RW Enhancer 2 erschienen

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  • oldsnake

    Maybe for the ( german ) PIS, it would be great to let the playber set some parameters, like destination ( when it's how jpvdveer explained ) and the type of train like ICE, IC ( express ) or RB, RE, S ( commuter services ). That also would give the opportunity to customize the PIS, because the announcements in long distance trains and commuter trains are very different. In ICE, IC you are welcomed by the train stuff and also the announcements for the next stop are done manually by the train stuff.

    In most regional trains the announcements play automatically and in the same way on each stations :

    When the doors open it says on the outside of the train "RB/RE/S nach destination". Then if you departed it says "RB/RE/S nach destination. Nächste Station next stop."

    Before the next stop it says "Nächste Station next stop. Ausstieg in Fahrtichtung rechts ( right ) / links ( left )." Before destination it says : "Nächste Station next stop. Dieser Zug endet hier. Ausstieg in Fahrtichtung rechts ( right ) / links ( left )."

    So this kind of announcements on local trains should work very well with your automated announcement system if the correct phrases are implemented as they work the same way on each stop and are computer voices anyway. Maybe the side of exit could be solved with sliders, which the player can move for each stop because your system could not know, on which side the platform is. Or you cancel this detail information ...

    The announcements on long distance trains are more individual as they are spoken by human and everybody does it a little bit different. But the information included is the same. They welcome the people like this after departure :

    "Meine Damen und Herren, ich begrüße sie recht herzlich an Bord des ICE/IC auf der Fahrt nach destination. Wir wünschen eine angenehme Reise. Unseren nächsten planmäßigen Halt next stop erreichen wir voraussichtlich um arrival time at next stop."

    A few moments before arriving they say something like "Meine Damen und Herren, in Kürze erreichen wir next stop. Wir verabschieden uns von allen Fahrgästen, die hier aus- oder umsteigen und wünschen einen angenehmen Tag. Der Ausstieg hier in next stop befindet sich in Fahrtrichtung links / rechts."

    This is a very simple construct, because there could be a lot more information like an advice to the onboard restaurant, information on delay or the connection trains on the next stop.

    So they are a lot more complicated. Maybe you could implement standart announcements with the information given every time and a pool of additional announcements which are added randomly to these to not have every announcement the same.

    These are just some suggestions to improve the german version als the english version fit's very well for now.

  • update is now available :) More infos here:…pdate-07210-is-available/

    Alti Please report back about the PIS "third, second..." issue ;)


    - Added consists created with TS consist editor support

    - Improved online network communication system

    - Fixed sound issue while playing on certain PC configurations

    - Fixed HUD accelerometer drawing issue on certain PC configurations

    - Fixed some speech grammar issue for Station PIS in German language

  • Not sure there is more you can do Patti98 .

    Perhaps some compromise approach can be imagined to reduce the frequency of these messages occurring on routes subject to stuttering - RWE2 pauses its internal operations following the 500-1000 ms detection time, but the actual "simulation paused" message only appears following a further (1000-2000ms?) lag? This will not completely eliminate the issue (TS sometimes stutters for longer) but will make it less intrusive.

  • oldsnake

    I tested a little bit more. A quickdrive scenario and another normal scneario. Everything worked fine.

    In the specific scenario where the issue happens the framerate is high ( about 40 fps ). The screen appears every few seconds and stays for some seconds. Then after 1 or 2 minutes it stops doing this but after a few moments ( about 1 or 2 minutes later ) in begins again. I will test more scenarios an look if this issue is occures.

    Edit : Tested another scenario on the route where a scenario worked fine before. But i´m also getting the pause screen. If it occures, then it stays for some seconds and then it let´s me back in the game for just a little moment and then comes again.

  • If you have any anti-virus, could you try to disable it completely while you are playing RW Enhancer to see if the issue is still the same ?

  • oldsnake

    Just the f*****g Windows Defender, which also makes problems in installing some scenarios here *hauen*

    But i could try to deactivate him and make an exception for RW Enhancer.

    Just to get sure, Fullscreen could not be the problem right ? When i remember correct, this is support meanwhile ? ( works fine except from this issue )

  • Ok maybe i try another option

    Edit : oldsnake In Borderless mode it's better but not fully gone. But in the critical scenario there was just two very short times where the pause screen appeared instead of all the time and always for many seconds.

    Will make some improvements for the simulation pause detection tomorow. Will see if it is improving things or not. Fun fact, more than 50% of informations provided by Train SImulator are sometimes buggy or not reliable. I had to do my own systems for a lot of things. Don't know what DTG/Kuju has made in the code but I think i don't want to know :) There is some issues that are present since years and that could be fixed by DTG quite easily but nothing is fixed. Believe me, RWE 2 is not a easy software to do :D I need to do workarounds and black magic for a lot of things.

  • Also bei mir muss ich ständig den Reset button nutzen und nochmal vollständig neu kochen. Heute wollte ich QD fahren über den Enhancer und habe plötzlich nur noch 20 Züge zur Verfügung. 90% findet der Enhancer nicht mehr. Ganzer RSC/DTG Ordner z.B. als leer angezeigt. Jetzt wieder großes Cooking.

    „Wer die Freiheit aufgibt um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, der wird am Ende beides verlieren.“
    Benjamin Franklin

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von tom87 ()

  • A UI suggestion. I often find myself, at the start of each scenario, tweaking various HUD and audio settings. This is a quick process, but changing from, say. the HUD to the Audio menu is perhaps not as easy as could be the case. As it is not possible to use the mouse wheel to scroll, it is necessary to use the vertical bar to scroll to the top of the screen in order to then change between the various top level menus. Might it instead be possible for the top-level menu bar ("General, Gameplay, HUD, Audio") always to remain visible, so that it is always possible to quicky switch between these menus without having to scroll to the top first?