german shopping mal and dutch guy lol, no selling on dodenhof
you can find the talent inside the C1000
google answer you
so one render from the inside
The railings at the steps are way too low, they should begin at about the middle of the horizontal rail with the glass and bend at about half way of the complete horizontal height of the train. I hope that's understandable, if not take a look at the pictures again
The railings at the steps are way too low, they should begin at about the middle of the horizontal rail with the glass and bend at about half way of the complete horizontal height of the train. I hope that's understandable, if not take a look at the pictures again
this handle bars are only for childrens
yes i see it on my photos. but the roof need to be lowered first for the connections to the doors .than the walls can be placed on the correct hight than all details can meet the right specs like the real situation.
have somebody some photos from the toilets. i missing some views on that. ?time 16:35 ---
now i can make the parts and railings correct, the roof on de door sides is now correct -
Na wenn die Bilder nicht in Paderborn gemacht wurden....
Da sieht man mal, was Paderborn für 'nen Wiedererkennungswert hat
last render for today with some morning sun inside the train. walls ,raillings fixed part of the roof.
tomorrow i start photoshop some parts on the walls where the signs are
I still think the railings are a bit too low, but much better now
I still think the railings are a bit too low, but much better now
you can look for me the size on your station
haha like the photos
Zaunpfahl or somebody else do you know wath details are there on the left side of the image of the motor car ?
many thanks already for the help i forget to make photos of that side
The sign probably says how passengers should behave in case of an emergency, where the fire exits are, how to open the doors manually etc. Usually in german, english and french. In the Talents operated by Regiobahn they just seem to have advertisings there. And only on the right side is a door to access equipment, the left side is just a "wall". But as we noticed it's the wrong type of Talent, so it might be different on this one.
Unfortunately as far as I know I don't have the model you are building driving around anywhere near me, neither at Berlin nor at Düsseldorf. Or at least I haven't seen any in the last two years, it's either 643.2 or totally different engines.
The sign probably says how passengers should behave in case of an emergency, where the fire exits are, how to open the doors manually etc. Usually in german, english and french. In the Talents operated by Regiobahn they just seem to have advertisings there. And only on the right side is a door to access equipment, the left side is just a "wall". But as we noticed it's the wrong type of Talent, so it might be different on this one.
Unfortunately as far as I know I don't have the model you are building driving around anywhere near me, neither at Berlin nor at Düsseldorf. Or at least I haven't seen any in the last two years, it's either 643.2 or totally different engines.
yes correct i was already investegating your photos i saw that the fire equipment is on the same side but only that. hmm intresting maybe i need to wait than for thomashopefully he is soon online again. the one from your photos have totaly diferrent roofs. only the lights are the same. thanks for your answer zaunpfahl.
hi marcel thomas
this one is again diferrent one wich company ?
my version drive around munster , enschede, gronau , dortmund
This Picture is of the "EuregioBahn"... This Picture is really nice...
I have watched your video with the SiFa... I love the Female one... Greetings
This Picture is of the "EuregioBahn"... This Picture is really nice...
I have watched your video with the SiFa... I love the Female one... Greetings
thanks.the female is not the right person who say sifa
real cabin use a beep sound for the sifa.
but i edit this sample already for another project where she can do her job
Great can you upload a video with horn of the 643... Please
I know, the female one is for the BR 152...
Bei dem Bild von Fopix denke ich immer die "Signs" hängen etwas zu hoch, und sind normal etwas tiefer angebracht.
Oder täuscht mich das?
(Ich selber saß bisher nur einmal in einem vergleichbaren Typ, ansonsten kenne ich das nur ähnlich aus dem 642. Insofern kann ich das nicht mit letzter gewissheit sagen. Aber wenn ich mir das Bild anschaue denke ich immer das sitzt in der Realität etwas tiefer.) -
Oben fehlt noch die Anzeigeschrift in Rot... wäre cool wenn man das so hinbekommen könnte immer die nächste Haltestelle aufleuchtet die im Editor ausgewählt wurde...
Bei dem Bild von Fopix denke ich immer die "Signs" hängen etwas zu hoch, und sind normal etwas tiefer angebracht.
Oder täuscht mich das?
(Ich selber saß bisher nur einmal in einem vergleichbaren Typ, ansonsten kenne ich das nur ähnlich aus dem 642. Insofern kann ich das nicht mit letzter gewissheit sagen. Aber wenn ich mir das Bild anschaue denke ich immer das sitzt in der Realität etwas tiefer.)Hi rolf
the signs are not by cm or mm correct is not possible only if i use an centimeter for it.
i use drawings for the sizes of the door connection holder where the lower roof is. and after that i use an complete photo texture of the walls. so by eye it need to be meet the close formation. and the signs are stickers so i think they are always dirrerent. creating this details on the sizes are realy diffecult. and a way to much work if we look inside railworks only from outside on this details.
so all details are photo textured to keep the preformance high, inside 3dmax it look a way more better than inside railworks afcoure. walls are textured now with 18 megapixel photos. so its realy high detailed now. if i render this by vray or mental ray it can look like real. but this will be the outside view. after finished texture work i wil generate texture templates from this with ambiant lights. so only the doors side gets the best details.
Oben fehlt noch die Anzeigeschrift in Rot... wäre cool wenn man das so hinbekommen könnte immer die nächste Haltestelle aufleuchtet die im Editor ausgewählt wurde...
the outside views of the signs getting destination information, this inside sign dont get it. this details are only for outside view purpose so if the doors are open you see an inside that look like an real talent.
passanger views are different objects and afcourse you can put that details inside that. if i wanth to create an passenger view than i need to create all that parts and wals with a littlebit more details on the geometry.
Thank you Fopix or your answer... Can you made a video of all functions of te 643 please...
Hi fopix,
thanks for your answer.
Maybe its the point of view from near the bottom that i think its not right hight of signs.
But if you say, it is right, then it is ok. Thank you. -