Can someone reccomend a site that has real electric locomotive sounds, for German railways only... of course i'd love to travel back out to Germany and record my own sounds, but i can't do that for a few years at least.
i am playing with adding sounds to my vR expert line locomotives and train sets, simple things at first...
like i've added a switch click sound when the 'T' button is pressed to open the doors... just so it's not silent doing that action... as there is a switch that clicks for 'TuerF' close doors.
I've also added a click and hiss sound to the 'Brems Loeschen' switch that for some reason is silent even tho the switch operates.... when i learn the sound code better, i want to make the hiss sound as the brakes are released only happen if the brake pipe pressure is below 5 bar.
I'm also wanting to add a sound for when the battery is turned on as you cold stat the locomotives... at the moment you get the vR message system beep and maybe a small hum...
Does anyone have a video or sound recording of a German electric locomotive having it's battery switched on?? i imagine there would be a loud clunk from a large contactor pulling in, some beeps as various systems boot up / initialize and so on. it should be quite an event for the battery to be turned on for the first time of the day i think?
Again, i'd need code so the clunks and that only happen if the actual battery is turned on... and not just from the switch press, as if you press the battery switch with the reverser in the wrong position etc, you get the vR message system telling you somethings wrong, and the battery doesnt turn on.