​TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface [discussion]

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  • I have just uploaded this to the download section on behalf of Cobra one, this should become available shortly.

    TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V2.0.4

    I have now released the next incarnation of the Raildriver interface that has been renamed again to fully show the programs potential
    What can it do?
    I have decided to extend its capabilities to not only allow more than one Raildriver controller to be used but to also allow a joystick to be used either instead of or alongside the Raildriver controller. This means that you can now control more of the levers and valves in a loco using a joystick/Raildriver lever rather than a button. The controls you can use with a lever are:-
    Reverser, Throttle, Throttle And Brake, Dynamic Brake, Train Brake, Loco Brake, Wiper, Lights, Blower, Cruise Control, CylinderCock, Dampers, Exhaust Injector Steam, Exhaust Injector Water, Firebox Door, Gears, Large Ejector, Live Injector Steam, Live Injector Water, Small Ejector and Stoking.

    If you are going to use a joystick then it is best if the joystick has either levers such as those used on a flight simulator throttle quadrant or rotary knobs as used on Hands On Throttle And Stick joysticks such as the Saitek X55/56. You can use joysticks/gamepads that self-centre so long as they have analogue sticks and are assigned to cab levers that also self-centre such as the brakes on a class 66 diesel loco. I have tried this with a USB Gamepad using both sticks for the train brake and loco brake and I get much finer and more realistic control.

    You can also make your own Cab if you can do some simple soldering, the manual shows you what you need hardware wise, you can build an 8 axis controller for around £45 - £50.

    For those of you using the Raildriver and the previous version I have added the following:
    1. If you are driving a loco and switch back to my program you can hover the mouse over the "Current Loco" label and get the full path to the loco (as requested by Crrispy)
    2. While driving, when you change the AFB, Cruise Control or Gears, the changes will be displayed on the Raildriver display for 2 seconds. If you have more than one Raildriver then these changes will be displayed on the second Raildriver.
    3. I have also created the following macros to display the current values again for 2 seconds when you assign the macros to buttons. They are “Raildriver Display AFB”, “Raildriver Display Cruise Control” (both do the same so you don’t have to assign both) and “Raildriver Display Gears”.

    As this program has changed quite significantly from TS2017 Raildriver Interface V1.0.9, they are no longer compatible with each other and users of the previous version will need to treat this as a completely separate program.
    I have updated the 17 page manual which I hope should explain all.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • Version 2.1.1 now uploaded.

    1. Fixed the error in Overlay showing a white screen when running TS in Full Screen mode due to recent win10 update.
    2. Added option to click on both the loaded ButtonMap and loaded LeverMap fields on the main window so that you can edit them without going through the menu.
    3. Fixed error with external alerter not working when the Overlay was turned off.
    4. Updated the part of the program that detects if the program is already running, if it is it will now bring the program into view.

    As usual, all existing users simply extract the files in the download to you current folder overwriting all existing files.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V2.1.3 uploaded

    16/01/2018 V2.1.2 not released.
    1. Fixed DSD device sounding when DSD enabled on some loco’s.
    2. Added an option to the KeyMaps\ButtonMap menu that enables you to create a copy of an existing button map thereby keeping all the currently assigned buttons, useful if you need to make a copy with just a few changes.
    3. Added script fixes for the AP Class 43 Enhancement Pack that will reset the DVD timer when the throttle or brake are moved.
    4. Fixed external alerter sounding all the time when you exit a scenario with the alarm sounding. Simply click the Stop Callback button and the alarm will now stop.

    27/01/18 V2.1.3 released
    1. Added AWS fix for Virgin Train Pack.
    2. Updated page 1 with regards to the ideal location to extract the program too.
    3. Major improvements to code, the program now only uses 0.5% - 1.5% of CPU cycles instead of 12% - 14%, this also means that frame rate drop is now only 1-2 frames.

    As usual, all existing users simply extract the files in the download to you current folder overwriting all existing files.

  • TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V2.1.4 released

    1. Further minor code optimization.
    2. Updated ControlNames.txt file to add lights for the Class 370 APT-P and Throttle and Brakes for the VR ET 403.
    3. Added second alarm sound so that users without the overlay can distinguish between AWS/Sifa (continuous tone) and DSD/DVD/Alerter (pulsed tone).

  • TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface V2.1.5 released

    1. The delay on startup people were experiencing with older Raildrivers has now been fixed.
    2. Added more lever names for some RSSLO dutch loco's to the controlnames.txt file.
    3. Fixed an error where if you had more than one Raildriver, the calibration data for the second was not saved correctly.
    4. Minor improvement made to the GetData script used in advanced mode.
    5. Final code optimisation that reduces the CPU load from 4% - 5% to 0.5% - 1.5%.

    As usual, all existing users simply extract the files in the download to you current folder overwriting all existing files.

    Users who use the Advanced mode need to copy the updated Railworks_Getdata_Script.lua file from the settings folder to their TS2018 plugins folder.

    This will be the last update to the program as I think I have gone as far as I can with it and I am now moving onto other things.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von holzroller ()

  • V2.2 now uploaded.

    1. This includes V2.1.9 which adds an option in the Settings\Overlay menu to allow those who have more than one monitor to select which monitor to display the overlay on.
    2. When a user assigns a button in the button map, a check is now made to see if the button is already assigned, if it is then you will be asked if you wish to delete the original assignment. (for --Tim)
    3. Fixed error in the Data Extractor not updating the lever maps correctly when adding the data from the Updates\lever Fixes folder
    4. Added updated lever map for the "JEANPIERREM\JP_CC72000"

  • Currently this program does not work with TS 2019 64 bit, the DLL has been changed. Cobra One will try to find a fix on his return from holidays in two weeks. Likewise i am told that Macroworks no longer works for the same reason, apparently Pi Engineering are looking to provide a fix as well.

  • i have not done anything but a quick test of train simulator 2019 x64 bit... because i hate driving trains with the keyboard, so untill the joystick interface is fixed i'm sticking with the 32 bit version :D

  • V3 now updated for TS2019.

    1. Updated to now have both x86 and x64 support for use with TS2019.
    2. Updated to Net 4.0 the same as TS2019 so there is no longer a need to enable Net 3.5 in Win10.
    3. Updated to use SharpDX for the Joystick input and overlay display to enable their use in the x64 version (There is no need to install SharpDX).
    4. To use the x86 version run the "TS2019 Interface (x86).exe" and for the x64 run "TS2019 Interface (x64).exe"
    5. As this is a major update I have decided to move to Version 3.0.0.

    As usual, all existing users simply extract the files in the download to you current folder overwriting all existing files.

  • I use the interface in Win7 64Bit, TS2019 64Bit.
    Every time when I move a lever or i press a button, the input arrives to TS2019 about 20-30 seconds later.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Minuetto 8 ()

  • Somebody else has reported a similar problem on UKTS. Cobraone will no doubt be working on a fix for this. Personally I don't have this problem, so I can't help with this, you will have to wait for a fix. Can you post your PC details please, this may help.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky

  • HP Z420 Workstation
    Win7 Professional 64Bit SP1
    GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
    Intel Xeon CPU E5-1603 0 @ 2,80Hz 2,80GHz
    RAM 20GB

  • V3.01 now updated for TS2019.

    Hopefully this will fix the long delays people are having, please let me know.
    Can I reiterate that if you use a joystick or have the overlay enabled then you need to install the DirectX I have uploaded and if you use the overlay which is enabled by default then you also need to run TS in windowed or borderless and not full screen.

  • Great it works!! :)
    But when I try to save the .xml to other LeverMaps (repaints of the same train), the Interface does not save. It only saves to the Lever Map that was manually openend and edited.

  • Combined Throttle and Train Brake for joystick user.
    As of V3.0.2 You now have the option to use a single joystick axis as both the throttle and brake i.e.
    the first half will be the train brake and the second half will be the throttle. To enable this function
    you simply assign the same lever to the Throttle, ThrottleAndBrake and the TrainBrake, when asked
    if you wish to delete the other assignment select No. Also in this mode if you change the direction
    of the throttle or train brake the other will be reversed automatically.

    Holzroller in the land of Haggis and Whisky