Decals and terraindata, what to use?

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  • Hello,

    I have a question about starting a new reality based route. I want to start downloading ASTER data and use RWdecal to create Google earth decals. But before even going into the technicalities of doing that I have a few questions:

    1. Which terraindata is best (ASTER or something else?)
    2. Can (should) I use terraindata AND RW decals together (or can I see the tracks in the terraindata)?
    3. Do I need any special tools for doing this (I already have RWdecals)

    I am aware that some of this is already discussed in the forum but I couldn't find the answer to the above quetions..


    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"

  • I would give both a try. Downloading the data is not the big job.
    On my own route I'm using srtm on more flat areas and aster in the mountains, as aster looks much more natural.
    But you should be aware that you have a lot of work flattening aster data in the areas next to the rails as every bigger tree and houses cause a "hill" in aster.
    Adjacent areas with aster and srtm data don't fit to eachother so that you have to equalize these borderlines where they can be seen. So you should not change very often the source for your surface.

    First import data for some kms, lets say between two stations.
    At the beginning it is not so important which source you use. Just don't invest real work in adjusting the surface.

    Then let rwdecal create the decals along this track. Use the feature "creating decals along a path" (or similar) in the manual.
    Just before starting the creation process rwdecals asks you whether you want to see the areas of the decals in google earth. Say yes and take screenshots. Now you have an excellent index of the positions of your decals.
    Then place the decals you like (There is no need to place them all in one run).

    For track laying in mountains I flaten the area in the direction I want to lay tracks. So I can see the tracks on the decals better and do not have problems with tunnels. Just take attention on the height of your track (in switzerland use, zoom to your track and do a right klick - acurateness is +/- 10-20cm !)
    When the tracks have been layed between two stations I am placing tunnels and the tunnel occlutions and other stuff I want to have in the tunnel.

    Then you have to import aster or srtm data a second time and thats the time when you should know which to use as the next step is adjusting the surface to your tracks and making corrections. After that you can place signals and all the other assets.

    And make backups - very often when laying tracks backup your folder "networks" in your route-folder.

    Good luck


  • Ok, Thanx for that excellent description Kris. I will first finish my Fantasyland route which should be ready in a week or two and then start with the area between Brunnen and Göschenen. I will start downloading data for the Brunnen-Erstfeld tracks.

    "It's not about perfection, it's about progress"