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    So, I managed to find the problem myself afterall. Apperantly the brake lever was slightly too well calibrated resulting in when it was in the FA-notch it was opening the valve a little bit and overcharging the brake pipe. And since Virtual Railroads locomotives are so well simulated I eventually got a over pressure in the system, up to 12 bar which is... Well, too much :S A recalibration of the levers and tadaa, problem solved.

    Hi guys. First of all, I apologize if this question has been answered before and I've missed it. I tried searching a bit for it, but couldn't really find anything.

    Anyhow, I just got a bunch of brake- and throttle levers from StillerTec (Have the Throttle- and brake lever since half a year back, and boy do I love it) and managed to set it all up with the TS Raildriver- and Joystick Interface. However, when trying them out with Virtual Railroads EL-locos (The Br 101, 185.2 and 152 I have tested so far) I get problems with the train brake. I get a warning, Bremsausfall, and the locomotive won't allow me to release the brake the normal way. I can reduce the brake pape (Hauptleitung) and apply the brakes but I can't increase the pressure again. The only way is to press the Bremse lösen-switch. Has anyone had the same problems? If so, how did you solve it?

    Trying the ÖBB 1116 (Railjet Advance from RWA) or the Railtraction Twindexx it works perfectly fine and I get no faults at all.

    Hi guys! I'm working on a two part-scenario, RE5 from Salzburg to München for Salzburg - Rosenheim and the amazing München - Rosenheim V2. However, I'm struggling recording the announcements I want to have in the scenario. My german is (as I guess you've noticed in my two finished scenarios...), shall we say, not very good and I guess you'd rather drive the scenarios with the speakers turned off instead.. <X So, I would really love some help here if anyone could record at least the Welcome onboard-announcements. Anyone? :saint:

    Hallo alle! I'm from Sweden but I've been here on the forum for a couple of years now and played a lot of the amazing scenarios this community has to offer. I've been working on scenarios for a while, learning the ropes and getting to know the eduitor. Today I finally got a scenario good enough for releasing. I write in english here, but I try to keep my scenarios in german for the realism of it.

    My scenarios have automatic announcements but also spoken announcements by myself. However, I'm not fluent in german so my own announcements might not be as good as you're used to. I really hope you guys can live with it :) If there is anyone that would help me with this, I would highly appreciate it. :)

    So, for my projects:

    Sweet! Looks great! It's amazing what you guys can do. Are you perhaps magicians? :/

    A thought popped into my head here... The original routes were possible to merge since the point of origin is the same. Not to ask anyone to do it, but would it theoretically be possible to merge the upgraded routes? For example the Münich - Rosenheim you're working on, Amisia, and the München - Garmisch Deluxe?

    That's the main question: do I still need to perform the brake test when I use the fast startup? (Ctrl+Shift+O) I thought it was part of phase 3!

    I thought so too, that's why I had problems with it. But seems like you have to perform the test manually even when using the fast startup.

    Kal000px, is this something that is possible to implement in the future? Like a really quick startup, for example when building a scenario chain and you don't want to go through the procedure every time you switch scenario.

    XinoTroN I don’t know anything anout that. How does it work?

    Copyright reasons ;)

    Oberstrom limits how much amperes you can use. As you use more power, you also increase the amperes (the ammount of electricity) you're pulling from the overhead catenary. In Germany you can't use all the way up to 1000A, but are limited to 600A (or, in some conditions, just 400A). This mean you cannot use full power, because otherwise you could potentially damage the catenary system.

    There are, of course, much more to this than what I explained, as this german Wiki-page will show you:

    I haven't had much time to try it out yet, but wanted to use the fast startup to take her for a spin... went through all three phases of the quick startup, raised the panto and used the main switch, I could hear the loco coming up, the panto was raised but even after releasing all the brakes I still see "traction lock" (written in german) on the left screen and I cannot depart. Any hints?

    Have you perfomed the ETCS brake test? I struggled a lot with this at first. I didn't know I had to unlock the train brake lever to be able to release the brakes fully. So, you have to do that. Push the round, white button to the right of the main display in the middle, then release the train brake as well as the direct brake, then perform the ETCS brake test. It doesn't give a real response when clicking the button for it, so keep an eye on the air gauges.

    One thing I missed was unlocking the train brake handle and therefor couldn't release the brake. To the right of the main display in the middle, there's a white button. That one locks/unlock the train brake handle.

    Purchased, downloading. That price though. If this is just half as good as this thread has given the impression of, I might have to donate the same price to him. Some 15 euro for me in Sweden. It feels like a robbery

    Hallo alle! Tut mir leid, da ich auf Englisch schreiben, meine deutschkenntnis ist nicht so gut... Also, I'm not 100% sure about which category this question belongs to, but I hope this is the right one :)

    What does the rules say about operating the tempomat when driving, for example in the Talent 2 or the Flirt 3? Is it mandatory to use it, increasing and decreasing along the route as the speed limit goes up and down?

    Another thing that just came to mind, how much amperes can you use when driving a double unit (doppeltraktion, I believe it's called?) Flirt 3 train? For example on the route between Koblenz and Trier? Can you use up to 600A with a double unit?

    Thanks in advance guys, and I hope you won't punish me too hard for using english :saint:

    I know all the shortcomings of the route. Still think i might do a Real Drive for it just for the fun of it. I know no one else will drive it so i’ll just keep it for myself.

    To be honest, I think you should upload it if you decide to make one. Even though not many of us out here will drive it, there might sill be some that will enjoy a Real Drive for the route.