I’ve already got Tirol and Arlberg. Does any other RSSLO routes have Ki traffic in the quick drives?

Which RSSLO routes quick drives have AI traffic?
Tool: https://rail-sim.de/forum/wsif…2056343/?highlight=RWINFO
There You get the Info, which spawnpoints are set for which QD:
Select Route, dubbleclick a QD, the you get an Info Window with the driving route of each GD Spawnpoint. -
You always can add AI traffic by yourself, either by editing existent quick drive scenarios or by creating new ones.
The Allgaubahn has Quick Drives - I don't know which others
Yes true. But sometimes, as you know, routes comes without any trains in the preload folder. So first i am going for routes that have trains in the preload. And the only way to know that, without owning the route(!) is to ask if anyone has seen trains in the quick drive of the route.
As we talked about some months ago, it might not be wise to mess with other users preload folders, and i am asking for routes i can make Real Drives for without doing my own preload blueprints.
So the only way to know if i can make a Real Drive for a route like the Südbahn is to ask, since i do not own it.
You can create your own preloads, and if its based on the rolling stock of the given route only, users will not have any problems using your quick drives, as long as you distribute your preloads with your quick drive scenario.
further routes with some AI-traffic in QD´s are:
Mittenwaldbahn (Garmisch - Innsbruck)
Südbahn: Bruck - Graz - Maribor
Ennstalbahnhow much AI included I don´t know, but it can happen that you must stop at red signals at single-track-sections
Hello Kim,
AI traffic is spawned at all routes with the exception of "Bad Radkersburg - Spielfeld/Strass".