Falsche Zugkraft-und Leistungswerte?

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  • Hallo,
    ich habe mir mal die Engine-Blueprints von einigen Loks angeschaut und habe festgestellt, dass dort teilweise unpassende bzw. unrealistische Werte für Zugkraft und Leistung eingetragen sind. Bei der HRQ ES64U2 steht zum Beispiel unter MaxPower der Wert 9383. In real hat die ES64U2 doch 6400kw, das sind umgerechnet ca. 8700PS. Und unter MaxForce steht 300, müsste der Wert hier nicht eigentlich in kLbf, also 67.11 eingetragen werden?
    Woran liegt das mit den Werten?
    Gruß, Marc

  • Das liegt daran, dass viele Entwickler nicht wissen, welche Einheiten der TS verlangt.
    Dasselbe Problem hat man desöfteren bei Volumenangaben, wie z.B. dem Wasservorrat einer Dampflok oder dem Dieseltreibstoff. Dort werden auch gerne Liter eingetragen, es werden aber Gallonen verlangt, was dazu führt, dass die Class66 dann statt 6400 Litern stattdessen ~29000 Liter Diesel fassen kann.

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • converted from 6400kw you have 8579.088471871999 HP of horsepower. valuas are an indication or an referention , trains can drive a littlebit different inside real world. depending on the engine you lose also power. for multiple units you have to split the power by 2 or more for correct driving experiences. so if 2 driving cars have total of 100 hp than both engine get 50hp so 2 cars have 100 togheter. for an ice3 you have to split the engines by bogies. engines are located on the bogies and information can easely found online how much you need to split the calculation.
    1 kw = 1.34102209 hp

    if you create an tractive force control and push this information to an text file from lua your even able to compare the loco with factory test curves with help from excel.
    Afcourse you need straight 0 lines without climbing and the regulator need to push direct to 100 precent because this curves are maximum starting traction effort, below traction curve is for diesels , electric trains. they all looking like this, afcourse the curves are diferent but they fal down on higher speed. On moste dispo loks the curve start a littlebit lower than maximum give. most situations maximum is minus 30 or 20 kilo newton

  • if your valua comming outside this addon its a littlebit to high yes ;)
    I have to say that the traction curve vs speed is allot more important for realistic driving experiences.
    The taurus is verry good documented inside real world so its verry easy to give this loco the power from real world if you have the data afcourse. For old engines its diffecult because inside that time they didnt use an laptop or an train full loaded with computers to calculate. Its possible to calculate an steam engine on your home computer with the right details and the right knowledge from math,

    On this moment its not possible to calculate an gear boxed train correct inside 2013 all other types are verry good to give the right driving experiences