DTG hat ein Upgrade für die Long Island Railroad angekündigt.
Diese enthält folgendes;
- A total of 57 miles of network to operate
- NEW Long Beach Branch with 10 Stations
- NEW Abandoned Woodhaven Station on part of the Atlantic Branch
- UPDATED Reworking of the Schedule with significantly more services (+ more for those with the M3 EMU loco Add-on)
- NEW Scenarios including ‘Double Duty’ where you can play as a Conductor
- UPDATED Reworking of Sunnyside Yard
- UPDATED Station areas, with updated lighting and textures
- UPDATED Scenery textures, water materials and increased fidelity with the landscape texture blending
- NEW Full TSW4 feature set, including Scenario Planner (chained paths), Volumetric Fog, rain effects as well as TOD4 lighting and Dynamic Weather from TSW3
Kosten wird dieses DLC 35,99€
Vorbestellbar ab 23.04.24
Für Besitzer der LIRR gibt es 10% Rabatt, zusammen mit dem Vorbesteller Rabatt könnte man 20% Sparen.
Als kleine Besonderheit werden die Sicherheitssysteme ATC und ACSES immer aktiv sein. Dazu wird ein eigenes Manual mitgeliefert.
Die Verbesserungen an der bestehenden Strecke im Überblick;
- Safety Systems for the route will be enabled at all times – this is something unique to Long Island Rail Road Commuter
- The Brake charge will be automated as part of the start-up procedure, rather than operated by the player
- Removed circuit breakers in the rear of the cab
- Door controls have been altered, including removal of door interaction control panels throughout the train
- Signal IDs are now randomised
- Removed CCTV cameras from coaches
Der Preview Livestream ist am 25.4.2024
Weitere Informationen; https://live.dovetailgames.com…lirr-commuter-coming-soon