So I completed the GWR tutorial and started the first scenario. I rode the train for a while, got into the train I should be driving, and waited 15 minutes (seriously wish you could fast forward time), but when it's time to depart, nothing I do makes my train move. I really don't want to start the scenario over.
The engine seems to be on, I can hear it. Reverser is in forward. Brakes are in running mode. Emergency brake is not on. On the HUD, it shows 0 amps, which seems wrong to me. I'm new to train sims and have no idea what to do.
Is there a manual under Railworks/manauls/EN... For the Route and for the Loco? is there a description how to drive the Loco?
It’s a question about TSW. There will be no Railworks Folder...
You have to search for the manuals on the net. Found the TSW and TSW Ruhr-Sieg so far, now looking for Spessartbahn...
Link TSW Manual:…ons/0/133259855835163223/
Have you turned the master key?
Hat das Label TSW hinzugefügt.