Beiträge von oldsnake

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    Update is released:…pdate-07310-is-available/

    Have a nice week-end everyone !


    - Added new radio operator messages when performing coupling/uncoupling consist operation tasks

    - Reduced radio operator max audio distorsion DSP effect

    - Improved Horn state detection for some rolling stock

    - Fixed 'DropOff', 'AddToFront' and 'AddToBack' tasks that were validated too early before performing the actual task

    - Fixed consist operation tasks that were not displayed on the HUD track monitor

    - Fixed pickup fuel/freight tasks that were not displayed on the HUD track monitor

    - Fixed fuel pickup radio confirmation message fuel quantity spelling issue

    - Minor core fixes

    Here is a new feature coming in the next update. Automatic radio messages when you couple/uncouple some wagons to/from your consist :)

    Also consist operation tasks has been fixed and they should work correctly now in the next update ;)

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    Do not pay attention to the current task in the video, the task has been forced to be done for testing purposes :)

    Difficulty Rating: The display still isn’t right. Tasks in the TS with the difficulty e. g. “orange” are displayed with “yellow”. That’s how it gets through all the difficulties in a wrong way. I also don’t understand why light green and dark green are displayed there??? When will it be fixed?

    Because there may be more important things to fix right now ? :) No offense but this is a pretty minor thing... Just done this "fix", will be available in the next update.

    EDIT: My bad ! There is indeed an issue with the number of stars displayed in RWE 2 (more than the color subject), did not saw or I have forget your first report about this. Will fix everything for the next update !

    Update is released :)…pdate-07290-is-available/

    Rainbowdancer This update is for you ;)


    - Added scenarios Min/Max 'Duration' filter in drive and content explorer menus

    - Improved online global communication system

    - Changed difficulty rating icons colors to better match Train Simulator used colors

    - Currently selected scenario in 'Drive' menu is now automatically unselected if the filters do not match the selected scenario anymore

    - Fixed wrong difficulty rating displayed for scenarios


    Hast du das schon irgendwie hinbekommen mit den: Signale und Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen von links nach rechts im RW 2 HUD anstatt von rechts nach links , ich hatte das Phänomen jetzt auch gerade ?(

    This is a known issue but a bit tricky to solve since the bug is caused by some false informations received from Train Simulator... So I need to find a good workaround for this :)

    oldsnake O.k. I put it to borderless now, but then the resolution is only 1920 - 1080 and not 2560 - 1440. Furthermore the rw-Enhancer HUd is not centered and the task list and speed are on the border and it is not possible to click them, in this case they disapears.

    I'm playing in borderless fullscreen mode myself at 2560x1440 without any issue. The main issue is that TS is not capable to display every resolutions of the screen (another bug of TS...) but if you go into "TS Settings" inside RWE 2 you will be able to choose your "2560x1440" resolution there :)

    RW Enhancer 2 should be perfectly capable to apply your native screen resolution to TS.

    oldsnake I use Fullscreen Borderless setting. Would it be better to use another setting?

    No this is the recommended setting. Using borderless fullscreen is better than using standard fullscreen :) For TS and for RWE 2.

    Have you checked on the Anti-virus side ? Some performance issues have been reported with anti-virus softwares and RWE 2.

    Bei mir ruckelt es leider leicht, so alle 2 bis 3 Sekunden. Die Framerate habe ich auf 40 begrenzt und in Spiel zeigt sie dann auch 35 - 40 fps. Wenn ich aber das gleiche Szenario im TS ohne de RW-Enhancer spiele, so hat es keinen Ruckler.

    Are you running in fullscreen mode or fullscreen borderless mode ?

    Update is available :)…pdate-07250-is-available/


    - Added route searching by 'UUID' or 'station name' support

    - Added route searching parameters in order to enable/disable search by UUID or station name

    - Minor UI improvements and fixes

    - Fixed more issues with scenarios that have a 'govia' task as a final task

    - Fixed PIS systems not being in the correct language when driving in Belgium

    - Fixed HUD overlay display issues when using fullscreen display mode in TS

    - Fixed some English spelling issues

    - Minor core fixes

    Bei der jetzigen Fahrt laufen die Signale und Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen von links nach rechts im RW 2 HUD anstatt von rechts nach links also die laufen vor der Lok weg.

    Leider wurde das nicht auf den Bildern aufgenommen.

    This is under investigation but will take a bit of time before it's fixed. Thank you for your patience.

    oldsnake Since borderless mode is supported, the HUD isn´t cropped properly anymore in fullscreen mode. The top bar isn´t really at the top anymore and the panels disappear at the bottom and the top. I´ve attached a screenshot.

    @all Ich hab das hier schon öfter geschrieben, aber kann bitte bitte bitte jemand, der die Br430 besitzt, mal überprüfen, ob sich die Federspeicherbremsen bei ihm ganz normal lösen, wenn der TS über RWE2 gestartet wird? Ich besitze den Zug schon seit Jahren und hatte nie Probleme. Wenn ich den TS aber über RWE2 starte, lösen sich die Federspeicherbremsen einfach nicht vollständig, das sieht man im F3-HUD. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie das zusammenhängen könnte, aber es ist tatsächlich so. Starte ich den TS über Steam, mache sonst alles exakt gleich, lösen die Bremsen ganz normal. Wäre wirklich lieb, wenn das jemand bestätigen oder widerlegen kann, dann kann ich das nämlich offiziell als Bug melden oder eben bei mir weiter Troubleshooting machen.

    Sent you a private message here so you can test a fix for this issue :)

    I tend to send a lot of private messages here and on RWCentral to give the opportunity to test fixes and to gain more informations about issues or feature requests. As I am alone developing this I have no QA team or whatsoever so collaboration from you guys by private messages is a great thing for me. Update is available ! ;)…pdate-07240-is-available/


    - Added new 'Gradient Unit' HUD speedometer setting to choose between 'Permille or Percent'

    - Added audio 'speaker' DSP effect to onboard PIS voices. The onboard PIS voices should now sound more realistic and more coming through a 'speaker' system of the train

    - Added 'Speaker DSP Effect Level' in gameplay settings in order to tweak the level of 'Speaker' DSP effect added to onboard PIS voices. (0.0 = clear voices, 1.0 = speaker effect fully applied on PIS voices)

    - Improved audio engine 'Speaker/Radio' DSP effect management

    - Fixed service marked as completed too early issue when the last task of a scenario was a 'go via' task

    - Minor core fixes


    Do you know about a problem with detecting stations in Quickdrive mode ? For example on U-Bahn Frankfurt it show no stops in Quickdrive selection between Start and Stop.

    And i drove on the Fife Circle Line and there where also some missing as i ticked all passenger stops along the way but my way i passed through some stations, which where not shown in the selection.

    Automatic detection of intermediate stations stop by RWE 2 really depends on the developer implementation of the quick drive scenario. So it is not a RWE 2 issue. It just depend on the QD making method. Can't do anything about this yet. In the future I will do a config system so we can add stops that are not present in the list but this will require quite a bit of work on the user side.*

    Even if the QD path is passing trought some stations that are not listed by RWE 2, it's just because the QD scenario data does not mention this station as a "go via" point. So RWE 2 can't be magically aware of it :)