Virtual Railroads and Joystick Interface - Problems

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  • Hi guys. First of all, I apologize if this question has been answered before and I've missed it. I tried searching a bit for it, but couldn't really find anything.

    Anyhow, I just got a bunch of brake- and throttle levers from StillerTec (Have the Throttle- and brake lever since half a year back, and boy do I love it) and managed to set it all up with the TS Raildriver- and Joystick Interface. However, when trying them out with Virtual Railroads EL-locos (The Br 101, 185.2 and 152 I have tested so far) I get problems with the train brake. I get a warning, Bremsausfall, and the locomotive won't allow me to release the brake the normal way. I can reduce the brake pape (Hauptleitung) and apply the brakes but I can't increase the pressure again. The only way is to press the Bremse lösen-switch. Has anyone had the same problems? If so, how did you solve it?

    Trying the ÖBB 1116 (Railjet Advance from RWA) or the Railtraction Twindexx it works perfectly fine and I get no faults at all.

  • So, I managed to find the problem myself afterall. Apperantly the brake lever was slightly too well calibrated resulting in when it was in the FA-notch it was opening the valve a little bit and overcharging the brake pipe. And since Virtual Railroads locomotives are so well simulated I eventually got a over pressure in the system, up to 12 bar which is... Well, too much :S A recalibration of the levers and tadaa, problem solved.