The Free BR204 Scenario Not Displayed

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  • I just downloaded the new BR204 advent scenario, it's for free, so I'm not complaining in any's just that it's not showing up in the list of scenarios under FrBA (standard, not career section).

    I suspect this is due to the fact that all the names inside the scenario seem to be filled in German only, not in English. Is there any plan to release a version that supports English please?

    Thanks a lot.

  • Hey there, I just double checked everything you mentioned, of course with a download from our shop. But I'm really sorry, that I can't reproduce your errors.
    Like every other JTG product, this scenario is translated not only with the TS standart lan Files (for the TS menu), but also the custom messages in the scenario itself are translated.

    Could you please re-download the product from our shop, re-install it and make sure you clear the cache once the installation is finished.

    Please let us know, if you could solve the problem.

  • Hallo,

    ich habe auch ein Problem mit dem Installer, denn wenn ich auf "Zustimmen und Installieren" klicke, kommt die Meldung: Pfad "" Eine Installation ist auf diesem Laufwerkstyp nicht möglich!

    Auch das Ausführen als Administrator brachte nichts.

    Mein Railworkspfad ist: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks

    Gibt es da eine Hilfemöglichkeit?

    Viele Grüße


  • Hallo Razo,

    melde dich am besten bei unserem Helpdesk. Wir haben bei noch keinem Produkt eine ähnliche Meldung erhalten. Der Installer sucht sich automatisch entsprechendes Verzeichnis des TrainSimulator. Du kannst aber auch den Inhalt in einen beliebigen Ordner installieren und manuell in deinen TrainSimulator kopieren. Ist zwar nicht "sexy" aber zumindest bis zur Klärung eine erste Abhilfe.

    Dennoch wären wir Dir dankbar mit Dir eine bequeme Lösung zu finden, gerade solche Einzelmeldungen sind enorm wichtig für uns. :)

  • Hi,

    I have no idea what was happening... the scenario could be seen even by RWTools, but not by the game. I even made a copy of the scenario in RWTools, the game still could not see it, even in the Build menu there was nothing. I uninstalled and re-installed several times yesterday, to no avail.

    Today I cleared the cache - no help. then I reinstalled using the newly downloaded installer,and suddenly it's there. But it could not be data corruption, I just checked MD5s of the installers downloaded yesterday and today - they are the same.

    Perhaps clearing the cache and THEN reinstalling did the trick, I don't know. Never had such an issue before.

    Anyway, thanks a lot for your help!!!

  • Excellent scenario, very atmospheric! Would JTG consider creating a whole scenario pack for BR 204 (paid one, of course)?

    Or one more advent scenario for BR 204 and hbbills wagons that were on sale yesterday...

    Again, big thanks to JTG for this scenario, great job indeed!