AP posted on Facebook that they have been recording a class 73 on the mainline and a class 153. So we know what 2 future packs will be.
Future enhancement packs
- angekündigt
- holzroller
An enhanccement pack for the 153 is very welcomed as that´s really a mess. On the 73 on the other hand I don´t really see the selling point as the "free" 73 which comes with the 460 is already quite good. If they´re implementing the new MTU engines some 73´s have (and thus running on diesel mode only), that would make thing a lot more interesting. But if that is doeable (as the look of the 73´s has changed with the rebuilding) is hard to judge.
I´m really hoping for the dreaded 170/171/172 to be next. I quite like those but the sound is killing me!
There will be no Class 170,171, 172 unless AP buy the model from Thomson as Thomson will not allow it. Whether it would worthwhile given some of the criticism of the price of the class 150/2 pack is another matter. With the 73 I would imagine they will add functionality and correct some of the more obvious scripting faults for the other liveries.
I thought the 170 has now become part of Dovetail's DLCs with Thomson selling the rights to it to Dovetail. Maybe I'm wrong though.
AP posted on Facebook that they have been recording a class 73 on the mainline and a class 153. So we know what 2 future packs will be.
Finde ich schon eigenartig. Die mit der 460 mitgelieferte class 73 finde ich doch schon sehr gelungen (die "normale DTG 73 dagegen nicht so gut) und für die Class 153 gibt es von AP bereits einen Soundpack "Pro" für die JT Version. (Auch für die kürzlich veröffentlichte 150.2 gibt es ja bereits einen Pro-Sound Pack, das Fahrzeug haben ja viele noch auf der Platte).
I thought the 170 has now become part of Dovetail's DLCs with Thomson selling the rights to it to Dovetail. Maybe I'm wrong though.
Could be, I wasn't aware of this, Thomson now also work as a satellite office for DTG, so the relationship has become a little blurred.
AP posted on Facebook that they have been recording a class 73 on the mainline and a class 153. So we know what 2 future packs will be.
I think that's strange. I think the class 73 supplied with the 460 is already very successful (the "normal DTG 73" is not that good) and for the class 153 AP already has a soundpack "Pro" for the JT version. (Also for the recently released 150.2 there is already a Pro-Sound Pack, the vehicle have many still on the plate).
The class 73 enhancement pack will be for the normal DTG lok, and probably the driving trailer as well. New technology allows better recordings and I would imagine that the class 153 scripts will get updated as well. Whether they are of value to you depends on your level of interest, for the me the class 73 with the 460 has very limited value as it is only in one colour.
for the me the class 73 with the 460 has very limited value as it is only in one colour.
...so unterschiedlich sind die Interessen : Mein Interesse ist in erster Linie an einem guten Sound, guter Physik und guter Cabgestaltung. Die verschiedenen Repaints die AP oft mitliefert füllen meist ungenutzt meine SSD, sie sind ja ohnehin nur dann als KI sichtbar, wenn ich ein AP-Szenario fahre. AP könnte ja zwei Packete packen : eines ohne und eines mit den Repaints.
@holzroller AP has explicitly stated that the 170/171/172 has been bought by DTG in the development of the 172 and the Goblin line. They are woking on this pack (at least that's what I've headed some weeks back).
... so different are the interests: My interest is primarily in a good sound, good physics and good cab design. The various repaints the AP often delivers provide mostly unused my SSD, they are anyway only visible as AI, if I drive an AP scenario. AP could pack two packets: one without and one with the repaints
It wouldn't be worthwhile for him, most want the repaints, but you can always delete them if you don't need them. For me varied realistic AI is also essential. This is why I have 2tb drive for TS.
@holzroller AP has explicitly stated that the 170/171/172 has been bought by DTG in the development of the 172 and the Goblin line. They are woking on this pack (at least that's what I've headed some weeks back).Indeed having looked at the product page on Steam it seems it is now a DTG product and their is mention in the reviews of AP doing an enhancement pack. I have had this add-on for so long that I hadn't noticed the change.