BR 424/425/426 and TS2019 64bit - Access Violation

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  • Hello,

    I've been looking around in the forums and although I believe this can be just another DTG-related problem, I'd still rather ask in these forums.

    I have been trying to play with BR 426 and the soundupdate from Linus F (…R-424-425-426-Soundpaket/ ) but for some reason, TS 2019 64bit always throws an Access Violation error on two occasions:

    1 - When I check the passenger view 5, there's just one sound that plays only once and then there's no sound, soon after the error occurs.
    2 - When another ( KI ) BR 426 is passing by, the error occurs.

    I have tried to overcome this issue by playing with 32bit, which doesn't crash the simulator. I tried reporting this error to DTG but they keep pointing me to the sound configuration .bat ( which I have done ) or to contact the 3rd party developer.

    Do you also have any issues with this sound pack and the BR 426 on 64bit? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Apologies beforehand for not writing/speaking in German.



  • Hello to both,

    @Gandalf der Weise Yes, I believe this is also a big issue from most of things on the 64bit. Hopefully one day it will be fixed...

    @linus I kindly thank you for your response to this thread. Your sound set patch work is really good and I do enjoy it a lot. It is indeed a pity that 64bit throws in the Access Violation error for some reason. Avoiding the passenger view is a valid workaround, the problem is when you meet another BR 426, then the game crashes anyway.

    Do you also have this problem, though? Because I do not have the other DLC as mentioned on your manual. I wonder if that can have any impact or not.

    Thanks again for your response!

