BR 218 von fopix3d (vor Veröffentlichung)

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  • Hi Fopix

    An dieser stelle auch an dich ein dickes lob für die tolle arbeit deiner Trailerwaggons *jippy* *jippy* *jippy*

    Würde mich freuen wenn der 218ener Diesel bald in dein schop kommen würde. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


  • Cool, dann wünsche ich dir schon ma ne schöne Zeit da drüben... Sag dem Obama mal ein gruß von mir :thumbsup:

    Eisenbahner im Betriebsdienst - DB ZugBus Regionalverkehr Alb-Bodensee
    Baureihenbefähigung: 111, 146.2, 147, 218, 245, 401/402, 407, 425/426, 611, 612, 628.4, 650

  • allot of questions about compatible parts of products from other companys. here the answer.

    no and yes , control car, frontcoach / steuerwagen from vr , no its not compatible but your able to drive with a combination if you own both addons. driving no problem extended options are not compatible, probaly other companys scripting lua on a different way than i do. all addons that are basic from rs will be compatible include my own addons. addons from other companys are not supported but your able to drive with it on a normal way. (please respect thats not everything is possible we have to hold or heads up on our own way our own plans and own way of working. so vr work on there own way and i do and allot other developers, ).

    simply to say the basics are compatible!

    another question from somebody. expert line / advanced

    no i dont work with product lines! not the way how i wanth to work and not how i see it now on this moment. all addons have extended stuff inside . will be released with diferent types of versions / models if possible.

    if you wanth to drive extended or advanced just simple click the bell button on your hud. bells are for american addons and inside my addons it activate warning systems. if you activate this you need to stay on your place behind your cabin controls but for the people that still want to release your warnings systems . this can be done also by hud. just to make it easy.

    my itention is release wagons / frontcars thats compatible with all my addons. so electric for electric diesel for diesel. if possible but i try to do my best for that. i will introduce you time by time on that. for now just follow.

    and also my main focus is diesel trains, multiple units. i will focus my self first on that.

    for this moment the release terms are slow this cause by parts where i also work on. important for you and also for me. just to make life easyer later. im working hard and many hours on that. whe are developing producing and investigation. im always bussy with that . we dont sitting stil.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von fopix3d ()

  • Thank You for that great informations...

    Best Regards Marcel *eiei*

    Eisenbahner im Betriebsdienst - DB ZugBus Regionalverkehr Alb-Bodensee
    Baureihenbefähigung: 111, 146.2, 147, 218, 245, 401/402, 407, 425/426, 611, 612, 628.4, 650

  • not easy cant drive with it on this moment to germany :P no atb safety system inside this 218. maybe an railion ludmilla can bring 5 of this 218's to germany ;)

  • Hi Fopix3d

    I'm not the biggest Deutsche Bahn Fan, but your models seems to look great. The BR 218 machine, I think I have to get it. Fantastic sound and it really looks great. I wish you would create some Italian models ;) ...

    Greetzzz.. PasqualeS

  • That is one of the reason why I like German trains and why I made a German route *super*

  • thanks for the nice comments.

    to all my followers please stop asking for release dates.

    i know about everybody that you are realy happy with the upcomming releases. and im afcourse also happy about that.

    but please stop asking about release dates i dont give that!!!. why ??? im just alone here alone with excited projects , im happy that i can do that. but the market ask allot allot of options people wanth pzb and all kind of stuff on trains all this parts cost allot of time.simple the market ask for long development times. i dont have an archive of trains here everything need to build up from the ground. im not building like virtualrailroads. this guys working with 2 and 4 hands so they are able to increase working speed but still its allot of work for them and for me twice more work. if they need 5 months for something than i need 10 months as example (understand that im saying here that im always be slower than vr). please give me time !!! im working hard on everything i do my upper best to launch some extended addons that give you all some nice time inside railworks. i like to show you all work that i do here but if we stay asking for releases than i stop with that and than its waiting without information.

    please respect that we take or time and need or time, not only respecting me, but every developer from freeware to payware. dont ask for release dates developers dont give that and if we give that than we show it direct to everybody. so inside simple words dont blame your time with that question. not by private message or inside the forum

    so be nice and wait after this waiting time your able to enjoy railworks again on a new way like you already do on other addons. im still fighting with my time and still searching for a skilled worker who can support me on addons or projects. on this moment there is nobody so for now im alone.

    regards remon !

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von fopix3d ()

  • Deine Position ist verständlich, aber nach deinen Äußerungen, die 218 sei fertig, kommt man schon ins Grübeln, warum sie noch nicht da ist. Nachfragen speziell zu diesem Add-on sind doch dann verständlich. Machst du es dir damit nicht selber schwer?

  • Herrschaftszeiten *motz* , jetzt lasst ihn doch mal machen. Ich erinnere mal da dran, dass Ulf und Maik die BR143 EL auch net in einem Tag fertig gemacht hat, und die waren zu zweit! Die 111 ging halt schneller weil die PZB schon fertig war und von der 143 übernommen werden konnte. Das mit dem Scripting ist halt keine Sache die man mal eben so macht. *teetrink*
    Die Leute die vor lauter Ungedult nicht warten können, probierts doch einfach mal selber. Es hat schon seinen Grund warum es so lange dauert wie es dauert. Und fertig ist, wenns fertig ist. Es gibt hier im Forum genügend Beispiele, wo sich die Ersteller genervt durch 1000 gleiche Frage ala "Wenn isses denn fertig?????" oder "Des gefällt mir so aber überhaupt net" oder "kann mer noch dies, kann mer noch das" voller Groll zurück gezogen haben. Nochmal: Fertig ist, wenns fertig ist. Und es steht jedem Ersteller frei, wie er es macht, genauso wie es den späteren Nutzern freisteht es für gut oder schlecht zu befinden.

    Grüße Maddin

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von maddin_the_brain ()

  • Ich kann die Einwände von von Fopix sehr gut verstehen. Mich würde es nämlich auch nerven; v.a. dieses ständige Drängen. Und dann meistens noch die Extrawünsche usw. - und wehe irgendetwas geht nach dem Release nicht so, dann geht das Geschrei los. Ach ja und am besten soll das Ganze auch nix kosten.

    Seid doch froh, dass er überhaupt was macht. Sonst gäbe es gar nichts. Also auf die paar Tage kommts nicht mehr an.

  • Jau, lasst sie basteln (take your time needed)! Und wenn vR früher fertig ist, macht das gar nichts es gibt so viele Varianten und unerschiedl. Modelle (auch zwsichen einzelnen Maschinen ... denkt man alleine an die Abgase/Sound) ich würde mir sowieso beide zulegen, weils zum fahren einfach die wohl tollste dt. Diesellok ist.

  • that question is realy anoying me every time. i receive them on youtube,facebook,here on pm , inside my mail on forums. on my comment sections on my website. its just like an spam cloud :P spam tornado i dont know how i can call it.

    maik already ask allot of times to stop with it but allot stay asking that. and allot of people still dont understand how much work everything is and maik and ulf explain that already a couple of times here. still people ask i dont understand but its annoying ;)

    yes the sound is wonderful . spend loads of editing time inside that. im excited about it and im not fast excited about sounds. i think this say something about this engine. smoke from the exhaust pipes is also rebuilded . and running on his own scripting work. just like this engine blow it outside and not like an blowing little steam engine. stil the smoke is realistic builded . just like i saw that. and without sounds you can see the moment when the engine starts running.

    screeny of the lightmappings on the roof. all have his own shine effects . dirt dont shine clean parts shine. good example on the exhaust pipes