[JT/UTS] Hamburg U1

  • sekr yes. I also realise that. But they never open after the second stop. Not 1 doorset. And as mentioned, the unloading objective works at the first stop. But after the second TS doesn’t accept release as unloading.

    I also like to clarify I installed and reinstalled the route multiple times. Deleted blueprint.pak multiple times, none to any avail.

  • Raphie1996 I know what you mean and yes it's a bug. For me the doors work at the first 3 stations instead of just one, but same problem here. After 3 stations the doors will only open when manually releasing them by pressing U or O for a few seconds.

    You're also right regarding brakes on the DT5 when driving with 3 cars in comparison to 2 cars. It's a bug in the game itself but most developers have workarounds for this, I'm pretty sure, alTerr is able to fix it in the future.

    An alle, die sein Problem nicht verstanden haben:

    Wenn man die manuelle Türsteuerung aktiviert, funktioniert die Türfreigabe mit kurzem Tastendruck, wo die Türen nach und nach aufgehen, nur an den ersten paar Stationen. Danach bleiben sie zu und man muss sie mit langem Tastendruck zwangsöffnen. Das ist wirklich ein Bug, der noch nicht behoben wurde.