Lost a couple scenarios

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  • Hello

    Why after reinstallation I lost a couple of scenarios?
    I miss the one in Hagen-Siegen (Last Leg to Siegen) and Munich-Augsburg (Freight Run to Pasing)

    In a career I have only 4 scenarios previously had their officially much more.

    Selected filters in the game do not help
    I tried to verify the cache on steam, reinstall the game and turn off the cloud of steam.
    I tried to download it from steam or install from cd.
    Nothing helped. I only have the official DLC, no modding.

    Lost map was 20 minutes from the Hagen-Siegen (careful, working technicians on the railyard-something like that, the electric locomotive BR 101)-I had in the usual scenario, and in a career.

    From Munich Augsburg had a lot of scenarios with the prefix [CS], now only one.

    in Utilities see all scenarios files.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • May be a language problem. Which language is set in Steam and in the Utilities.exe ? Try to use english or german, same in both. Other language dosn't often have no Name entries in the Route- or the Szenarioproperties.

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  • Hagen-Siegen in Utilites - http://iv.pl/images/47015094207935937790.png
    Is - "Last Leg to Siegen" and "Neber auf der Lenne"

    My list of standard Scenarios - http://iv.pl/viewer.php?file=55571948418239129647.jpg
    Not "Last Leg to Siegen" and "Neber auf der Lenne"

    In Editor is only 10 scenarios - http://iv.pl/viewer.php?file=58640451274999667072.jpg

    Not "Last Leg to Siegen" and "Neber auf der Lenne" - where is the scenarios?

    In Cariere is only 4 scenarios -

    I once had a more scenarios, now only 4.

    My list DLC od Steam

    I tried to delete data scenarios, I've done cache on steam again, did more than 6000 files, but the list unchanged.

  • Please follow the language issue first, posted by StS.
    He recommended you to change to either english or german in your steam client and the TS itself.
    Please use the same language in both applications.

    After that, try again.

    Egal, wie weit Draußen man die Wahrheit über Bord wirft, irgendwann wird sie irgendwo an Land gespült.

  • As i see at the Pictures: Steam is set to Polski, and Utilities exe -Einstellungen is in German , So choose Polski too .
    Alternate German- Geman or English - English, never choose different languages!
    At this Picture you can see that the most of the scenarios have Pl (== polski) language files.

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  • Steam is Germany and new install game in Germany (download server steam Berlin) - does not work, the same as before.
    NEXT - Steam cache-dateien werden uberpruft - results - all right.

    I do not know what happened, since utilities are these files and their scenarios in game do not see.

    Can somehow export a scenario, and then upload it back? Maybe then it will be on the list?

  • Last Leg to Siegen and Nebel auf der Lenne are Carriere Szenarios, they are not shown in Editor, because no Edit allowed.
    This route sometimes is called Ruhr-Sieg line, is there the missing szenario?
    search in the Kollektion Window.

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  • Nebel auf der Lenne - Kollektion Window in Ruhr-Sieg Line - YES
    Nebel auf der Lenne - STANDARD SCENARIOS - NO

    Nebel auf der Lenne - CARIERE - YES

    Nebel auf der Lenne - EDITOR - NO

    Last Leg to Siegen - Kollektion Window in Ruhr-Sieg Line - NO

    Last Leg to Siegen - STANDARD SCENARIOS - NO

    Last Leg to Siegen - CARIERE - NO

    Last Leg to Siegen - EDITOR - NO

    How is on yours ?


  • older scenarios for this route may appear under the route's old name "Hagen - Siegen", please go through the list and check if you can find them there. You may have done so, I'm not quiet sure after reading your posts.

    But: as StS and Prelli said, please check your language settings for TS! TS is not very reliable with translations, especially if the scenario's properties are not filled correctly. For a long time now I have set everything to english, because german translation is not only executed badly, sometimes it can give you such errors as missing scenarios or even missing instructions in a scenario.

    You don't have to change the language of the Steam application, just setting it for TS is enough:

    And in Utilities.exe set it to english as well.

    "Nebel auf der Lenne" (english: "fog over Lenne" or something similar) will never be visible in the editor menu. It can not be edited with TS's official tools, as all career scenarios.

  • Change the language (game, steam, utilities) - not work
    Check the cache on Steam - not work
    Clear Steam Cloud - not work

    "Hagen-Siegen" and "Ruhr Sieg" there is no scenario "Last Leg to Siegen" (or english name etc. ..)

  • I think you should forget this boring Carierre Szenario and lok for better ones. Here in the download area and the best ones from dw-Agency, there a lot of them using freeware.with very good readmes to find all the stuff.
    Have fun

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