​TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface [discussion]

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  • Vielen Dank fuer dieses tolle Tool! Ich habe da aber zwei kleine Probleme:

    1. Auf-Ab- Fahrschaltung der BR111 bzw des X-Steuerwagens.
    Laut Full Engine Map werden die Fahrstufen mit dem Wert 1 hochgeschaltet.
    Laut Raildriver-Anleitung wird in der Lever Map der Buchstabe "c" vor die 1 geschrieben, um so den Tastenbefehl "a" nicht nur einmalig, sondern kontinuierlich zu senden, solange der Joystick den Wert 1 hat.
    Die Notch Values sind bei mir: 0, 0.4, 0.6, c1, die Notch Range 0, 1.

    Wenn ich allerdings den Joystick nach vorne lege (100%), bewegt sich der Fahrhebel nur kurz nach vorne (Wert 1), schaltet eine Fahrstufe hoch, und geht dann wieder in die Halten-Stellung (Wert = 0.7). Um kontinuierlich hochzuschalten, muss ich mit dem Joystick zwischen den Werten 60 und 100% quasi "pumpen". Beim Herunterschalten der Fahrstufen (Wert = 0.4) gibt es keine Probleme.

    2. Neue Lever Map ist leer (keine Control Values)
    Beim Anlegen neuer Fahrzeuge bleibt die Lever Map oftmals (nicht immer) leer, d.h. es werden keine Zeilen erzeugt. Die Default lever map scheint in Ordnung zu sein.

    Ich nutze Version 3.0.9. Die o.g. Probleme hatte ich schon mit frueheren Versionen. Hatte vor Installation der Version 3.0.9 saemtliche Daten der Vorgaengerversion geloescht.

    Was koennte der Grund sein?

  • I would suggest that you contact the author using the e-mail address in the manual, unless somebody else on here has an answer for you.I am not the author, I maintain the downloads on three international sites on his behalf. I use a Hotas Throttle/Joystick and Raildriver, I have never tried to use the joystick as a throttle.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • Double update;

    TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V3.1.2 released

    Advanced Mode - Speed Limit Update for both the overlay and serial port data

    If you are using Advanced mode and put the reverser into reverse, then the data for the NextSpeedLimitBackSpeed and NextSpeedLimitBackDistance will be sent to the serial port instead of NextSpeedLimitSpeed and NextSpeedLimitDistance but with a negative number to show that it is the speed limit behind being displayed. If you switch to the rear cab then the speed limits should swap so that what was the speed limit behind, now becomes the speed limit in front.

    Unfortunately this does not work for all loco’s so I have included a macro called “MACRO_TOGGLE_SPEEDLIMIT” which will switch the forward/back speed limits on each call.
    To use it simply edit your button map, select the “Add New Command “ from the right click menu option, give the Control Name box a name (I used “Switch Speed Limits”) and select the “MACRO_TOGGLE_SPEEDLIMIT” from the Key box, it is the last item in the list, finally assign a button to it.
    This does the same as pressing Shift+Alt+D when the overlay is displayed.
    This update also works on the overlay so when you select reverse, the overlay shows the speed limit behind.

    The data sent to the serial port will be as follows. For the speed limit ahead,
    SpeedLimit:NextSpeedLimitSpeed:50.00 and SpeedLimit:NextSpeedLimitDistance:50.00
    And for the speed limit behind,
    SpeedLimit:NextSpeedLimitSpeed:-50.00 and SpeedLimit:NextSpeedLimitDistance:-50.00

    TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V3.1.3 released

    Fixed a long standing error when saving lever map data to many files that occurred when the ControlName was changed. This was caused by the program searching on the changed version of the ControlName instead of the original ControlName resulting in the entry not being found.

    As usual, all existing users simply extract the files in the download to you current folder overwriting all existing files.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • Hi,

    I just downloaded the latest (and my first) Version today and I have to say, it's great 8) Thank you a lot for the program ^^

    In fact, I chose a variety of trains, such as BR 425, 628 and also the Flirt 3. The Flirt 3 has a Combilever (Throttle and Brake) and I read the manual with the entry there.
    So I configured and the problem is, that the Flirt not only has a Combilever, but also a normal pneumatic brake lever. So when I use the Combilever for the brake, the pneumatic brake will also be active.
    Not tested but I think the idea is the same: BR 612, BR 245 and so on.

    Do you have any ideas how I can get this problem solved?
    And another question: Is it possible to use this tool also with TSW?

  • Unfortunately it does not work with TSW, but it is possible to have a combi-lever and brake lever. I am just too tired to try to remember. It will probably be the weekend before I recover and have time. There is an explanation in the thread on UKTS I think, but it is a very long thread. It is possible that somebody here will give you the answer before I do.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V3.1.4 released

    Fixed an issue with the KEY_SLASH (forward slash) used for the Handbrake not working correctly (typo on my part which crept in, in V2.0.0 would you believe).
    I have also added updates to the lever maps for the AP Class 50, AP Class 350 and RSSLO BR612 supplied by Crrispy. These can be found in the updates folder and will require extracting to the TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface folder.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • Hi Holzroller
    This is a excellent tool. Today I bought the Bernina Pass DLC. Unfortunately the CruiseControl does not work with the Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant for the RhB ABe Allegra locs (see picture). It works fine with the SBB locos.


  • @ceber:
    I have solved this as follows:
    - I have added custom names for Cab Levers,i.e JoyX, JoY, Wheel, Pedal, etc.
    - I have assigned one custom name to each hardware piece, i.e. Joystick X-axis is assigned Cab lever JoyX. This means I am not using the pre-defined cab-levers Throttle, ThrottleAndBrake. It doesn't matter what name is used. I find it the easiest to give a name that allow easy identification of the assigned hardware (-axis).
    - For each loco, I then assign for each control function the desired hardware by using the assigned cab-lever name. For example, I assign the ThrottleAnd Brake command to a joystick when operating the Flirt3. When operating an RhB locomotive I assign a steering wheel for ThrottleAndBrake, and use the joystick for the pneumatic brake.

    So in short, I am using custom names in order to retain the flexibility of being able to assign hardware to multiple control functions, depending on the loco requirements.

  • TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V3.1.5 released

    1. Fixed issue with the speed in the overlay showing a negative value when you switch to the rear cab
    2. Altered the speed display in the overlay to show --> instead of -> (2 dashes instead of 1) when the user either pressed Shift+Alt+D or uses the MACRO_TOGGLE_SPEED macro when changing cabs, so you know it is active

    S2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V3.1.6 released

    Fixed a bug that crept in in V3.1.3 which caused an error to be reported when reassigning a lever.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • Hi pebe,

    thank you for your help.
    But I didn't get it how to add new custom names?
    Do you do that on the Button Map? On the lever map I don't know how to add "new" levers.

  • I am not at my pc now to guide you in detail.
    I believe this is how I did it:

    - open the file control names.txt in the settings folder.
    - scroll down to the section "Additional Levers"
    - add the names you like, e.g. Lever=JoyX= JoyX
    - save the file
    - start raildriver
    - in the right section TS2020 Cab Levers scroll to your new cab levers; should be at the bottom
    - assign the hardware lever you need to the cab lever
    - load the lever map of the loco you need (can be done in-game) and assign the new cab levers to the control groups.

    I wrote this from memory, so let me know if there is a problem.

  • TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V3.1.7 released

    1. Added updated scripts for the VNHRR.
    2. Added audible / visual warning for the ATP alarm which you can see and hear while in external views.
    3. Added the option to select an alternative engine script template when using the Extract Single Folder option in Advanced Mode (see page 8 of the manual). With some loco's, only one or two of the controls work, to fix this you need to alter the order of the function calls in the engine script. This is what the alternative engine script does.

    As usual, all existing users simply extract the files in the download to you current folder overwriting all existing files.

    Re-uploaded 13-01-20 due to software error & Keymaps updated

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • I am trying to get the throttle on the VR BR111 to work correctly. The issue is that when the joystick is pushed all the way forward (throttle value =1), only one key stroke seems to be sent, although there is a "c" before the notch value 1. As such, the throttle only increases by 1, then the throttle lever jumps back to notch position 0.7. Each joystick movement (up or down) seems to increase the throttle by one notch. So currently increasing the throttle on the BR111 works out to be somewhat of a pumping movement of the joystick between the notch values 0.7 and 1.

    Could it be that the "c" command to send multiple key strokes is not working correctly? I have used the template for the BR111 given in the traindriver download.

  • TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V3.1.9 released

    The program now outputs to each serial port the name of the ButtonMap without the .xml extension and the LocoName, whenever the loco changes. To enable this I have added the code
    char ButtonMap[80];
    char LocoName[80];
    in the main declaration section and then in the
    section of the UpdateHardware() function I added

    strcpy(ButtonMap, data[1]);
    strcpy(LocoName, data[2]);

    When the program detects a new loco it sends”<locochanged:ButtonMap:LocoName> “so
    Data[0] = “locochanged”,
    data[1] = name of the current ButtonMap,
    data[2] = name of current loco.

    Not sure about the BR111 as I use a hotas throttle, not a joystick. Try the latest version and see if there is still an issue.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V3.2.0 released

    (Advanced Mode Only)
    1. Added another warning to the overlay that will display a message advising you that you are approaching a reduced speed limit if your current speed is 2 mph or 3.2 kph above the reduced limit and you are within 1km or 0.6 miles of the limit. An audible warning will sound too but will only sound for 2 seconds. The message will stay displayed until you reduce your speed to less than 2 mph or 3.2 kph above the new speed limit. This warning can be turned on or off in ‘Settings\Overlay\Main\Warnings\Approaching Speed Limit’. This has been added to help where some routes have speed restrictions without warning signs.

    To enable this warning to be sent to the serial port I have added the line ‘Warning=SpeedLimit=SpeedLimit’ to the ControlNames.txt file. If you are updating from an earlier version then you will need to add this line to the end of your ControlNames.txt file located in your Settings folder.
    The data sent will be SpeedLimit:SpeedLimit:60 the 60 being whatever the next speed limit is.
    data[0] = “SpeedLimit”,
    data[1] = "SpeedLimit",
    data[2] = 60

    (Both Modes)
    1. When editing a button map I have added another menu option to the menu that appears when you right click on a row. It’s called “Copy Command” and will allow you to make a copy of the selected command. This is to allow users who want to use two buttons to turn something on and off such as the wipers with ‘V’ and Ctrl+V’.
    You create the first command and assign it the ‘V’ key, then make a copy of it and just change the keys to Ctrl+V. This applies to any commands such as increasing/decreasing headlight or wiper speed etc.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky