Gestern bekam der TSW ein großes Update, ein generelles Update und auch umfangreiche Sachen für die einzelnen Strecken. Mich würden die Erfahrungen interessieren. Ich habe mal kurz die Great-Western-Mainline angefahren und habe dabei festgestellt, dass die Überbelichtung der Strecke und Fahrzeuge repariert wurde - so der erste Eindruck. Was mich besonders interessiert ist, was das Update mit der Rapid Transit gemacht hat, die hatte ich damals gleich wieder zurückgegeben. Was mir auch auffällt dass die Rapid Transit nur noch im Bündel mit anderen Strecken erhältlich ist und gar nicht mehr einzeln angeboten wird.

Herbst Update TSW
- kiter
mal sehe wann das Update auf die Konsolen Versionen kommt
Zitat von Patchnotes @Steam
Hey Railfans,
Alongside the launch of TSW: Long Island Railway we're also pushing a HUGE Train Sim World patch live today! There's something here for everyone - to find out more read the Autumn Patch notes below!
Autumn Update Patch Notes
Train Sim World Core Software
- Fixed the weather code to fully initialise before the Time of Day System, prevents incorrect lighting cube maps from being generated on game start
- Can now specify spawn time to service mode within 5-minute intervals instead of 15 minutes
- Removed the faded "D" from the power HUD icon
- Changed the direction neutral "N" to a "-" in order to be more localisation friendly
- Fix for rail vehicles losing all momentum upon derailment
- Improved how passengers determine which platforms to spawn at based on arriving trains
- Fix for objective manager presenting incorrect objectives for a service in some rare instances
- Fix for dispatcher track section request ordering which could create standoffs in some cases
- Fixed some issues with sleepers / track ties which made them appear in bulk, disappear and then gradually re-appear
Ruhr-Sieg Nord
Gameplay- Fixed an issue with the Freight Exchange scenario to properly recognise the 5-second hold rule for the Battery Isolation switch
- Fixed an issue with the doors opening on wrong side at Plettenberg on RB91/RE16 services, and at Hohenlimburg on RB56 services.
- Fixed an issue with the “Depart When Ready” objective would not clear when the train was moving in the Returning Empty scenario
- Removed a Vr head and changed magnets on one signal which affected services running through Plettenberg Platform 2 that were receiving a 1000 Hz influence
- Fixed an issue that would produce the full rain audio whilst under the canopy in Hagen Hbf
- Added speed related PZB activation to 1000 Hz and 500 Hz magnets
- Fixed an issue with an OHLE hanger floating in mid-air at Plettenberg station
DB BR 143
- Added an option to allow the player to activate the cab light from the controller
- Fixed an issue that would cause all locos to show the same loco number
- Added missing ground shadow plane
- Adjusted the Full-Service brake pressure to correctly report a reduction to 3.5 BAR instead of ~3.6 BAR
- Added missing Desk Light
- Moved shunting control components further inwards to allow players to interact with them
- Fixed an issue with the bright headlight setting that would show reflections on the windscreen and other flickering artefacts
- Fix coupling clipping when coupling to Shimms wagon
- Re-added missing PZB Mode decals to switch on lower desk
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the player from re-entering the loco during the tutorial
- Fixed an issue with premature brake application when loco is moving under AFB
- Fixed an issue that would result in the AFB disappearing from the MFD when switching to exterior camera and back
- Updated the tutorial so that it correctly asks the player to set the centre headlight as well
- Fixed a number of issues with the tractive effort gauge
- Fixed the PZB "Acknowledge" functionality on Xbox controller
Doppelstockwagen & Control Car
- Fixed a problem with the representations of the headlights
- Fixed an issue that would prevent a player from being able to sit in the secondman’s seat whilst the train is in motion
- Fixed an issue where the horn failed to trigger if the horn control was pressed too quickly after release
- Changed the horn fade out time, and the audio trigger conditions based off the position of the horn control
- Added the appropriate animation for the Brake Overcharge button
- Fixed the camera functionality
- Fixed the missing rain on the upper level windows
- Improved the 3D model smoothing
- Improved the freight wagon sounds so they can be heard on passing AI trains
- Adjusted collision volume to allow for easier access to couplers on the Habbiins 344
- Fixed an issue with the collectable located at Altena tunnel
- Numerous fixes relating to key language translation throughout
West Somerset Railway
General- Optimised performance of hoses between vehicles
- Rain and Snow effects should now show up correctly on windows
- General scenery improvements
- Extended stopping radius on "go to" objectives from 2 meters to 8 meters to make it more flexible when stopping
BR Class 47
- Ensure drivers and crew are interacting correctly with seats
- Added rattle sound
BR Class 09
- Optimised performance of hoses between vehicles
Mk1 Coaches
- Added missing audio for interior hinged and sliding doors
- Fixed an issue affecting one of the sliding doors not working correctly
- Numerous fixes relating to key language translation throughout
Northeast Corridor New York
Route- Fixed junction motors and levers in New York Penn to not have snow on them
- Fixed a number of issues relating to loading saved games
- Reduced couple/uncouple times for freight to be 1 second instead of 10 seconds
Amtrak ACS-64
- Fixed reward stats for Cab Light and Horn
Great Western Express
Route- Removed the overgrowing foliage to the platform and tunnel next to Hayes and Harlington
BR Class 43 ‘HST’
- Completely reworked diesel-electric simulation has been added
- Improved behaviour of Electric Train Supply and how it affects the engine rpm and throttle control usage
BR Class 66
- Completely reworked diesel-electric simulation has been added
- Adjustments to the EM2000 module and how it displays data
- Faster reaction movement on the Ammeter
Freight Wagons
- Changed the dimension of brake pipe connectors to improve air flow and thus improve brake operation
Da ich mal vermute, dass sich hier auch TSW Spieler der XBOX ONE S aufhalten und diese Updates sich hoffentlich auch auf die XBOX ONE beziehen, wollte ich fragen, ob sich ein Kauf für die XBOX lohnt oder eher weniger (speziell für die One S)?
Auch hier noch mal, dießes Update bezieht sich ausschließlich auf die PC-Version!Ob und wann dießes für PS4 und Xbox gibt, weiß keiner aber rechner mal mit 4-6wochen, so zu mindes waren dann immer die Addons veröffentlichung!
Das andere weiß weiß ich nicht bin mir auch nicht sicher ob es nicht nur für die neue Xbox-One erschienen ist, eich mal YB schauen ob es dort nicht erfahrungsberichte dazu gibt! -
Hat das Label TSW hinzugefügt.