!
Hab ich mir auch gedacht...
When you look at your video, you see that quickly before you acknowledge the second Vorsignal, the 1000Hz light goes off?
Really man, you release an austrian loco and you don't know the OEBB Signals? (just joking)
EDIT: Now I see, yes. I placed an 1000hz Perm. and now it's working but the 1000hz dissapears when it receives a new Beeinflussung? It should stay blinking !
But after the red signal there is no more signal and I did not press tab. It's working with a vR Loco w/o Wachsam.
I just wanted that you couple that stupid levers,offcourse I do not want to press it down.But you can at least make it that they are coupled when pressing Ö. Because they are in real.
I'll check that with the Magnet tomorrow, I am sure i putted the link before the signal.
You fixed that light+sound on Befehl now to work only after driving a 2000mhz?
That doesn't makes sence. If it's work like this what is the point of the light and sound? (however i don't know why i try to find logic in PZB, if there is no any, but that's a routine because of the other logical warning systems)
But that's the way the PZB works. Same with Wachsam. There's no light and Sound until I press Wachsam too. What would be the point of hearing a Zugbeeinflussung Sound + Befehl40Light while I am not driving over a 2000 Mhz?
There is, if you press the wachsam, and if it was really 1000hz with pzb magnet.
No there isn't. See this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtKdWvwlqoA&feature=youtu.be ( by the way, the sander is in Position 1 on the 3P OEBB like Chaoz said!) Here you see that there is no Zugbeeinflussung and the BEFEHL 40 Error!!!
I don't think so, i never heard anything about this, also taurus drivers aren't noticed this..
Well, I don't think you've ever been in a Taurus? The levers are coupled. If you want one only you have to press one lever down and they are uncoupled now until you press them back at Standard position. I have seen that myself. I have moved the brake lever by my own hands. See the video above we were talking about. Same on the video.I mean think logic: Now Ebrake+Airbrake work together but only one lever is pulled back. I mean logic is that the Ebrake lever has to be pulled back too as it brakes, too?
only if you are over 85 and you're decelarating).
Right, my error. Sorry.
Could not reproduce it. If i pass a red with befehl, and and maintain the speed, and wachsam in time i never get zwangbremsung.
Here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtKdWvwlqoA&feature=youtu.be
And a second one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJwsuZsZ3nIWait did you say Wachsam too? You DO NOT need to press Wachsam for driving over a 2000Mhz! Only Befehl <40km/h !
Wow, thank you for fixing these bug's I've mentioned
Still some errors.
- When you exceed the target Speed you CAN NOT press Free to get out of the emergency brake! You will be braked until 0 !Passing a red Signal:
- You Press Befehl, There is NO light and Sound Until you pass the Signal. Then The light appears and ZUGBEEINFLUSSUNG will come up- The Zwangsbremsung Sound is way too fast. Right is: Zwangsbremsung....................Zwangsbremsung....................Zwangsbremsung....... etc. Not like ---ZwangsbremsungZwangsbremsungZwangsbremsung. With a brake between.
- When I'm already in a 1000 Mhz Beeinflussung and I pass another Yellow Signal, there must be a Zugbeeinflussung too !!
- And shouldn't there be a Zugbeeinflussung on PZB Frei too ?
- The brakes run better now, but the LEVERS have to be coupled too. When I press Ö Then Airbrake AND E-Brake must go back. Not only the first leverOh and I see you used my circuit braker sound?
EDIT: 2 PZB Errors.
First I drive over a 1000Mhz, I press Wachsam but when I drive over 85 now I get a Zwangsbremsung (1s after pressing Wachsam, I should have 23s to get under 85 and then I should get a Zwangsbremsung!)
Second drive over a 2000 Mhz magnet, I press Wachsam but I get a Zwangsbremsung a few seconds later. (I am driving 20 km/h!), -
Sieht klasse aus!
Wird aber noch warten denn er hat dies gepostet: RSC can you help me with scripts of SiFa, PZB90, AFB and door controls?
Naja, abwarten und
"Passing a 1000mhz: No sound or blinking until wachsam too"
Then where does the driver knows that he should press wachsam? And if it's like this, what's the point of the sound?
The driver presses Wachsam when the Vorsignal is not Green and on Speed reductions and on Langsamfahrstellen.
The Sound just says that the System has recognized your Pressing. This can be a Beep on older Vehicles or witj
H Sprachausgabe it's Zugbeeinflussung.