if the new package is 1.5g that doesn't work active faults either, but according to RW_Tools I have it all I don't lack anything.

Danish Upcoming Route - Sjælland
- erhältlich
- Forcesius
Ist die Strecke im Quick Drive nutzbar, habe sie in der Strecken Liste nicht gefunden, das Bild ist aus dem Freien Spiel ?
The new 1,5 GB package has already the 50 Datenfehler (korrupted Date in the Package, picture see Item 56)
Ther are already over 3000 unnecessary .xml Datafiles delivered.
the missing Assets, list in Item #59, are still missing.@Forcesius
unpack the assets in an empty folder z-zip right mouse unpack here. you get the list of the "Datafehler"-Files.
add the missing assets, if possible,
lock for not corrupted Files, replace them.
Then search for *.xml Files in the Explorer
Delete them or run the Clean- Assets-Tool.
The rename your Complete Assets-Folder to Assets_all
The Route-assets folder to Railworks/assets, Pack the assets Folder, new give the package a new Version Number e.g. 1.01 or so,
the A new Upload will be a good solution. -
Ein Quick Drive erstellen, habe ich keine Anhung von, man kann ja nicht alles wissen.
Aber man kann es einfach lernen durch Video Tutorials...
Erstmal muss die Datei funktionieren
das Ding lässt sich nach wie vor nicht entpackenalso was soll ich mir denn da Gedanken über QD im voraus machen
Erstmal muss das Ding laufen -
Bei mir funktioniert die Map
The new 1,5 GB package has already the 50 Datenfehler (korrupted Date in the Package, picture see Item 56)
Ther are already over 3000 unnecessary .xml Datafiles delivered.
the missing Assets, list in Item #59, are still missing.@Forcesius
unpack the assets in an empty folder z-zip right mouse unpack here. you get the list of the "Datafehler"-Files.
add the missing assets, if possible,
lock for not corrupted Files, replace them.
Then search for *.xml Files in the Explorer
Delete them or run the Clean- Assets-Tool.
The rename your Complete Assets-Folder to Assets_all
The Route-assets folder to Railworks/assets, Pack the assets Folder, new give the package a new Version Number e.g. 1.01 or so,
the A new Upload will be a good solution.Yes i have found the problem with corrupt files. i will pack a new assets pack when i get home. Have you downloaded Jylland 1960 down also?
Have you downloaded Jylland 1960 down also ?
No, i hve the old Nothern Europe, so I see no need.
No, i hve the old Nothern Europe, so I see no need.
Northern europe is outdated and will be removed.
I installed Jyland 1960 and Jyland 2000 version 7.5 and both routes work great.
Now I'm just missing a usable Zealand route with files that can be extracted and I'm looking forward to it
ya puso el nuevo paquete de activos?
Ich habe die Strecke Kopenhagen-Malmö gefahren.
Was kann ich machen an die dichten Eingängen der Tunnel?
herzlich Gruss aus Holland
Ruud -
ya puso el nuevo paquete de activos?
Not yet. It will be upload tomorrow.
Ich habe die Strecke Kopenhagen-Malmö gefahren.
Var jeg ikke i stand til at dykke Eingängen der Tunnel?
herzlich Gruss aus Holland
RuudDescribe. hvad skete der?
Det är problem . Se foto
Vänliga hälsningar
Ruud -
Is it In a scenario or free roam this picture.
No it is the scenario RE mod Sverige
Problem solved via the Dutch forum in the meanwhile.
Ruud -
I have downloaded the new Pack but there are the same Problems than before
I'm still having problems with the zip file.
the rwp in it still cannot be unpacked
the assets of PolishAddon, icepack, RSC and KuJu- are still missing -
Ich hoffe da kommen noch Szenarios..
Ansicht ist die Strecke hammer